
Kireina, The Dazzling Exchange Student


Although Frank felt like he had matured a lot since all the things that happened to him regarding his new abilities, and even his dreams, which felt like he had lived a longer life and whose changes even remained imprinted within his mind, he still couldn't help but feel overwhelmed when he had to guide five beautiful girls around the school, all transfer students from different countries except Kireina, who was from the countryside.

Once Math classes ended, he had to give them a trip around the school showing them all the areas so they wouldn't get lost. More than often Japanese High Schools were huge buildings with lots of facilities. He was slightly nervous but tried to keep it cool for now.

"Um, so these are the girl's bathrooms," Frank said. "There are one in each floor too, for boys as well."

"I see…" Brontes nodded. "How can they afford to have so many bathrooms?"