
Incredible Items





[You have signed the {Cosmic Contract}, you've agreed to [The Cosmic Entity {Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void} terms!]

[You received the following Rewards: {Fragment of the Necrotic Plane's Primordial Realm Core} x1, {Rusty Key of the Necrotic Plane's Underworld Gates} x1, and {Null's Bone Fragment} x1!]

[The Special Reward Items have been stored inside of your Item Box.]

[Due to the Contract Terms, you must now evolve Bubu into the First Evolution and allow him to become Null's Vessel.]

"Well… That's that. I can't believe I ended getting so much out of this, Bubu! But looks like you're becoming the vessel of an unfathomably powerful dragon!" I said with a smile, as I grabbed Bubu and he began licking my face.

"Bububu! Bubu!" Bubu was happy, as he waved his scaled tail around.