
Distributing Some Equipment and Eating the Rest!




As I was greeted by the pile of many pieces of equipment, I glanced at everyone individually and decided to gift someone within the benevolence of my heart.

Yeah, so what?

I love my family and I will gift them things that could potentially make me stronger instead, I am not going to get frustrated by this.

I have been doing it for a while, and my family knows that I like to gift things to those I love.

So, I distributed a few equipment pieces, as even I believed that it was way too much for me, and I might take too much time eating everything.

The [Phantasmagoric Whips of the Deadly Poisonous Chimera Snake (Legendary)] and [Zapping Whip of the Thunderstorm Eel Dragon Emperor (Legendary)] weapons, which were both whips, were saved for Nirah, who is improving greatly in her Whip Technique Skill, and will soon enough begin to use more whips, her goal is one in each of her arms, which are six.