
David Armand Perspective 1/2; Athetosea Great War Aftermath

[David Armand Perspective] [Elemental Knight of Fire Perspective] [Athetosea Great War Aftermath] [1/2]

As I opened my eyes, I only found a barren land… The only thing there was a deep crimson color…

When I kneeled and touched the dirt, a strong smell of blood filled my nostrils.

Intoxicating… Nauseating… I suddenly felt as if the air became thicker and the sky suddenly turned deep black.

The terrible odor of the blood, of the splattered and smashed flesh against the dirt… the broken weapons… the suffering…

Their faces… Full of despair… They couldn't even close their eyes as they died…

The piles of corpses amounted thousands… Thousands of people dying horribly, suffering…

I couldn't even move, a terrible pain assaulted my heart, I felt as if it was being burned to ashes, bit by bit, completely…