
Belle Discovers her Wings




[Day 243] 

[Kireina] gained +185 Skill Points and Subclass Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained 2.536.666.992.012 EXP due to the prayers of your believers!] (and gathered EXP from her split bodies hunting in the dungeon and her Aura Clones exploring the Dream Attribute Dungeon inside her Inner Realm)

[Kireina] leveled up!]

[LEVEL 096/250] [EXP 1.721.172.237.026/17.860.000.000.000]

Today in the morning I checked the three eggs that were resting in a special bed I created using soft fabric made by my threads. It was soft and warm, and the eggs rested peacefully over them without any issues.

I wondered if my Epic would count these three as Calamity Bringer children… It is a doubt that can only be answered when they hatch, I suppose.

"Just recently my babies hatched from their egg, and now we have three more?!" asked Nephiana, as we were having breakfast.