
An Egg?!




I looked at all of Bubu's three evolution options, each one was more insane than the previous one- no, the draconic one was certainly the best to be honest. However, it really leaves me concerned about everything. If these are the three evolutions that Bubu can take right now, doesn't this means that he's not actually going to evolve back into his original form but… in something more entirely? I don't want him to just turn into a generic-looking dragon or something, but if we can get more power that way then… I guess I'll have to sacrifice originality.

However, this is merely Larvae stage, he probably will continue evolving more and more. If this is Pokémon, he might end as something like a Flygon, or maybe just a Dragonfly? Well, whatever's the case, this is strangely exciting to think about…

Ultimately, maybe I should let him check each evolution.

"Bubu, come here, look."