
A Strange Attribute...

[Day 192]

Yesterday's lovemaking with the energetic Oga lasted exceedingly long, but thanks to my stamina, I was able to cope up with the savage way she does intercourse. It seems that Fire Oni, when doing intercourse, a brawl between the two, and the one who wins becomes the dominant, even between a man and a woman, a woman can take the domination of the male and does as she pleases.

Due to this, I had to brawl a little bit with Oga, but after showing my greater strength, I made her a very submissive lady, something that has never happened to her before. I took her for myself as I gave her the sweetest of love that she so desired.

Her body was… delectable, to say the least. Her muscles were alluring to me and her womanly features coupled with them was perfect. She released very feminine moans that night. And her kisses were filled with passion.