
[Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest] 51/69; Improvements




Before continuing our journey through the dungeon, I decided to spend some time with my child, as I wanted to inspect their growth.

Amiphossia seemed to steadily increase her strength through the combination of level-ups and the nourishing of her body through cultivation using her two Auras in conjunction. Thanks to the countless Phantasmal and Ghost encountered in here, she was able to increase her cultivation speed by consuming these beings of her same affinity.

Although she can do it swiftly, it seems that other phantasmal beings can do this to a certain extent as well, like Geraldine, who had recently evolved to a Rank 3 Winter Ghost, or her eight-limbed Mystical Wolf Seishin who evolved into a Twelve-Limbed Phantasmal Wolf after eating many ghosts and helping Amiphossia cultivate with its own phantasmagoric essence.