

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantaisie
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26 Chs


After I healed up for a bit, I went to class. That's where I got chewed out by my teacher for being as tardy as I was.

"If you are late like this one more time, you are going to go to detention." Mr. Myth pointed out. "Do you understand?"

"loud and clear sir," I respond before going back to my seat.

Scarlet, still bandaged up a bit, looked over to me. "Where are your bandages?" She asks

"Hm? Oh, I healed enough. I don't need them anymore." I respond without looking at her.

I still feel guilty for dragging her down to floor 5 when she wasn't ready. Scarlet doesn't say anything to that. She just looks at the teacher. 'System, skills.' I think.

"Skills -

Flash Step Level 3 [Evolutions 1/3]

Sword Master level 1 [Evolutions 1/1]

Dagger Master level 0 [Evolutions 0/1]

Hunter level 1 [Evolutions 1/1]

Flash Strike Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Slime Tentacles Level 1 [Evolutions 0/1]

Healing Constant [Weak] Level 5 [Max Level, Evolution available] [Evolutions 0/3]

Innate abilities:


'Evolve Healing' I repeat in my mind.

"Evolving skill Healing Constant [Weak]

New Skill - Healing Constant [intermediate] [Can heal heavier wounds, can now heal others halving both of your healings]"

I take a sigh, maybe I can make it up to Scarlet for a second.

"Hey, sorry about your injuries," I say as I pat Scarlet lightly on the back. While I tap her, I focus on transferring some healing over to her.

Scarlet gives a slight shudder. "What was that?" She asks

"What?" I ask playing dumb.

"I just felt a weird surge and then I felt a little better." She says confused

"Guess I really did need to apologize." I laugh a little.

Although she gave me a confused and suspicious look, she didn't question any further. The rest of the class went pretty uneventfully. Though I wasn't paying much attention. My mind was more focused on the Dungeon and the challenge. I tried to play it cool but how was I supposed to get to floor 15 when I nearly died on floor 5? Before I knew it, Mr. Fang walked into the room. Did I really space out for all of my classes? Mr. Fang was covered in bruises. I guess their 'talk' didn't go so well, I laugh.

"Uh, Sir, what happened to-" A student started

"Okay, class. Today we are going to be learning some basics for Dungeon diving." He said obviously trying to avoid the question. "Let's go to the training center."

Mr. Fang then walks away and everyone quickly gets up to follow him.

"So, you are Adrian right?" A girl suddenly appears next to me.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am. I'm sorry, I don't know your name." I responded confused

"Ah sorry, my name is Mary! Mary Frostworth." She introduces herself looking proud. "Do you know a lot about the Dungeons?" She asks.

"I mean, I suppose. I know a decent amount." I say thoughtfully.

"Well, do you think you could teach me a thing or two?" She asked smiling.

"Oh, me too!" Another girl comes up.

All of a sudden a bunch of girls surround me asking for help. 'What's going on?' I ask myself very confused.

"It's called flirting, something you seem to be oblivious to." The system suddenly chimes in.

'Wait, did you just diss me?' I ask in my head. No response comes from the system though. Before I knew what was fully happening I heard a slight growl coming from someone. I look around to see where that sound is coming from. I look over to Scarlet who I can barely see. She does seem to be a little annoyed by getting shoved out of the way by all these girls but it definitely wasn't her. The growl sounded more like a guy doing it.

"Maybe, I'm afraid I will be busy for now though. So maybe another day" I say as kindly as I can.

"Well, that sounds like a plan!" Mary smiles. So do all the other girls as they nod.

What is going on, seriously? Finally, after a little bit, we made it to the training center. Mr. Fang did me a favor and sent everyone away from me. He took them all and taught them some basics for them to practice. Somehow his face was fully healed despite but all bruised and battered earlier. Well, I guess I should try doing the basics Mr. Fang is showing everyone.

"Those aren't for you to practice." Mr. Fang comes up to me. "I have something else for you to learn."

I look at him confused. He then leads me to a secluded area. He then stands a distance from me and pulls out a wooden sword.

"You think too much during your fights. That is something I noticed during our training." Mr. Fang said with a serious expression. He then tosses me a wooden sword which lands at my feet.

We only fought once, and he decimated me! How did he gather that from such a fight?

"I want you to come at me and keep going no matter what." Mr. Fang continued as he got into a fighting stance.

I look at him like he is crazy. After no reaction or answer from him, I pick up the wooden sword. After a bit of mental preparation, I ran charging at him. Watching his movements, I try to react appropriately so that I can catch him off guard. The next thing I knew, I was flying in the air. I crash onto the floor and groan for a moment.

"Come on, get up and try again" Mr. Fang demands.

I reluctantly do as he says. We keep at this for a while, with me just going flying every which way.

"You aren't getting it are you?" Mr. Fang sighs. "Stop thinking about your next move. You are wasting what you could be focusing on."

"What does that mean? How do I do that?" I ask frustratedly.

"You are focusing on what your next move is when all you should look for is openings, potentials, and opportunities." He responds.

"Isn't that what I am doing? I am thinking what would be most effective against you!" I exclaim

"Not quite. You think about each part of your body, which slows you down! Let your fighting come naturally." Mr. Fang continues. "It needs to become second nature for you."

I give him a confused look. He then beckons me to get up and try again. I sigh. So...don't think? How do I do that? I charged at him and tried to think less but I just ended up thinking 'Don't think, don't think, don't think' which only got me sent flying again. We continue going again and again. I take a deep sigh and charge at him. Always with the same result. I started to get frustrated to the point that I just started swinging without care about where. Before I knew it I managed to push him back a bit and instinctively dodged one of his strikes! I feel my face brighten up and just as I start to cheer, I get sent flying.

"Don't celebrate in the middle of a fight. That will get you killed." Mr. Fang retorts

"Right," I said lifting a hand to show acknowledgment of what he said.

Mr. Fang and I continued this until the end of class. After that, he gathered everyone and told them to keep practicing what they were taught today on their own time.

"It could make the difference between life and death." Mr. Fang added looking directly at me.

Everyone then starts packing up and enjoying conversations. After a quick scan, I noticed some girls pulled Scarlet to the side. 'Guess I don't need to worry about her trying to come then' I sigh. I sneak away from the class and make my way to the dungeons. I don't have time to waste. I will stay in the dungeon all night. Take my time with each floor. I continue my walk as students start to leave the school building and walk around.

What Mr. Fang taught me is invaluable. I will not cower in the dungeon again. I will not be weak and cause others to get hurt because of my lack of skill. I failed someone before...and I couldn't help Scarlet. No matter what it takes, I will get stronger and protect those around me, even if I must fight my way to the top.

I eventually stopped at the dungeon entrance. After taking a deep break, I resolved to keep my promise to myself. I need to get Mr. Fang to join my guild, he is the perfect fit, I laugh to lift my mood a little. 'Remember, less thinking, more acting.' I rehearsed in my mind.

"Tonight I get to floor 15," I told myself as I went in and used the teleport crystal to floor 6.