

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Moving Forward

Classes continued as normal, though because of my lack of sleep, I nearly fell asleep a few times. Otherwise, everything went by without issue. Even Mr. Fang's class went by. We did some sparring, to which I again spared with Mr. Fang and got my butt handed to me. When I can, I need to find Kara again. She is the last one I need to join the guild before it can be official.

Once classes finally finished, I started making my way out before getting stopped by Scarlet. 

"Adrian. Is everything alright?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah? Why do you ask?" I responded confused at her sudden question.

"You were falling asleep during class." She responds matter-of-factly.

"Ah, just a long night!" I laugh.

"I see. Well, how has the guild been coming along? Still going for it?" She asks.

"Yep! Everything is going well. I just need the last student." I smile.

"You got the teacher already? Who?" She asked surprised.

I look behind Scarlet and nod for her to look as Mr. Fang makes his way over to us. Scarlet turns around to see Mr. Fang walking up.

"Adrian! Have you submitted the form yet?" Mr. Fang asked.

"Not yet, I just need one more student signature," I respond.

"Oh? Well, you could always just ask one of the ladies in your class." Mr. Fang looks over to some girls in our class and then smiles. "They seem quite fond of you since your 'transformation'" 

"My what?" I asked completely lost on his meaning.

"There is no way you haven't noticed." He asked giving me an expression of concern.

"Notice what? What are you talking about?" I asked a little annoyed that he seemed to be insulting me.

Mr. Fang just gives Scarlet a look of plea for help. I turn to Scarlet as well.

"You have slimmed down quite a bit, and it seems to have enhanced your looks." She says without a hint of embarrassment or hesitation.

I pat my face. I mean I can feel my cheek bones...but have I really been so distracted that I didn't even pay attention to that? 

"I see, well I gotta go. Thanks for letting me know and don't worry about the form." I say as I wave walking away.

I did not want to continue that but 'enhanced my looks' huh? So those girls were flirting with me, and the system did diss me! Well, whatever, I need to find Kara. Unsure of where to look, I went to the only place I knew she might be, the Nurse's office.

Once I reach the door I knock on it.

"Come in" I hear from the inside.

I open the door to see Nurse Remi sitting at her desk. I look around to see if Kara is around.

"Kara just left, if that's why you are here." Nurse Remi said without turning to me. How did she know it was me without even looking?

"I see, do you know where she went?" I asked.

"Probably the library, unless she ignores my orders and goes back to the Dungeon. Then you would find her there." Nurse Remi says.

"Thank you," I said, as I closed the door and left the room.

I will try the library first. If I am lucky she is there rather than the dungeon. Going into the Dagger dungeon just to see her would be hard to explain, not to mention creepy. In her eyes at least.

After some time I walk into the library and look around. I notice Kara sitting in a corner with a book almost covering her face. Just as I was about to walk over, I stopped and decided to go to the front desk first.

"Excuse me," I say.

The same library girl jumps out of surprise. She then pauses and looks at me. "Oh hello. It's you again."

"Yep! I was wondering, do you have any books on special masks?" I asked.

"Special masks...?" She asks confused. "Yeah, we do."

She then gets up and shows me where the books are on Masks.

"Here they are." She lowers her head and points to them.

"Ah, thank you very much!" I exclaim as she starts walking away.

"Ah...one more thing...please try not to pass out." She adds before walking away faster.

Ouch...I won't. Hopefully. I then look at the books and grab 3 books. Masks of the Ages. Oni Masks. and Legend of Masks. After that, I went over to where Kara was engrossed in her book. I quietly put my books down and sit down. She didn't seem to notice me. I look at the cover of her book. The Art of Daggers. Interesting. Maybe I should take a look at that book myself sometime. I then smile, knowing what I am about to do will make her jump.

"So, The Art of Daggers huh?" I asked as she nearly fell out of her seat from my 'sudden' appearance.

She lets out a slight yelp. "How long have you been there?!"

"Not long" I smile. I hold up one of my books. "Just wanted to read some stuff and then I saw you and thought I would join you."

After calming herself down, she laughs. "Well, you got my attention rather quickly!"

"Good, I also needed to talk to you about something," I said opening my book.

"Hm? Talk about what?" She asked quizzically.

I pull out the Guild sheet and slide it over to her. She looks over it curiously.

"I am creating a guild, and I want you to be a part of it," I said without looking at her.

"What? Why me?" She asked studying my face.

I look up at her and smile. "Not only the potential that you have, I know you are hardworking and trustworthy." I sigh. "You see, I am supposed to be the guild 'master' but I don't think it should all be what I say goes. So I am only having people I trust in the guild. Everyone has a say."

"And what if I turn you down." She asks.

"Then you turn me down, and can go about your merry way but you also miss out on changing things in this school." I smile.

"Changing things...?" She asked cautiously.

"This whole - Nobles are better than anyone else thing - is rather stupid. With proper guidance depending on who they are not their status, they could become the next legend." I smile, hoping that word will catch her attention.

"Legend?" She asked as she looked back down on the sheet. "What is it you expect me to do?"

"Be a member of the guild. I have no strings attached, you aren't some puppet but you will have everyone in the guild's support and I hope we will have yours." I smile softly. "So, what do you say?"

After a little bit of a pause, she spoke up once more. "Got a pen?" She smiles.

I hand her a pen and chuckle. "I look forward to working with you."

I then put the paper away once she finished signing it and continued reading.

"Uhm..." She started.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Aren't you going to leave?" She asked me confused.

"No? I really did want to read these books." I said just as confused.

"Oh sorry...I just thought you were going to try to be cool and mysterious and get up and walk away." She chuckles slightly embarrassed.

"Would that have been cool?" I asked. I look down at my book. "Eh, guess I will just enjoy your company and read." I shrug giving up.

Kara just laughs. "So be it." She said as she continues reading her book.

After a while of reading my book, I finally finished the Mask the Ages book, I picked up the next and started reading. Finally, by the time I read all the books, it had gotten a little late. I stretch and look at Kara who seems to be still reading her book.

"New information acquired about Masks" My system informs me.

I smile because of the news. I then pack up my books. "Till next time Kara." I smile as I leave to put away my books. I need to get some rest...I haven't slept in a while but before I do that, I want to get the guild process started. I quickly make my way back to where the teacher's lounge would be. I look inside and see a light on. I open the door and see the lady teacher from before talking to Mr. Fang.

"Ah, so you know about the boy trying to start his own guild?" She asked

"Pretty well, I would say." Mr. Fang smiles.

"Excuse me," I said, making my presence known to both of them.

"Ah, speaking of the boy." Mr. Fang remarks.

"Did you give up on the idea?" The other teacher said.

"I'd hope not Mrs. Sugio!" Mr. Fang laughs.

"Actually, I wanted to give you this." I hand Mrs. Sugio the guild sheet.

She looks it over and her jaw drops. After a second or so, she looks over at Mr. Fang.

"You are the teacher representative?!" She asked.

"Yup." Mr. Fang shrugged. "Gotta show support towards our students!"

'Yeah, like that's what you did with your challenge.' I remark to myself.

"Fine, one last thing." Mrs. Sugio sighs. "I need the guild's name."

I freeze when she says that. I forgot. After some thinking, I was hoping I could ask the others but since I forgot I have to come up with something now...

"How about...The Crimson Rabbit?" I say very unconfidently.

"The Crimson Rabbit...?" Mrs. Sugio asked confused.

It's the best I could think of...it was the name my friend would always use when he created a guild in games!

"Yes. The Crimson Rabbit." I straighten up and try to sound more confident.

 I see Mr. Fang give me a smirk mixed with a questioning look or was it just one of concern...?

"Well alright, head on off to your dorm. I will get this process started." Mrs. Sugio sighs.

I nod to show appreciation and then make my leave for my dorm.