

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Game Patterns

After some walking around I heard a system ping. I looked at my system to see what was going on.

"New Skills acquired!" the system starts flashing at me.

I look at the new skills

New Swordsman level 0

New Dagger Master level 0

I smile at the hope that I can learn how to use these things! I put away the system screen and continued walking.

We later managed to find the list of where students go for class. The room was full of students trying to get to the board to see their classroom number. I decided to look around a bit and take in the amazing view of the room. The room is very open with dark-colored chandeliers, a red carpet, dark wood floorings, and white walls with paintings of legends who went here throughout history.

"What are you doing looking around?" Scarlet asks me, "We gotta go check our classes!"

Scarlet then pulls me along to my surprise into the chaos. After getting shoved around for a bit, I managed to force my way to the front. I look at the boards for my name. Finally, I found my name. 

'Adrian Von Silver, Freshman, Class 2-R'

'R?' As I continue to look around a bit, I notice Scarlet's name.

'Scarlet Von Wolf, Freshman, Class 2-R'

Well, at least I will have someone I know with me...know-ish. I lean back allowing the crowd to push me further and further back just trying to stay on my feet. As I got closer to getting out, I slipped up and flew out from the crowd.

"Are you okay?" I hear as a hand appears in front of me.

I look up to see a rather petite girl holding out her hand for me.

"Yeah, just slipped is all." I laugh as I grab her hand. "Thanks"

She helped me up which was impressive for someone her size compared to mine. I dust myself off.

"I am Adrian. What's your name?" I say trying to be polite.

"Ah, I am Kara!" She says saluting with a cheerful smile.

I freeze in place when I hear that name. "What a lovely name!" I strain myself to say.

I know that name! In the game, Kara was not a character known until junior or senior year, when she became a legend! If this is the right Kara that is, she does look like a younger version of that character, with long black hair, and sharp blue eyes, but I will have to check that out later. 

"Thanks!" She says

"Hey, Adrian! Looks like we are in the same class!" Scarlet appears out of nowhere saying.

I nearly jumped! Quietly catching my breath, I look over to Scarlet.

"That's great!" I smile.

"A friend of yours?" Kara chimes in.

"Yeah! This is Scarlet." I gesture to Scarlet.

"A pleasure!" She smiles

"Hello! I am Kara" She beams. 

After a little more talk, we decided it would be best to get to class and go our separate ways. Scarlet and I made our way through the castle-like building until we found class 2-R. We go inside and see a bunch of kids that just scream 'I'm rich and better than you'. I groan to myself as I make my way into the classroom. I looked around and there seemed to be no seating arrangements, so I went and took a seat at the group table next to the window. Scarlet then sets her stuff next to me.

"Ah, Sir Silver!" a man comes up to me and gestures a bow. "It is an honor to be in the same class as one of the famous Silvers"

"I see, well it is a pleasure meeting you Sir...?" I fake a smile.

"Budif, Henry Budif" Henry remarks.

I remember that name! He was a kiss-up to Adrian in the game always following him around. Never contributed too much though, even betrayed Adrian in the end when it was convenient for him.

"Right, well Henry, it is a pleasure to meet you but class is going to start soon and I need to prepare. So if you could leave us for the time being" I smile at him.

"Of course! If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to call me over." He smirks

That was a conniving smile...I'll have to keep an eye on that one. After making sure I had some stuff out and ready, the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class!" He beams. "I am Mr. Myth! Welcome to your first day at Soul Link Academy."

I look around as everyone seems to be eager for what the teacher has to say.

"Somethings to go over: First, most of your academic classes will be in this classroom, only the teachers will be swapping out. Second, you will be having training and dungeon dive classes, but you must always do as your teacher says. Lastly Third, starting tomorrow, guilds will be available for you to join. So make sure to get an idea today of what might interest you to make tomorrow easier!" He explains with enthusiasm.

I look over at the time. Ah, it's that time already? He should be arriving to school late, if this world is following the pattern of the game. I look out the window the see a young man run around the corner of the entrance gate. Narrowly avoiding slipping and falling onto the floor the young man runs as fast as he can into the building. 'The main character has arrived' I smirk to myself.

After some time we were introduced to other teachers for different classes. Language studies, math, etc. basic courses like that. After a while of getting to know different teachers, another one enters the room. He is dressed like a rogue! The hood on, messy hair, tired eyes, the whole works!

"Good afternoon class," He smiles tiredly before yawning a bit. "I am your Dungeon teacher."

Dungeon?! I smile and lean forward before hearing a stifled laugh to the side of me. I ignore Scarlet's chuckle as I listen intently.

"Now I am sure you are all bored of just sitting here, listening to lectures. So come with me, be quick. I'm not waiting." He says almost as if he was bored!

He then without any more warning, walks right out of the room. Everyone looks around confused. I quickly launch up before anyone else does and run out of the room following the teacher. To my surprise, Scarlet was pretty fast too, and was running with me as we caught up to the teacher. We then started to walk alongside the rogue teacher.

"Well done you two, keeping up with me. Fastest pair I've had in a while." He said almost sounding satisfied.

"Well, we are excited Mr...?"

"Ah, did I never introduce myself? Whoops" He laughs a bit before giving an almost dangerous small showing off his fangs. "The name's Mr. Fang"

Despite the smile looking dangerous, there was no malice in his words nor did I feel anything dangerous about him. I don't remember him in the game. After we make it further down a bit, we hear a loud bang as the door to our room slams open, and a rush of students coming flooding out to catch up. We then went outside, the nice breeze hitting our faces, as we continued till we ended up stopping in front of 6 cave-looking things. I recognize this place, It's the dungeons!

"Alright class. Today you will be doing your first dungeon dive!" He calls out, then points to a chest. "These have crystals in them so you can teleport back out of the dungeon without having to come back up. You can also use them if you get yourself in a pinch and need out."

The class rushes over and we all grab a crystal to help ourselves out. We then turn back to Mr. Fang

"If you'll notice, there are signs next to each dungeon. Each sign represents the dungeon's weapon specialty. You can go into others but it won't benefit you much." He says pointing to the signs. "I'd suggest finding a partner to go with but you can also go alone if you would like. The only one you are not allowed into is that one"

Mr. Fang points to the 'special' dungeon, then shrugs after his last statement. He then walks away waving his hand as if to say 'have fun' and sits on a bench. I look over to Scarlet who looks at me with a confident smile on her face.

"Want to be partners?" I ask her

"Would be my pleasure" She smiles.

"Mr. Silver!" I hear Henry call behind me. "Would you like to be partners?"

I look over at his weapon and notice he has a bow in his hand. So that's how he got close to Adrian in the game? They both had bows.

"Sorry Henry, my weapon isn't a bow. I wish you luck in the Dungeon!" I smile as Scarlet and I then quickly walk off.

We then look over at the signs. We found the 'special' dungeon that requires a full party, bows dungeon, daggers dungeon, axes, staffs, and swords. We look at each other and nod as we head inside the sword dungeon.