

The summer was over and everyone was on their heels for four months of nonstop studies, I was never nervous or frightened when going back to school, I know my grades are on point but this time around I felt the terror on my face as I stood at the entrance of Emarid College, I was puckered, wasn't sure of what went down but all I could think of was the bucket list, it made me felt cold coming back to school, like a whole load on my shoulder that if not careful will fall out on me and cause a stir that will last for the rest of my life.

Just there I was Derrick jumped on my face like a ball or something.

"Hey you!" he smirked as he looked around, I wasn't having the right frame of mind at the time, but he pushed me harder to get my attention.

"Where's Richard?" I asked almost immediately, Derrick was surprised at my reaction, stuttering he said

"He's almost here"

"Dude, what're the probs"

Chuckled a bit and gave a warm reply, just then Richard walks in to catch up on us

"What's up fellas," he said, giving a group squinching hug

"Let's abort the bucket list, I need to focus" my mouth became another version of me, for I wasn't able to control what came out.

"What?" Derrick was shocked knowing fully well that I initiated that it stays and amended it to suit our personalities, but I just don't have any reply to tender, I just kept mute in all.

"Zucha, as for me am not into that bucket list, so am open to a termination" Richard was so calm when he voiced out those words, I was so sure he never wanted such.

"Am not backing out now" Derrick interrupted "I need to start behaving like a college guy just as my dad told me"

There he got me, never knew Derrick will submit to such a challenge.

"If you feel it is necessary, then go ahead, but for me am out" with that said I gave a tap on both backs and left for my locker.

The hallway was grounded with different students from different grades trying to place their belonging into their various lockers, I, on the other hand, was almost done closing up when I felt a touch at my back, I never took it seriously, feeling it was just an easy-going mistake by a passerby, then I closed my locker whilst I turned around to walk down to my class, she stood there, just in front of me like a mannequin.

My heart raced out at first not knowing exactly what to say or do, I was numb at that point and confused as well, so the best way was to stand still and hope that everything will be back to normal.

"Hi, am Zina Albanish and Mr. Alfred directed me to see you so you can show me the way around" she was calm and her voice was soft like a melody, just there dancing to the tune of it, I couldn't have asked for more. I coughed for a bit to get back on track.

"Your name is Zina Albacar, please am sorry I didn't get the last part"

"Never mind" she quickly responded still standing there like a sculpture waiting.

"Okay, what do you want?" I gasped out

"I just told you that Mr. Alfred the school Principal directed me to you to show me the way around"

She said facing her head on her book hanging in her hand.

"Oh! That, okay," I was so uncomfortable, my heart was beating so fast as if I had run on a treadmill or something, I need to feel the air and know where and what I was doing, but my mind wasn't guided, just my body circulating. Then she touched me and asked if I was okay, I looked her straight in the face but almost melted down the drain.

"Okay, am good just that I had a bad breakfast, expired milk and cereal, so my stomach is a bit rumbled"

Those words just came out without any editing.

"I thought as much", she chuckled and handed me the slip from the principal.

With those words of mine, I became more confident; I took the slip and glance through it before instructing her to follow me to class as the first period is about to start.

"Okay, what about showing me around?" she replied immediately

"After class, or lunch break, or better still after school hours, but first let's get you to class".

She led the movement while I followed her, I was nervous at her beauty, imagery of her backside, the curves it brought out from the skinny blue jeans she was putting on and her slim fitted tank top was perfect for the day, I was in deep thought on it when she beckoned on me to direct her to the classroom.

"Oh, am so sorry, I always allow my lady.. sorry ladies to be in front"

"Okay, that's nice, you can direct now because I don't know my way about in the school."

The teacher was already in class waiting for everyone to be seated while I sat, my gaze was still in her direction, asking myself if this was nature making a way for me to get laid or something.

The thought of students not being allowed during the last session of school before graduation has been abolished seeing that Zina is a new student, my head spins around to put all puzzles together with the hope of discovering the truth in all.

"Sit up class and good day"

Everyone murmured a reply, and without understanding what they all said he waved his hand up toward Zina, gesturing for her to stand up, which she did, then he introduced her to the class as a transfer student from Brain Storm college.

Everyone murmured again with less concentration on her while some boys stirred at her closely with a smirk on their faces, I could see them doing it, I felt bad and needed to blind all eyes on them.