

At this point my confused state has risen to a hundred, processing what my mum said all through that night was tiring for me and now she doesn't want my dad to know about the orb.-

"Is gone" I whispered.

"What!?" how do you mean is gone" Richard was in shock to hear that, a moment ago we were all holding it and had a seer examine it and now is just gone like that

"How did you know it has gone," Derrick asked, I tried to stall my answers, formulating a story to give them but I just went blank, I was still in my confused state.

"there she is" Richard tapped me to talk to Zina, at that point I felt my head pounding up for ideas that I never thought of.

I ran closer to her before Junior could come in to talk to her.

" Hi, please can I speak with you for a moment"? she looked at me mildly and felt cringed at my presence.

"NO, am not allowed to talk to you" She left quickly

There I was in my confusing state and Zina is making it look worse than ever.

Richard ran quickly in my direction, my mind was boiling with anger, to think that Zina was on my side, and now this.

"What did she say" Richard looked at me, he tapped my head to bring me back to reality, I wasn't myself anymore. I felt a raging thought steaming inside me like I was going to explode from it.

"She snubbed you" Derrick laughed funnily, and to think I was planning to know more about wolves with her. My thoughts kept sinking deep inside me, wondering why she can't be seen by me.

"Let's go in," I said, walking into the classroom I gazed in her direction but she bluffed it, acting as if I wasn't looking at her, Richard shouldered me as we passed her seat.

All through the teachings I was glancing at her each second that went by, at a point she felt uncomfortable and left the classroom.

"What's going on with her?" Richard whispered

"I don't know" I stuttered. One moment she wanted me to follow her to a seer, the next she is avoiding me like a plague, I left the classroom to follow her immediately, I search the school premises but couldn't find her.

"why is she avoiding me?" I said to myself, she was gone just like that, I couldn't find her and so I walked sluggishly to the entrance of the classroom only to find her sitting at her corner when I peeped inside the classroom.

Now am confused, "How did she do that, was that Kinetic or a double stunt played on me? I tried walking in but Mr. Creg refused me, I was disrupting his teaching, and he insisted I stayed outside whilst the teaching was ongoing.

"So, how was she able to get in" I wondered, do I have such powers? Or am I dreaming? Pinching myself to realize everything was real.

I stood there for the whole period watching through the glass window,

As soon as he finished his class, I stumbled inside with the hope of crossing her.

"Zucha!! over here" Richard chanted and confused me into seeing her. His voice was loud enough to stop my actions.

"Am coming" Grudgingly I said, walking slowly to my seat.

"What happened" Derrick ask in surprise, Richard quickly interrupted "Where is she, why did you leave the classroom abruptly," he said, touching my shoulder with his hand, at that point, I knew she had done something to me but just can't place it.

"Zina has been in the class all this while but you left without a word to us" Derrick was confused at my actions, his appearance was in disarray.

"I don't know how I got up and left the classroom" I knew something was wrong and I needed answers urgently.

"Relax man" touching my shoulder in a very comfortable manner "Let's just go to her house and see her" Richard replied feeling comfortable about it.

My mind boiled out like a smoking pot, going to her house will cause more stir than this and I was ready to take any chance of some sort.

"Okay, what about her brother, I don't think it would be a nice idea to go there without his consent"

I needed to be sure I was making the right decision.

"You don't need to be afraid, we will both go in to find out for ourselves" nodding my head in acceptance.

That was a well-thought-out plan, all secrets will be revealed, I was bent on knowing about ware wolves and the descendant of it.

We walked happily with confidence, giggling about our bucket list and how we have forgotten about it, one moment Derrick was able to speak with Linda in the class for just a few minutes, he was so excited, he counted it as an attempt but she never saw it that way.

"Derrick was so excited eeh" Richard interrupted his narration, and we all laughed about it.

My thought on the bucket list has lost interest in it, the wolf saga has made me see other things more important than the bucket list, and I was too curious to back out now-.

" we are here" Richard whispered slowly, looking at the twin duplex, all covered with creeping leaves, one will mistake it for an old abandoned house, but its surroundings says otherwise, the gate was covered with cobwebs and stems in their arranged other. Richard opened the gate as an old visitor while I walked in slowly.

Just as we went past the gate, Zina stood in front of me without my notice, at first I was shocked at her speed but quickly braze myself up.

"Sorry for barging into your premises, I just needed to see you "Quickly she held my collar and pulled me out of the compound without stress, I tried to intervene by speaking but she hushed me quickly and gave out a sign not to worry.

The moment we were out she threw me on the floor to gasp for breath.

"You want to get yourself killed" disdainfully looking at me.

"killed? By whom? You? Or your brother?" biting my teeth

For a moment Derrick and Richard stood afar watching the both of us ranting at each other without a solution, I needed her to clarify why she was avoiding me but she kept on twisting the story by insisting I stay far away from her without any reason.

Richard was pissed at our conversation, he came closer to ensure that he was hearing all that we said, after a moment he walked close to her

" The orb is gone," he said, at that point, her mood changed, it was as if they poured on her cold iced blocked water