
FORTY SEVEN (Revelations)

"…I think we're at the wrong address." She said as she sat upright, a sense of urgency had filled her,

James chuckled as the gate opened and he drove in,

"Ma'am, I've been driving for this family for nearly a decade now and if there's someone's place I should know, it's the young master's residential address." He told her.

"…I-I don't understand." She stuttered as she glanced around the environment, making sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

"I have said all that has to be said, why don't you go on in and see things for yourself." He said as he pulled in front of the entrance.

"Sir, I don't think…" But before the she had the chance to complete her statement, the doorman opened the car to lead her out.

"Good evening Ma'am." He greeted politely,

"Thank you." She managed to smile as she made her way inside to the grand foyer where the party was being held and the butler helped her with her coat.

The classic music from the car continued like it had been connected together, the elegantly dressed guests spoke to one another in small chatters and Mia could hear the clinking of glasses here and there.

Mia felt out of place as she rubbed her elbows and looked around, hoping to find a familiar face.

"Maybe I should just go." She thought.


"…My sons here have been able to manage the business in their own capacities…"

Ethan suddenly zoned out of the small discussion he was having with his father's guests as his eyes drifted across the room and landed on a beautiful but confused looking Mia.

She was wearing an elegant, metallic aquamarine off shoulder gown, which exposed her beautiful collar bones and had a dangerously low cleavage. The straight gown ran to the floor and had a golden brooch at the waist area. Her wavy hair sat on the left side of her shoulder, making her fan chandelier earrings quite visible. On her left wrist was a bamboo rhinestone cuff while her hands held a sliver purse with aqua marine details. He had seen her in dresses, but tonight, she looked extremely beautiful.

He nearly choked on his champagne, and at the same time, Christian's eyes went in the same direction and a small smile spread across his face.

"She came." He muttered happily as he walked away, Ethan quickly followed him and suddenly grabbed his hands,

"What. Do. You. Think. You're doing!" Ethan gritted his teeth,

"…She's my guest, I invited her obviously—"

"Why in god's name—"

"You can't hide the truth forever—"

"And it's not in your place to reveal it." Ethan retorted,

Christian chuckled as he turned and faced him,

"You know what the problem is Ethan? You're too afraid to face your problems, so you try to avoid them as much as possible, you run from them…Well, news flash…This one isn't going to go away…Do you know why Dad and Mom invited the Shaos? It's because they want to publicly announce your engagement—"

"Wait! What?—"

"Let's see how you wiggle your way out of this one brother…Now if you'd excuse me, I have a special guest I'd love to attend to…You've been using her this entire time and I've been watching, this time brother…I won't relent." He concluded as freed himself from his grip and he walked off to find Mia.

Christian found Mia all by herself at the corner of the room, slowly sipping her glass of wine.

"I thought you had dashed off—"

"Oh my goodness, Mr. Oh! I thought I was in the wrong house." She smiled with relief as she saw him.

"…You look stunning tonight." He complimented,

"Thank you, I love the color of the dress." She smiled as she held it up.

"I'm glad."

"But I'm confused, isn't this Mr. Regal's house, did he invite you here??—"

"Um, slow down Mia, I'll explain things," Glancing at his watch, he told her, "Look it's a few minutes to midnight, let's just enjoy ourselves. Okay?"

"Mm." Mia nodded.

At that moment, an older man dressed in a fine blue suit called for everyone's attention. There was something about him that seemed very familiar, the great height, elegant graying hair…beautiful eyes, the aura of authority—Mia paused as he beckoned on a beautiful woman to join him.

Mia watched as the fifty-something-ish looking woman smiled elegantly a she stood next to him, she was also quite tall and slender too, her straight hair fell to her shoulder length and she carried a look that demanded respect. She also had an uncanny resemblance to someone she knew, but at that moment she couldn't say who.

"...Um I must say, it's been a very wonderful year, filled with surprises too." He laughed, "But despite all of that, the year is finally coming to an end…And for that, my family is super grateful." He smiled as he snaked his hands around his waist and beckoned on his sons to come forward.

There and then, Mia watched as Christian adjusted his tie, walked up to the man and stood by his side and then Ethan followed suit and stood next to Christian.

"Wh-What's happening." Mia thought.

"My sons here, Christian and Ethan have been able to serve this great empire in their own capabilities…This year, my first born Christian graduated from the finest Culinary school in the world to be become a world class chef…And I am proud of him. Also my second born Ethan, was made the junior chairman of Regal Empire…And at first, I was scared because he was still so young, but since then he hasn't failed to amaze us. Now working hand in hand to grow the family business in their own ways is such a pleasant sight to behold and I trust that they'd do more in the New Year. With that being said, I'd like to open the new year with a special announcement…But before then," He paused as he smiled at another couple at his right, " I'd like to introduce the Prestigious Shao Family to all of you…Please, Chairman Shao and Chairlady Shao, Kim….Come up here." He beckoned.

Once again, Mia watched as Kimberly Shao and her parents walked up to the Regals and stood next to them.

"…A lot of you are already familiar with Kim, as you all know, she's a famous A-list actress that has won the hearts of many across the country." He grinned, "But before I go on any further…" He paused a he glanced at the clock and raised his wine glass. "I'd like us all to count down to the new year together…Cheers to a new season in…Ten…"

"Nine! Eight! Seven…"

Mia suddenly zoned out as everything overwhelmed her, she couldn't believe her eyes or ears either, "what the hell's going on!" She thought.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One—Happy New Year!!!" Everyone screamed.

Simultaneously, a display of fireworks began as the life band played began "Auld Lan syne"and the guests cheered with joy. Love ones held love ones and kissed them, while Mia felt overwhelmed with a thousand emotions.

As the excitement died down, Mr. Regal clinked his glass to get everyone's attention once more…Welcome to the New Year ladies and gentlemen…." Turning to Ethan and Kimberly, he said,

"Please step forward please."

'What's happening?' Mia thought.

As they did, Mr. Regal cleared his throat and began,

"…I'd like to formally announce the engagement of these two, Miss Kimberly Maelle Shao and my second son, Ethan Reginald Regal."