
Enjoying life in douluo dalu/Soul land...

A young man name lu tien fill an online form regarding Soul land and find himself reincarnated in it. Find out how he will live his second life.. English is not my first language so there can be some errors which I will try to solve as we move on..

Aayush_Aggarwal_0084 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1- Reincarnation

In the dark void only a person can be seen along with a screen countdown from 59..58...57..56...

The man named lu tien thinks to himself.

Let's see how this happen. If I remember correctly I was filling a random form on my computer regarding douluo continent.

The form included few things like:

Timeline to be born

Martial souls(3)

Place of birth

Wish(1)[note:wish can only be at the level of douluo dalu world]

Alternate timeline: Yes/No

[Note: In alternate timeline many things can be different]

[Note: Any changes because of your existence will impact on the world]

Lu tien was a hardcore douluo fan, therefore he always fill such online forms and present his ideas.

Here as well he fill this form as follows:

Timeline to be born: with Bibi dong.(Au: same age as Bibi dong)

Place of birth: neighbour of Bibi dong.

Martial souls(3): 1. Complete body martial soul(including brain,eyes,etc).

2. Golden dragon King.(suppressed).

3. Dual Gate of destiny martial soul.

[Au: brackets in martial soul section are placed by form automatically without lu tien concent).

Wish(1): To Have the soul fragment of Electrolux (holy God of the dead).

Alternate timeline: No

After pressing enter a message came to confirm.

Lu tien presses the confirm icon then everything became pitch black.

And here he is with the countdown still going down now reaching 7...6....5....4...3....2....1....0

A message "Enjoy your new world" was written on the screen.

Just after reading it lu tien felt pain on the level he didn't even know existed.

After some time the pain die down and we can hear a baby's cry.

In a small village between the borders of both Heaven duo and Star luo Empire, inside of a small and shabby looking house we can see a dead women holding a newborn child along with a middle age man crying on the side probably for the loss of his lovely wife.

After griefing for hours the man got up and held his baby still with tears in his eyes he said the name of the baby Huo Tien.

Lu tien now known as huo tien after hearing his name wonder if he was really in douluo dalu or elsewhere, but lu tien Don't know that he is reincarnated into a person who was destined to be huo yuhao's ancestor.

A few days pass by and huo tien understand his surroundings firstly he found out that his mother of this life died while giving birth to him, after understanding that he cried a lot but after some time he consol himself to live this life completely without any regrets for himself as well as his mother.

And he also found out that he was indeed reincarnated in douluo dalu by his father as he always talk to his wife looking at the sky muttering in this entire douluo continent only you was there for me now even you left me behind.

From this he came to the conclusion that the form he filled this time has caused this how you may ask, as on his birth their was also a girl named Bibi dong was born.

This resolution make him very excited as his long lost wish finally came true.

Time skip(3 year Later)

A boy and a girl can be seen running all around the village hand in hand.

Every villager pass by always look stun when these two children pass by them.

The girl a little tired said Tien I am tired you carry me on your back while stretching her arms out.

Hearing that the boy smile knowingly and let her climb on his shoulders and continue walking.

After a few quote moments the girl finally spoke quietly Tien do you know all the villager say that we both are a perfect couple.

The boy tien just nodded and said teasingly what is my dong'er planning to marry me.

The girl now known as Bibi dong hmph and shout how am I yours and then move her face sideways.

Hearing that huo tien laugh and apologize to Bibi dong.

While the both of them were chatting and laughing unknown to them they travel far away from the village.

After many hours of chatting when the sun stars to set the two finally realise and started running to the village,in hopes of making there before night.

After travelling for half hour they finnally reach there destination or what is remains of it atleast.

Once a prosperous village now became dead quit with everything broken houses, road,trees everything broken.

Few people still fighting with each other, until one party overwhelmed the other and finnally killing them.

While the fight was happening we both were running to our houses in search for our parents but as reality struck on us everyone was dead not a single person of the village survive this catastrophe.

Bibi dong stars crying middle of nowhere and huo tien try to make her quite as to not attract the attention of the men fighting but it seems like his efforts was in vain. As the said person moves on their place hearing Bibi dong's cry.

After reaching there he bent down and tell us about the bandates how destroy our village and kill everyone.

Later he propose us to come with him to the spirit city.

Bibi dong was still sobing refuse to answer but by the mentione of the name spirit city I agree to the young man's proposal, As according to me martial soul hall is the safest place for both of us as of right now.

As we both have outstanding talent and will be greatly valued in soul hall.

After accepting the proposal we all start our journey to martial soul hall which lasted for 2 whole months as we don't have carriage and Bibi dong and I am just children.

In this 2 months a lot happened most importantly the change in Bibi dong's behaviour if before we just tease,joke with each other now she became completely dependent on me.

Now she became completely submissive to me. She do everything I say her to do without any question.

At night during sleep she always mutter ' Please never leave me tien I will be a good girl. So please don't leave me'.

Hearing this I feel bad but it can't be helped as everyone she knew died leaving only me thus her over reliance on me.

So, that's how I reincarnated in douluo dalu/Soul land and loose not only my mother but even my father whose even name I don't know in the short 3 years of my life that I have spent here..


Chapter done, tell me if theirs any error I will try to correct it as soon as possible and also tell me how was the first chapter. I know the chapter was fast pase but I honestly don't know any other better was and have the ability to properly write it.

This is my first novel and English is my second language to cut me some slack while reviewing it thank you....…