

Get ready for an epic battle for the land of ENIX! Darkness has taken hold, with The Dark Goddess Lilith, Her Undivine army and monstrous minions now ruling over major parts of the land. But hope shines bright as the starry-eyed one and the one of the moon rise to reclaim ENIX. Joined by their courageous friends, they'll face unimaginable challenges, explore new cities, and maybe even discover love along the way. Brace yourself for The Weary Traveler's ENIX. Set sail for thrilling adventures that will leave you on the edge of your seat for a journey of a lifetime!

The_Weary_Traveler · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The Prologue


   ENIX, a once peaceful place inhabited by all kinds of friendly and magical mythological creatures. That was until one day a young poor man by the name of Adam conjured up a dark goddess in his worn-down shed. 

On the concrete floor he cast a circle of salt, placing thirteen black candles all around the inside of the barrier of the circle, and placed two candles one of white and the other of black in the center. He sagged himself and the place and slowly one by one lit all thirteen candles, before turning back to the two in the middle and lit one at a time. First the white then the black.

"I call upon ye Ancient One, Lilith!" Adam

began. "I invoke thee, thy Creator and Destroyer! Come forth to me!"

At first pure black smog began to flow out of the two candles and like a faucet then rushed fiercely upwards. The air around him began to pick up violently, spiraling in many directions. Thunder and lightning crackled inside the depths of the smoke. Then out of the smoke's abyssal void stepped out The Basilisk, herself…. Lilith.

With long blackish blue hair, a pair of huge, twisted goat horns protruding from the top of her head, and glowing orange eerie eyes. She stepped through the portal, her six-inch dark smokey grey and illuminating orange armored platform heels clinked hard against the concrete floor of Adams shed. She stretched out her extra-long black wings and stood tall before Adam. She looked around the room scanning for whomever had summoned her before the sound of Adam falling backwards on his back caught her attention. She glared

down at him as he lay defenseless in front of her seven-foot figure.

"Who Dares Summon Me?!" Her words bounced off Adam's forehead snapping him back to reality and quickly getting to his knees to bow to the dark goddess. 

His eyes met her heels and his eyes trailed upwards;

Lilith took a step back in discus as Adam sat up to fully look over the

goddess. Her body armor was tight fitting and hugged every curve she had. It

matched perfectly with her heels and a collar to match it, she radiated with

anger, hatred, and lust. Adam was absolutely captivated by her beauty and


"Wow!" Was all Adam could get out his mouth

before Lilith picked him up by his cheek bones by the steer strength of one

hand and leveled him to meet her eyes. She frowned.

"Do Not Make Me Repeat Myself." She demanded

from him. 

"Meh Lady, I am Adam." He gulped. "I bare


Lilith's aura relaxed a bit as she dropped Adam onto the

hard concrete floor with a hard thud. 

"Why Did You Summon Me?!" Lilith's voice

practically tore the rest of the old shed down with her power.

"I've summoned you to ask for a trade, Meh

Lady." Adam crawled over to the offerings he had prepared for her and

rushed quickly back towards her, stumbling the dark chocolates and red wine.

Droplets of the red liquid fell from the glass, staining the concrete


Seeing this as disrespect Lilith unleashed a power swing

towards the tray, knocking it loose from Adam's hands and clashing against his

shed walls. 

"What A Waste!!" She roared, her Aura Spiked

and heat rose from her body with anger. 

Terrified, Adam scrambled away towards his broken-down

work bench for cover that lay nearby. Lilith stomped fearlessly towards him,

each step shaking the ground. Right as she went to grab him, her eyes fixated

on a perfectly red shiny apple that was sitting on top of the worktable. She

picked up the Apple, and once again her aura relaxed.

"Go on." she commanded. 

Adam asked for him and his bloodline to be heir to the

throne of the city called New Haven and to forever remain rightful ruler. In

return she would have two of whatever she wanted. Lilith threw the red apple up

into the sky and when she had caught it, it had turned a bright shimmering

golden color, while she was thinking over Adams wishes. 

"Deal." She spoke right before grinning back

towards Adam with a mischievous look in her eye. 

"You shall have New Haven, you and your bloodline to

do as what you will. You will be of the highest and respected in the land with

all the riches and woman you seem fit. How ever, Decades from now there will be

born one with the power of the stars and another of the moon. When they are

born your kin will deliver them to me." 

Adam relaxed, "Yeah! Deal!" 

Lilith's face dropped. "That's it? You do not want

to know why?" She appeared to have been disappointed but confused at the

same time. 

"I mean, yeah. You are giving me a whole kingdom and

all I must do is have my great grandson give you a couple of brats? Sounds good

to me!" Adam wanted fortune so much he would agree to anything Lilith

would ask of him even if it meant all of ENIX would suffer from it. 

"Well then, until then…King." Lilith bowed to

him but not before she bared her teeth at the word king. She dissolved back

into the deep smoke she entered and vanished as well as the dark lingering

smoke, leaving Adam completely alone.

Adam then became king after his fortune turned around by

saving a young maiden who was choking alone in the woods one day. She gasped

for air that she could not get. Adam rushed over after hearing the commotion

and helped dislodge the object from her throat. She spat out pieces of a golden

apple from her mouth. 

"Oh, Thank the Gods, I can breathe again! Thank you,

mister…I am sorry what is your name?" the young maiden asked.

"Adam." He replied. Adam returned her home to

the palace of New Haven, home of The Guardians. Upon arrival the king had

gotten word that the poor man who had saved his daughter's life and ordered his

servants to get Adam cleaned up and dressed for a feast in his favor. 

At the dinner party, the king announced that Adam would

take his only daughter's hand in marriage in return for saving her life, he

agreed and the following days after they were wed. Adam then became King Adam

to a now Queen Eve of New Haven and together they

bore children that would replace them in reign. 

Decades went by under Adam's generational rule, until one

starry eyed girl named Melody and a white eyed daughter of the moon named

Cassandra, were born during the witches Solstice on October 31st on an

extraterrestrial blue hunter's super moon. Melody was born of a cosmic high elf

witch, named Cecelia who was a member of The Collective a coven of witches who

lived in OWaR who defended all of ENIX. They were responsible for keeping the

order of ENIX and keeping a watchful eye on the balance of the land. The other,

Cassandra was born of a young Princess named Widow and Price Galadriel the

heirs of the kingdom of Little Ivy Wood home of the druids. 

Word had gotten around of the two little girls' unique

appearances and rumors quickly spread throughout the land by the time they

turned the age of three of how mysterious these little girls were. 

During a stormy lunar eclipse on May the 22nd The Fates,

Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos turned up to each of the of the girls' homes to

recite a prophecy for each of them and to warn the families of what was to

come. Each family sat down at their dining room tables with their little ones

as The Fates explained the situation at hand one after the other speaking in


"A deal was made decades before of a dark deity and

a desperate man. His greed for wealth came at the price of your young ones.

Melody…Cassandra... but fear not as we are here to give them a fighting chance

as the rest of ENIX." 

The three women took turns speaking each sentence at each

family's location and in unison their eyes began to glow of a bright light as

they spoke the two little girl's prophecy. 

"Two souls, bound by celestial light,

Blue and white eyes shining so bright.

Together they will rise, their courage untold,

One being of silver the other of gold.

Through trials they will go, darkness they will defy,

With hearts ablaze, they will reach the sky.

In unity they'll stand, and

with their powers combined,

They vanquish the dark goddesses of evil, their victory


Embrace the journey, for it is their fate,

Of stars and of the moon, heroes so great."

The Fates took a few steps back. 

"The Undivine has gotten word of their existence and

will be coming for them soon enough, wait for the girls call to awakening, and

keep them both safe from harm until then. Many will come to their aid but be

warned of the fallen and the corrupted. More instructions will follow soon


And with this, The Fates vanished all together in a

spiraling vortex of light and darkness leaving both families lost and terrified

over their little one's future. 

…At the same time in New Haven…

"You've got to be kidding me! Are you out of your

mind?" A man's booming shouts echoed through the endless corridor of the

king's grand castle.

"You have no other choice. These are our demands.

Either you meet them, or we'll take control of the rest of ENIX, starting with

your major cities." A tall, horned woman dressed in all black with a dark

aura swirling around her, radiating pure rage. Her name was Lilith, the mother

of demons, and she certainly lived up to her reputation.

By her side stood a dreadful army of warrior goddesses.

There was Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft; Nyx, the goddess of the night;

Persephone, the goddess of the underworld; Kali Ma, the goddess of destruction;

Medusa, the Gorgon of chaos; and the battle-crazed Morrigan, bringer of death.

The king slumped back on his throne, feeling trapped.

Chills ran down his spine and sweat dripped from his forehead. "You don't

understand! This will throw the entire system into chaos! This is an outrage! It's mutiny!"

The dark goddess turned her back to the king as he

shouted in fear, then glanced back at him one last time, issuing a warning.

"You have until both girls turn of eighteen on the Witch's Solstice to

hand them over to me. If you do not and fail to bring me the children, I will

march straight into your kingdom, imprison you and your people, enslave your

children, and destroy everything you hold dear. We will start with parts of

ENIX and hold there until you deliver what your ancestors promised to me. I am

not one to be trifled with. Do not defy me, or ENIX will suffer the

consequences. As I will it. So, mote it be." Lilith and her undivine

goddesses then vanished into a dark gray mist, reappearing in seven random

cities and wreaking havoc upon the people. Curses spread like wildfire, turning

the city's residents into vicious monsters.

Complete silence filled the air... the king knew ENIX was

doomed either way but if he thought if he could hide the children, he could

prolong the destruction brought upon them from the dark goddesses.

The king spoke urgently commanding his loyal Guardians to

find and protect the two special children, The Guardians immediately took

flight in search of the kids. The king, filled with fear and worry, said a

silent desperate prayer for the safety of the children.

"Our father,

Who are in heaven,

Hallow be thy name

Please protect these children.

Keep them safe.

Keep all of us safe."

An angelic force field enveloped his kingdom of New Haven

as the Guardians were tasked with defending it at all costs. However, ENIX fell

into darkness as chaos erupted. Once-friendly neighbors turned hostile, crops

withered, and crime skyrocketed. The people of New Haven were confined within

the walls, living in fear of the outside world.

The days grew shorter, and the nights became long and

eerie. Dark clouds loomed over ENIX, and the screams of the people were

replaced by terrifying growls. Frightening creatures now ruling the night,

spreading terror throughout the land.

Hours had passed by before two carriages pulled up to the

front gates of New Haven as lightning danced violently throughout the sky

followed closely by the sounds of booming thunder. The two little girls, one in

each carriage, were accompanied by their mothers and their guards.

Their horses came to a stop. It was weirdly quiet, and

the royals felt as if they were being watched. One of the guards from the first

buggy stepped out to knock on the front gate as he did, an arrow whizzed right

by his head and struck deep into the front door. 

"We're under attack! Take cover!" The man


An ambush of warriors rushed out of the woods where they

had been waiting. Cecelia looked over to her daughter and pushed her curly blue

hair out of her face and behind her pointed ear and cuffed her little face into

the palm of her hand. 

"Dear sweet child, everything will be alright. Do

not be afraid. I'm right here." Cecelia tried her hardest to hold back

tears she had been fighting by looking up for a brief second as melody gripped

her tiny blue floral blanket tightly against her small frame. "Grow,

learn, and love. You've got to be a big girl for

mommy now, ok? Remember I am always with you. Let's go, sweetie." 

Cecelia jumped out of the carriage arming herself ready

to take on the battle field as her and her guards defending both children A

starry eyed, blue curly haired girl that held a blanket in her tiny beige hands

and a white haired girl whose all white eyes were filled with tears, her rosy

red nose was puffy against her espresso colored skin tone as they headed

towards the safety of New Haven.  

Arrows flew past, Widow cut any that came close to them

down with her celestial metal staff. Cecelia returned fire from her majestic

long bow, not one shot was missed from her incredibly accurate aim. No matter

how skilled the guards were, they were gravely outnumbered and one by one, they

fell victims to the waves of their enemies. Soldiers dressed in all black armor

crept closer closing the gap in between them before the gates finally


An elderly woman in her sixties placed out her hands

in-front of the girls welcoming them to New Haven front gates and out rushed

The Guardians to hold back the horrors that was unfolding right in front of

them. A stray arrow was hauling towards Melody, as her mom swatted it away, she

reached for another arrow from her back and quickly whispered, " By the

power of the moon and the stars, let the enemy's heart be bound, to shield the

one they sought to harm, their intentions confound. Let their weapon turn to

dust, their malice fades away, protect the one they wished to kill, under the

moon's gentle sway." She released the return to sender arrow which hit its

target. Cecelia then redirected her attention to another enemy.

"Hi there, Melody. Hello there, Cassandra. You are

going to be living with me now. You can call me Head Lady." She calmly

explained trying to keep the girl's attention on her. She smiled sweetly and

reached for each of the girls' hand and guided them back into the gates she had

once come out of. Trying her best to shield them from the horrible journey they

had just endured to get to the angel's safety. A bloody battlefield laid behind

them. Cecelia and Widow looked back at their children one last time as the

front gates of New Haven closed. 

The head lady protected and raised them from then on,

while keeping their identity a secret until the right time came for them to

find out from themselves who they were, this was called

their call to awakening. The two girls grew up with Head Lady and her orphanage

until thirteen years had passed.

✨Thirteen Years Later✨

Smoke drifted upwards into the sky as Melody exhaled, the

light grey cloud swirled into the midnight air, creating a mystical haze. Her

long, curly blue hair flowed gracefully from the window ledge of the old tree

house, nestled deep within MaLika AnZu's sacred forest. It was miles away from

the familiar gates of New Haven, her childhood home. 

Under the starry night sky, Melody's eyes were captivated

by the ethereal beauty above. The music of crickets and nocturnal creatures

serenaded her, creating a poetic symphony that filled her ears. She closed her

eyes, and when she opened them again, it felt as if she had been transported to

another universe. 

In this new realm, shades of soft blue enveloped her, and

the sounds around her danced with enchantment. As if under a spell, she slowly

lifted off her feet, carried by the magic of the moment. Fireflies shimmered

around her, their gentle glow illuminating her ascent. 

Unaware of what was happening or what lay ahead, Melody

floated higher into the night sky, fireflies dancing around her as her trance

deepened with each passing moment. The world around her faded away, leaving her in a state of blissful anticipation for the unknown before gently touching back down on the ground below. The forest was sacred and prevented anyone of ill

intentions from entering, which kept her safe while she was there, but the

trails leading up to it was a different story. The journey was long and filled

with creatures that wanted to do harm to others, Melody was always careful of

her surroundings, so she never had any problems going to and from the tree

house. She collected her items and started back for the long walk back home

where the count of New Haven for the morning could be conducted.

the prologue has been officially updated. Will be working to get the other chapters synced. shouldnt be long before we can move on. Much love! thanks for the patience!

The_Weary_Travelercreators' thoughts