

Get ready for an epic battle for the land of ENIX! Darkness has taken hold, with The Dark Goddess Lilith, Her Undevine and monstrous minions now ruling over major parts of the land. But hope shines bright as the starry-eyed one and the one of the moon rise to reclaim ENIX. Joined by their courageous friends, they'll face unimaginable challenges, explore new cities, and even discover love along the way. Brace yourself for The Weary Traveler's ENIX. Set sail for thrilling adventures that will leave you on the edge of your seat for a journey of a lifetime!

The_Weary_Traveler · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Ch4: Into the Unknown

The time had finally come for me and Casper to bid farewell to New Haven and embark on our Journey to Little Ivy Wood, Our first destination on our tour of ENIX, it was a splendid town nestled in the embrace of the majestic royal high elves of the forest. This little town is where we'd hope to find the first member of The Collective, Ember. She had bright red hair with orange accents that forever flowed around her like a flickering blazing flame in the wind.

Little Ivy Wood was located on the north side of New Haven, which meant we had to make our way through the front main gates to reach it the fastest.

However, sneaking past The Guardians and evading their keen sense of smell would prove to be quite a challenge. Our best bet was to remain calm and hitch a ride on an animal transporter to mask our scents.

The idea struck me in the midst of a deep slumber, as if someone or something was guiding my thoughts with direct messages. The following morning, I shared my dreams with the Head Lady, and she seemed to understand exactly what needed to be done.

It turned out she had connections not only with the armory folk but also with the drivers coming in and out of New Haven. It was a foolproof plan!

I couldn't help but wonder about the Head Lady's true power and the extent of her connections. The fact that she could make such suspicious requests and receive unwavering support was mind-boggling. These people were willing to defy the church's orders and face potential consequences just to assist me. Their unwavering loyalty and willingness to help without hesitation left me in awe.

It was early in the morning, the head lady briefed us one last time on the plan. She emphasized the importance of staying covered up in the back and remaining calm throughout the journey. If everything went smoothly, we were supposed to reach Little Ivy Wood just before nightfall.

The head lady then extended her arms, holding two coin bags. One was black, and the other was brown.

"These bags are for you both, it should be enough to cover of the cost along the way." She explained.

Without wasting any time, I quickly tucked the black bag into a side pocket of my waist pouch, while Casper did the same with the brown bag.

After that, the head lady gave us both a long, heartfelt hug. We could see the tears welling up in her eyes. It was evident that this was a difficult moment for her as well as us. More so her considering she had raised us.

I whispered a sincere "Thank you, Head Lady." while Casper added, "For everything."


We were all back at the orphanage now and we all had just gotten done with count, we gathered our small carry-ons and said our silent goodbyes. We moved stealthily, staying hidden in the shadows as we made our way to the pickup point. The sun was just starting to rise, so timing was crucial. We reached the back of the animal transporter right on schedule, swiftly loading our gear before hopping in ourselves and preparing for departure. Time seemed to crawl by, but in reality, it was only about five minutes before the transporter began to move, taking us through the city of New Haven and straight towards the Gates.

Both of us took a deep breath, steadying our minds as we entered a meditative state. We had trained for this moment and we were ready. With each bump in the road, we drew closer and closer to the main gate.

We maintained silence.

The transporter came to a brief halt, and sweat began to drip down the sides of my face. I reminded myself to stay calm, to breathe. I went to my happy place... the treehouse. I envisioned the fireflies dancing in the fields, their bright yellow lights flickering. I could almost smell the heavenly scent of the wildflowers in bloom. As I continued to recall the memories of the old treehouse, my body relaxed even more.

The transporter started moving again, but I hadn't seemed to notice. I was lost in a trance, delving deeper into my memories. I looked up at the stars, felt the gentle breeze on my bare skin, and heard the sound of a caw followed by soft sounds from a guitar. My eyes twitched, still closed, as my brain tried to remember something from that place... a new feeling that I had recently experienced. Why did I feel that way? My mind yearned for answers, like an itch I couldn't scratch. I squinted my eyes even tighter, trying to focus on what I had forgotten. My heart skipped a beat as an image flashed in my mind.

My heart was pounding as I slowly opened my eyes and whispered the name... "Crow."

Out of nowhere, the transporter got smacked from the side causing it to skeet to a sudden stop, sending us both flying in the back and crashing down into a pile of whey. We were now far away from the guardians' protection, and it was clear that we were on our own with this, facing whatever danger was coming our way.

Casper wasted no time getting up and grabbing her weapon as she motioned for me to follow her.

"Let's go see what that was!" Casper yelled over to me. We both bursted out of the busted open back doors, ready to take on whatever awaited us.

What we saw was mind-blowing. Four fierce dire wolves and two slithery snake demons, just like the ones Alexander saved us from earlier in the week.

Laser blasts were flying all around us, urging us to defend ourselves and protect the drivers. With determination in our eyes, we gripped our weapons tight and charged into battle, adrenaline pumping.

Casper hopped onto the back of the vehicle and swiftly plunged her spear into one of the dire wolves, causing it to yelp in pain and tumble off the transporter before disappearing in a golden dust.

Meanwhile, I pulled back the bowstring on my longbow, taking aim at the older-looking snake demon. With the drivers distracted, I released the string, sending my arrow hurtling towards the demon's temple. Just as the arrow was about to strike, the demon effortlessly caught it, his eerie glowing green eyes now fixed on me.

"You're gonna regret that." he growled in a bone-chilling voice that sent shivers down my spine. It felt like there were multiple voices speaking at once from him, making it even creepier.

In a flash, he closed the distance between us, too quick for me to grab my dagger. I tried to defend myself with a punch, but he easily deflected it, seizing my neck and hoisting me off the ground causing me to gasp desperately for air.

That's when Casper leaped back down from the transporter, swiftly striking the demon's back with her spear, creating a sharp cracking sound. The demon recoiled in pain, releasing his hold on me, and I collapsed to my knees, gasping for breath and clutching my throat.

The demon quickly recovered and turned his attention to Casper. They engaged in an intense showdown, both displaying superhuman speed. Casper's melee skills were unmatched, as if she had been secretly training for years. Her spear connected with the underside of demon's lower knees, sending him flying backward.

"Mel! Get up!" She yelled over at me.

I got back on my feet just in time to see that one of the dire wolves was sneaking up on Casper! Thinking quick on my feet I grabbed my longbow and quickly reloaded another arrow. Just as the wolf was about to pounce, I released my shot and nailed it right in the heart! That wolf disappeared in a poof of golden glittery dust, just like the other one had. The snake demon got even angrier, its eyes glowing brighter than ever before. It knew it had lost one of its companions.

"You will die for that." He said with a hiss. He quickly got back up to his feet and struck Casper hard in the ribs, making her cough up blood. But I wasn't about to let him get away with that as I grabbed the sharp dagger from my hip strap.

As he went to try and attack me, I dodged its arm and swiftly sliced its throat with my dagger. Steam rose from the wound and he vanished into thin air.

I pulled Casper back up, and although the drivers managed to take down one wolf, they were still in trouble with the other two circling them. Their ammo had run out.

"Pathetic Mortals!" The last snake demon laughed.

The next few moments were absolutely horrifying! We watched in pure horror as those dire wolves attacked the drivers. There was no way they could survive such a vicious assault. I quickly grabbed another arrow, my heart racing with adrenaline. I aimed carefully and let it fly, and it struck the wolf on the right in the heart. The wolf disappeared in a shower of golden dust, giving one of the drivers a brief moment of respite.

But the other wolf had already pounced on the second driver, and Casper rushed forward to help. But it was too late. The wolf ripped off the driver's arm, and the screams of pain echoed through the air. It was a gut-wrenching sight as the wolf snapped the driver's neck, silencing his cries forever.

"No!" we both yelled out in anguish.

I swiftly reached for another arrow, my hands trembling. I took aim at the wolf's head, and with a surge of determination, I let the arrow fly. Blood and golden dust sprayed into the air, as the wolf fell lifeless. The other driver had fallen back and sought shelter under the truck, but the last enemy, the demon, wasn't finished yet. It brandished a glowing green whip and cracked it against the driver's ankle, pulling them out from under the car. With a cruel stomp, the demon shattered the back of the driver's knee, breaking it.

Casper bravely charged towards the demon, desperately trying to save the driver. But the demon was too quick, swatting her away with a powerful blow that sent her crashing into a nearby tree. I rushed over to her side, fear and determination fueling every step I took.

"Casper!" I yelled out for her.

"No, Mel, not me! Save the driver! I"ll be fine." She cut me off.

Swallowing my fear I quickly grabbed her spear and charged towards the demon and the helpless driver. The demon brutally broke the driver's other knee, causing blood to spill out. The driver's screams echoed through the trees.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a flash of all black appeared in front of me. I immediately recognized those giant all black wings... it was Crow!

"Stay back, Song Bird," Crow said, looking over his shoulder at me. "I'll take care of this one." With incredible speed, Crow tackled the demon and they both disappeared into the sky.

I rushed to the driver who was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. Tears streamed down his puffy face. I rolled him over and he screamed in pain. I gently propped his head up with my hand, shorter after Casper joined me, placing a hand on the driver's chest. He struggled to breathe.

"I'm so sorry we didn't make it in time." Casper said, his voice trembling from the traumatic events.

The driver coughed up blood and managed to place his now cold hand on Casper's. He whispered, "It... was... my destiny."

Confused, I furrowed my brow and asked, "What do you mean it was your destiny?"

The driver gasped for air and replied, "My…orders…were to protect you both… at all cost….even if..it meant sudden death." He fought to breathe.

With one final big breath, the driver said, "No matter... what secrets... come to... the light." He coughed violently and swallowed hard. "Stay true... to yourself...follow your intuitions…" His words faded as the life left his eyes.

We sat there in silence for a moment before we respectfully moved the bodies off the road and buried them with leaves as best as we could.

"They'll find them in a week." I said to Casper.

We both said a small prayer of the drivers and thanked them both for their sacrifice they had made for us. The wind blew our hair softly as the sun was starting to go down, the rays peeked through the trees like golden beams of light shinning down on their graves. The sound of sudden crunching twigs was heard behind us.

"You both ok?" Crow said as he slowly walked up to us, tucking his wings back into his sides and pushing his small dreads up and out of his eyes.

We both nodded, each heavy with overwhelming sadness.

"We should get going. It's gonna be dark real soon, and we need to be off these roads by then," Crow said, understanding the importance of staying safe.

"I know this is hitting you both hard. Their sacrifice will be remembered, but we have a greater mission at hand. Your safety is top priority." His words resonated deeply. He turned and locked his eyes with mine, leaving me speechless.

Taking my hand, he pulled me close, examining the bruises on my neck with gentle care. His touch sent a wave of both comfort and excitement down my spine, making me catch my breath.

Curiosity got the best of me. "How did you manage to find us?" I asked, allowing him to finish his inspection.

A warm smile played on his lips. "You called for me, song bird. I came as swiftly as I could," he answered, releasing his hold on me.

"You have mild bruising, which will heal naturally in a few days. Little Ivy Wood specializes in advanced healing medicines that can help speed up the healing process. We need to get moving soon." he suggested, emphasizing the urgency of our journey.

Casper blinked, frowning from confused. "Uh, WHO are you again?"

I blushed, feeling embarrassed for forgetting to introduce Crow. "Oh right! Casper, This is Crow," I said, realizing my mistake.

Casper's face lit up with recognition. "OHHH! So THIS is the guy, huh? You're right! He IS cute!" she exclaimed, causing Crow to raise an eyebrow before relaxing his face into that beautiful smirk of his, showing off his fangs. I felt a mix of annoyance and exhaustion from the battle, making the situation even more awkward. I wanted to strangle Casper, but I was too tired.

"Uhhhh!" I managed to utter, shocked by her comment. What was she thinking?

Casper giggled and introduced herself. "Oh, im just kidding! I'm Casper."

"The one of the moon." Crow bowed to her. "You have quite the sense of humor." He grinned and taking her hand in his, he brought it up and pushing it against his forehead, his way of greeting new people. "The pleasure is mine." He replaced her hand back at her side and turned back to me.

"I'll be escorting you two from now on, if that's okay with both of you," Crow said, his gaze locked with mine. Of course, I couldn't refuse. Since the first time I met him, I felt an indescribable sense of safety and comfort. It was like he already knew me.

"Yeah, alright. But don't get any funny ideas, mister! I trust Mel's judgment, but I'll still mess you up." Casper playfully warned, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Be nice, Casp."

With our bags in hand, we set off towards Little Ivy Wood, ready for the next part of our long journey.

The sun had just set as we arrived at their front gates, a few of the high elves warmly welcomed us inside.

They are known for their impeccable taste and elegance in advance medications. Their long, flowing hair is usually in shades of silver, gold, or platinum, and their eyes shimmered with different shades of enchanting colors. Looking into them we're like looking into a kaleidoscope of magic. The high elves have a regal presence and carry themselves with grace and poise. Their attire weaved with intricate embroidery and delicate patterns, reflecting their appreciation for beauty and craftsmanship.

We checked into the local inn, which was as charming as the rest of their city. A cozy little place with a modern day rustic exterior that blends perfectly with the surrounding nature. As we entered, we were greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The reception area is adorned with wooden accents and soft lighting, giving it a cozy feel.

As we walked in, we noticed the two queen-sized beds, each adorned with fluffy pillows and cozy blankets. And right in the center of the room, there's a comfortable couch where one could relax and unwind after a long day. The room was absolutely beautiful and sophisticated to say the least, the simple decorations tied everything together perfectly.

A gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh cotton, filling the air with a clean and comforting aroma. I was like a breath of fresh air after a rain shower. Delightful scents danced in the background, a touch of lavender, adding a calming and soothing note, the subtle sweetness of vanilla, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. It was a symphony of scents that come together created the perfect balance that just fit the room.

"I'll take the couch, you girls can have the beds, I some business in this town to take care of. Go ahead and get freshened up and go have dinner. I'm sure you both are starved. I'll meet back up with you afterwards. You'll be safe in this city." We both nodded and he left us, alone in the giant room.

This was both mine and Casper's first time in a town that wasn't New Haven and we were in awe! The of the place was beyond words! It had a harmonious blend of old-world charm and contemporary elegance. Cobblestone streets lined with beautifully restored historic buildings, their facades adorned with intricate woodwork and ornate details. The city would be filled with trendy cafes, boutique shops, and art galleries, where you can indulge in the latest fashion trends or admire local artwork. Despite the modern touches, there would still be a strong connection to nature, with rooftop gardens and green spaces. Green Ivy scattered throughout the city. Our hearts were full of inspiration and wonder. The dimmed lights illuminated the streets, creating a magical atmosphere. The town was filled with high elves who clearly had exquisite taste and paid us no mind.

After dinner at a local diner, we strolled through the streets, Casper and I still chatting about our surroundings and how unbelievable they were.

I felt like it was the right time to share about mine and Alexander's meet up behind the gardens back in New Haven.

"You know, Alexander actually came to see me in the garden that night he helped us out." I kicked a rock, feeling a mix of emotions. Alexander and I had dated briefly before he left for the academy, it's been so long since I've last seen him last but seeing him again brought back some of those old feelings I tried to bury deep down.

Casper fixed her all-white eyes on me, curious to hear more. "And? What happened?"

"We talked... He said he became a guardian to protect all of us from the monsters that are out there. That he did what he had to do to keep us safe as well as his sacrifice to the church to not see any of us anymore. It got pretty emotional, especially on his side, and we ended up hugging. But that was about it."

"I don't know Mel. I mean he's pretty hot." She winked at me. I immediately hit her in the arm.

"Can you not?" I scolded her.

"You're totally right, my bad. So, what does your heart tell ya?" I turned my gaze back in the direction we were strolling.

"I'm kinda torn, you know? I mean, I missed Alexander like crazy when he first left. I used to cry about him but that was what felt like forever again. I'm not gonna lie it stirred up some old emotions seeing him again in the garden, but then there's Crow. He's so sweet and there's just something about him that makes me wanna know more about him, I wanna dig deeper and see what's there." I opened up honestly.

"Well, I just go with the flow. Theres no need to rush into anything. Let the road guide you and see where it leads." She flashed me a warm smile, and I playfully bumped into her. We walked arm in arm, hugging each other as we strolled through the charming streets of Little Ivy, heading back to the inn to reunite with Crow.

Back at the cozy inn's room.

"We're heading out at the first sign of day break, you two should get some rest, you've had a long day." Crow said as he grabbed the fuzzy blanket that laid on the arm of the couch and wrapped himself up in it like a burrito, which I found absolutely adorable.

Casper and I followed suit, snuggling into our warm beds. Exhaustion from the day's adventures quickly overtook us, and we all drifted off into a deep slumber.

The dream that came to me that night left me drenched in sweat. The image of the dire wolf snapping the driver's neck played on repeat in my mind, and the last words of the other man echoed through my thoughts like a warning.

"No matter what secrets come to light... stay true to yourself."

I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. As I tossed and turned throughout the night, the question lingered, as I couldn't find any answers.


Back in the heart of New Haven, as the count was underway, word had spread like wildfire that we had gone missing.

The Guardians stormed into our old home, breaking down the doors, and apprehended Head Lady. They dragged her into a dimly lit room, where Alexander stood with his back turned to her his triple set wings at his side.

"Where are they?" he demanded, his voice dripping with a low, menacing tone.