
Enigma's Pursuit: Echoes of Betrayal

In a world where trust is a rare and elusive treasure, Bai Feng, once an altruistic demi-human devoted to the guardianship of humanity, endures the searing torment of betrayal from those he held closest to his heart. This wrenching betrayal becomes the catalyst for an extraordinary and profound expedition of redemption, retribution, and the unearthing of his innermost self. Blessed with unparalleled might by an inscrutable system, Bai Feng's ascension to omnipotence sets in motion a symphony of envy and trepidation among his peers. His fate is intricately intertwined with the enigmatic machinations of this arcane system, a celestial weaver that had been instrumental in forging his supremacy in a bygone existence. Haunted by the lingering specters of his past, Bai Feng undergoes a metamorphosis that is as captivating as it is awe-inspiring. His evolution transcends the mere scope of his role as humanity's guardian, transmuting him into an unrelenting emissary of retribution. Armed with newfound mastery, prophetic foresight, and unwavering tenacity, his raison d'être crystallizes into a single, luminous gem: to rectify ancient injustices and to establish his dominion over a realm that once embraced him, only to later forsake him. Under the tutelage of the enigmatic system that augments his capabilities, Bai Feng engineers a tectonic shift in the very fabric of power. Yet, his mission is far more profound than mere retribution—it evolves into a sacred quest to dissect the very pillars of betrayal, laying bare the culpability of those architects who sowed the seeds of his disillusionment. Nevertheless, his voyage straddles a razor's edge between the abyss of vengeance and the ethereal summit of virtue, and this dichotomy blurs as intricate moral mazes threaten to envelop his very essence. Within a realm saturated with cryptic cultivation, arcane sorcery, and enigmatic forces, Bai Feng's expedition unfolds against a backdrop of labyrinthine moral ambiguity. His journey to etch a course of vindication is an elemental symphony harmonized with the encroaching shadows that obscure his inner sanctum. His pursuit of vindication becomes an alchemical crucible, catalyzing unprecedented pandemonium and igniting a transformative alchemy that will inscribe his legacy into the hallowed tapestries of history. Can Bai Feng, against the gravitational pull of vengeance's consuming abyss, emancipate his essence, or is he fated to metamorphose into a vessel of its all-consuming conflagration? This magnum opus marks my inaugural foray into the realm of literary creation, and I humbly beseech your discerning gaze to scrutinize its contents for any potential imperfections. Allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to its inception. Should any errant elements be detected within this composition, I implore you to illuminate them with the brilliance of your insight, casting a luminous beacon upon the path of refinement that stretches before me. With sincere appreciation, I_Sleepy

I_Sleepy · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Amidst the rugged expanse of the mountains, a figure gracefully traversed the challenging terrain. Unbeknownst to the world around him, Bai Feng, a ten-year-old boy, bore an aura of enigma and intrigue, hinting at a life that held secrets known only to a few.

His slender frame moved with youthful energy, navigating the uneven landscape with a surprising sense of ease that harmonized with the natural surroundings. It was as if he possessed an uncanny familiarity with the mountains, an understanding that transcended the boundaries of ordinary experience.

The most prominent feature of Bai Feng's appearance was the pure white fur that adorned his body, a distinctive characteristic attributed to his Fox Blood lineage. The fur exuded a soft and pristine quality, creating a striking contrast with the rugged terrain.

Bai Feng's youthful countenance displayed smooth and unblemished skin, a common attribute of his age. Rosy cheeks hinted at a robust health, contributing a touch of vibrancy to his appearance. His eyes, large and expressive, held an enigmatic depth that seemed to beckon those who observed him to explore the hidden facets of his soul.

These eyes, the windows to his enigmatic essence, possessed a unique quality. They bore the weight of wisdom far beyond his years, hinting at a life lived not once but many times over. It was as if they held the echoes of ancient memories, a repository of knowledge and experience that whispered of past lives and the mysteries of the cosmos.

Bai Feng's nose and lips appeared to be well-proportioned, enhancing the overall balance of his facial features. His lips, gently curved, conveyed an approachable demeanor, while his nose added a sense of symmetry to his visage, hinting at an underlying complexity that defied easy explanation.

Within the mountainous setting, Bai Feng moved with a natural grace that seemed to complement the rugged beauty of his surroundings. His footsteps echoed the rhythm of a life marked by both simplicity and enigma.

Amidst the towering mountains of the familiar world of Zeno, Bai Feng's steps were like whispers against the ancient terrain. As he continued his journey, he glanced at his System panel. The ethereal interface materialized before his eyes, revealing a prominent Main Quest that seemed to pulse with significance.

Main Quest: A Fateful Crossroads

Objective: Choose between two profound destinies that await you.

Option 1: Join the Demon Sect

Rewards: Become a 1st Layer Qi Condensation disciple and receive a cultivation technique that transforms your appearance, infusing it with the distinctive characteristics and allure of demons.

Option 2: Join the Human Sect

Rewards: Become a 1st Layer Qi Condensation disciple and receive a cultivation technique that refines your appearance, harmonizing it with the grace and features of humanity.

In the bygone era of Bai Feng's previous life, he stood at the same crossroads, facing the consequential choice presented by the System. Much like the present, the main quest beckoned him, its options etching the path of his destiny. In that distant past, Bai Feng had, with a resolute heart, chosen to align his fate with the Human Sect.

As he embarked on this quest, the System granted him the status of a 1st Layer Qi Condensation disciple—a step on the ladder of cultivation. However, the System offered him more than mere progress. It bestowed upon him a transformation that subtly refined his appearance, rendering it more akin to that of a human. In the ancient world of Zeno, where distinct features marked the boundary between humans and demi-humans, this gift was both a blessing and a disguise.

The transformation, though remarkable in its execution, came with a caveat. It altered Bai Feng's external appearance, harmonizing it with the grace and features of humanity. This newfound semblance allowed him to blend seamlessly within the ranks of the Human Sect. However, those with the discerning gaze to peer beneath the surface could still discern traces of his demi-human heritage.

It was in this art of mimicry, in mastering the veneer of humanity while concealing his true nature, that Bai Feng found his place among the sect's disciples. The System's reward had allowed him acceptance and shelter, a rare feat for a demi-human navigating the realm of humans. Bai Feng's apparent humanity served as a cloak, veiling his origins, and granting him access to the cultivation techniques, knowledge, and camaraderie of the Human Sect.

Yet, even as he walked among them, his demi-human essence remained hidden beneath the facade. The mark of his dual nature could be detected by those who ventured to explore beyond appearances, a secret he guarded with utmost care. In this world where bloodlines defined destinies, Bai Feng's choice had opened doors.

Now, standing at the crossroads once again, he faced a similar decision, aware that the choices he made would mold his fate and possibly unravel the intricate tapestry of his dual heritage.

In the ancient world of Zeno, where the boundaries between humanity and the supernatural were as distinct as the parting of heaven and earth, Bai Feng stood at the threshold of a life-altering choice.

The System, an enigmatic force that had once guided him through a past life, now offered him a pivotal decision—one that would not only shape his destiny but thrust him deeper into the mysteries of cultivation.

As he accepted the System's choice, the surge of energy coursing through his body was palpable. The transformation was swift, his essence resonating with newfound vitality and strength.

In a heartbeat, he had progressed from the Mortal Initiate realm to the revered realm of the Qi Condensation Disciple—a leap in his journey toward self-realization and power.

The Mortal Initiate realm, the foundational stage of cultivation, had been everyone's starting point. Here, cultivators were initiates in the realm of spiritual energy, often referred to as "Qi," that flowed through their world like the breath of the earth itself.

It was a realm of humility, where individuals delved into the profound forces of the universe to unlock the latent potential within their beings.

The Mortal Initiate realm offered no special abilities; cultivators like Bai Feng relied on their physical prowess and fundamental combat skills. It was a stage of vulnerability to spiritual threats from creatures or cultivators of higher realms—a realm where discretion was often the better part of valor.

Mortal Initiate realm was but a stepping stone—a portal that beckoned others to traverse deeper into the world of cultivation.

The choice had been made—a choice that had led to his transformation into a Qi Condensation Disciple—held profound implications.

The very essence of Bai Feng's being resonated with this newfound power, as if the universe itself had recognized his potential. As a Qi Condensation Disciple, his cultivation had crossed into profound territory.

The manipulation of Qi marked a significant progression. Bai Feng could channel this vital life force into various purposes. It coursed through his veins, infused into every fiber of his being.

The transformation was not merely spiritual; it was physical. As a Qi Condensation Disciple, Bai Feng experienced a profound metamorphosis in his body. Strength coursed through his muscles, speed became his ally, and endurance became his second nature.

Cultivators at this stage developed a sixth sense, attuned to the subtle fluctuations of Qi in their environment. Bai Feng's sensory perception was no exception. It allowed him to detect hidden dangers, sense approaching adversaries because of his soul attunement.

His strikes, once powerful, had transcended the realm of the mundane. They became potent and versatile, capable of shattering defenses and piercing through barriers. This supernatural element added an aura of mystique to his combat style, turning him into a formidable force in the world of cultivation.

Though more potent than Mortal Initiates, Qi Condensation Disciples remained vulnerable to cultivators of higher realms. Their newfound abilities were impressive, but they had yet to ascend to the pinnacle.

Bai Feng looked at his System Panel.