
Enigma's Pursuit: Echoes of Betrayal

In a world where trust is a rare and elusive treasure, Bai Feng, once an altruistic demi-human devoted to the guardianship of humanity, endures the searing torment of betrayal from those he held closest to his heart. This wrenching betrayal becomes the catalyst for an extraordinary and profound expedition of redemption, retribution, and the unearthing of his innermost self. Blessed with unparalleled might by an inscrutable system, Bai Feng's ascension to omnipotence sets in motion a symphony of envy and trepidation among his peers. His fate is intricately intertwined with the enigmatic machinations of this arcane system, a celestial weaver that had been instrumental in forging his supremacy in a bygone existence. Haunted by the lingering specters of his past, Bai Feng undergoes a metamorphosis that is as captivating as it is awe-inspiring. His evolution transcends the mere scope of his role as humanity's guardian, transmuting him into an unrelenting emissary of retribution. Armed with newfound mastery, prophetic foresight, and unwavering tenacity, his raison d'être crystallizes into a single, luminous gem: to rectify ancient injustices and to establish his dominion over a realm that once embraced him, only to later forsake him. Under the tutelage of the enigmatic system that augments his capabilities, Bai Feng engineers a tectonic shift in the very fabric of power. Yet, his mission is far more profound than mere retribution—it evolves into a sacred quest to dissect the very pillars of betrayal, laying bare the culpability of those architects who sowed the seeds of his disillusionment. Nevertheless, his voyage straddles a razor's edge between the abyss of vengeance and the ethereal summit of virtue, and this dichotomy blurs as intricate moral mazes threaten to envelop his very essence. Within a realm saturated with cryptic cultivation, arcane sorcery, and enigmatic forces, Bai Feng's expedition unfolds against a backdrop of labyrinthine moral ambiguity. His journey to etch a course of vindication is an elemental symphony harmonized with the encroaching shadows that obscure his inner sanctum. His pursuit of vindication becomes an alchemical crucible, catalyzing unprecedented pandemonium and igniting a transformative alchemy that will inscribe his legacy into the hallowed tapestries of history. Can Bai Feng, against the gravitational pull of vengeance's consuming abyss, emancipate his essence, or is he fated to metamorphose into a vessel of its all-consuming conflagration? This magnum opus marks my inaugural foray into the realm of literary creation, and I humbly beseech your discerning gaze to scrutinize its contents for any potential imperfections. Allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to its inception. Should any errant elements be detected within this composition, I implore you to illuminate them with the brilliance of your insight, casting a luminous beacon upon the path of refinement that stretches before me. With sincere appreciation, I_Sleepy

I_Sleepy · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Bai Feng

Amidst the surreal aftermath of his tragic demise, Chu Feng found himself ensconced within an enigmatic realm, a harmonious convergence of reality and the ethereal—a realm that seemed to breathe the very essence of a realm shrouded in myth and wonder. The darkness that had previously engulfed him gradually relented, yielding to a radiant luminescence that bathed the surroundings in a warm, effulgent glow reminiscent of the first rays of dawn over an uncharted land. It was here, within this realm that bore the marks of an ancient epic, that he sensed a presence—an entity whose resonance seemed to intertwine with the very pulse of existence, like the echo of a long-forgotten melody.

"Bai Feng," the voice echoed, its intonation akin to the mellifluous harmonies of an otherworldly instrument, both soothing and commanding. It wove itself through the very tapestry of his soul, an embodiment of the spirit of ages long gone. "Your journey is but a stanza within the grand symphony of time, and the unraveling of your destiny holds untold verses."

As memories of treacherous betrayal and the sting of heartache surged within him, they intertwined with the recollections of a former life—a life lived on the distant shores of another world, a realm enigmatically known as Terra. These memories, imbued with the wisdom of epochs, shimmered like constellations against the night sky, their brilliance softened by the tapestry of time and the enigma of the present.

"The System," the voice continued, its words akin to the sagely counsel of an ancient sage, "once served as your celestial guide, illuminating paths and quests throughout your prior existence. Yet, at a crossroads steeped in the essence of choice, you, akin to a philosopher embracing the Dao, elected to relinquish its primary quests. Your heart resonated with love and the embrace of humanity, transcending the seductive allure of raw power."

As the delicate threads of bygone eras interwove themselves with the vibrant tapestry of his current reality, scenes of yore unfurled before Chu Feng's mind's eye—quests that had been like blossoms adorning his destiny. Among them, an episode unfolded with an exquisite grace—an intersection of time and emotion. It was the moment when he, akin to a bard penning verses of devotion, chose to relinquish the System's paramount quests, ensnared by tendrils of affection for Chu Qing, a beacon of love amidst life's tempests. The ripples of this pivotal decision echoed through the corridors of existence, resonating with the plaintive melodies of an ancient lute.

"Your determination to forego the System's central quests was an offering of your humanity," the voice intoned, its resonance akin to the wistful notes of a bamboo flute. "You embraced the essence of the mortal realm, where love takes root and power finds its equilibrium. Yet, destiny, akin to the intricate brushstrokes of calligraphy, maintains a harmonious balance—a cycle of rebirth and renewal. A new chapter beckons—a juncture to reshape history, wielding the dual wisdom of realms distant and near."

The realm surrounding him appeared to ripple like the hues of ink across delicate silk, revealing a crossroads—a nexus where the echoes of his prior existence merged with the unblemished canvas of an uncharted future. Chu Feng stood at this intersection—a confluence of existence's brushstrokes, each stroke a touchpoint with choices that had sculpted his identity. His former life intertwined with the calligraphy of his present self, resulting in a harmonious tableau that spanned epochs.

Amidst the heart of an ancient, verdant forest, where the rustling foliage held the whispers of long-forgotten tales and the dappling sunlight pirouetted through the emerald canopy, a solitary figure stood—a tempest of emotions swirling within. The very air seemed to tremble, a reflection of the tumultuous cadence of a heart racing with shock and wonder. Cautious eyes blinked open, as if parting the veil between worlds, revealing a bewildering scene that transcended the boundaries of comprehension. It was as if the hands of time had intricately woven a tapestry, beckoning the protagonist back to the very genesis of their transmigration.

"Here, at the crossroads of fate," a voice emerged, a soft utterance resonating with an undertone of unyielding determination. "This time, I shall not be ensnared by the same illusions that led me astray before."

A symphony of memories surged forth—a kaleidoscope of experiences painted in hues of both triumph and treachery. Born on distant shores but reborn as a demi-human in this enigmatic realm, the protagonist had assumed the mantle of guardian, a steadfast shield against the encroaching shadows that threatened both humans and demi-humans alike. Yet, beneath the surface of their recollections, a smoldering ember of anger ignited—an ember that yearned for retribution.

"With every stride taken, every bond forged, I forged my own path," the voice carried on, resonating with the haunting melody of vengeance. "But those who once shared my resolve—betrayed, their loyalty but a facade concealing ambitions of their own."

Guided by the enigmatic system, the protagonist transcended their humble origins, mastering abilities that stretched the very boundaries of existence. Yet, this very power became a double-edged sword, rendering them both a symbol of might and a target of vulnerability. And then came the cataclysmic betrayal, rending bonds once considered unbreakable.

"In this sacred haven of nature, I stand rekindled," the voice proclaimed, each syllable a clarion summon to the cosmos itself. "This renaissance defies the bounds of mere revival—it is an intricate sonata of vindication, a legacy sculpted from the fragments of vengeance, a legacy destined to reshape the world itself."

The protagonist directed their gaze toward their System Panel.

Name: Bai Feng

Race: Foxblood (Demi-Human)

Cultivation Realm: Mortal Initiate

Cultivation Progress: 0%

Spirit Qi Resonance: 20/100

Body Refinement: Tier 0

Soul Attunement: Soul Transformation


- Heavenly Breath Control Technique

Description: Bai Feng possesses knowledge of a heavenly technique that enhances his breath control, resulting in a 50% increase in efficiency.

- Timeless Palm

- Insightful Mind Blade

- Elemental Mastery

- Celestial Serenity

[Cultivation Insights]

- None

[Spiritual Insights]

- Current State: Basic Breath Control

- Progress: 20%

[Ancient Bloodline]

- Ancestral Lineage:

- Elder Fox: Slumbering

- Vulpine Guardian: Silent

[Artifacts and Relics]

- Equipped Artifacts: None

- Relics: None

[Soul Insights]

- Past Soul Attunement: Soul Transformation

[System Messages]

- Travelled to the past with the help of ???

[Worldly Perception]

- Sensory Range: Enhanced (Soul Transformation Influence)

- Aura Detection: On (Soul Transformation Influence)

- Elemental Awareness: On (Soul Transformation Influence)

[Tribal Bond]

- Aligned with the Foxblood Clan

- Clan's Blessing: Enhanced Charisma

[ Conclusion]

- Bai Feng possesses knowledge of his past life and his journey. He remembers his previous existence and how he died, returning to the past with valuable insights and techniques.

Chu Feng recalled that he had adopted the name "Chu Feng" due to his fiancée, but his original birth name was "Bai Feng."

When Bai Feng found himself in this world he wanted to know more about this world.

It was a cultivation world, a realm where the pursuit of power and enlightenment was paramount. As he navigated this new reality, he discovered that the world was divided into distinct stages of cultivation, each marked by the harnessing of a mystical energy called "qi."

Qi Condensation Disciple: This was the first stage of cultivation. Qi Condensation disciples learned to sense and manipulate qi, the life force energy that flowed through all living things. They trained their bodies and minds to become attuned to this energy, using it for physical enhancement and simple martial techniques.

Foundation Establishment: The next stage involved forming a solid foundation of qi within one's body. Practitioners at this level refined their control over qi, allowing them to perform more advanced martial arts and combat techniques. Foundation establishment was a critical step towards becoming a formidable cultivator.

Core Formation: At the core formation stage, cultivators forged a mystical core within their bodies, where they stored and condensed their qi. This core acted as a reservoir of power, enabling them to perform even more potent and sophisticated techniques. It marked a significant leap in a cultivator's abilities.

Nascent Soul: Nascent soul cultivators had reached a level of mastery where they could shape their qi into a nascent soul, a semi-independent entity within their own consciousness. This nascent soul could engage in battles alongside the cultivator and wield formidable magical powers. Nascent soul cultivators were often regarded as elite figures in the cultivation world.

Soul Transformation: The pinnacle of cultivation was the soul transformation stage. At this level, cultivators transcended the physical realm and achieved a profound spiritual connection with the world. They could manipulate their soul and qi with unparalleled finesse, becoming nearly invincible in battle and gaining access to ancient and esoteric techniques.

Amidst the tapestry of cultivation, Bai Feng had once been a luminary, his path illuminated by the radiant pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

With unwavering determination, he embraced the quests and opportunities presented to him by the System, each one a stepping stone on his path to ultimate power.

Through trials and tribulations, battles and revelations, Bai Feng ascended to the Late Stage of Nascent Soul, a realm of power that had eluded him in his previous life.

With the System as his guide, he harnessed the cosmic forces and ancient techniques that had once been beyond his reach.

The battles were fierce, the clashes of power echoing through the realms.

Each confrontation was a testament to Bai Feng's growth, a reflection of his unwavering resolve.

With the System's aid, he surpassed his foes, one by one.

He had reached the peak of cultivation, a level of power he had once only dreamed of.

He had been a cultivator of great promise, a half-step Soul Transformation expert on the cusp of transcending his mortal limitations. But his ascent had been halted by an unforgiving twist of fate—a betrayal that cut deeper than any blade.

He whispered to the shadows of his past: "If my future was stolen by treacherous hands, then I shall seize it back with newfound might."

He knew he would rise again, stronger than ever, and that his ascent would be marked by vengeance.

Each breath he took in his renewed existence was a solemn vow—a pact forged with the burning embers of his anger.

He would reach the pinnacle of cultivation, a realm he had glimpsed but never truly attained in his past life.

His quest for power was twofold. First, to avenge the betrayal of those he had once called friends, a punishment as relentless as the tides.

Second, to stand as a force against all who wronged him and against a world that had permitted such injustice.

As Bai Feng embarked on this perilous journey, he etched a declaration in the annals of destiny:

"I will seize back the future they took from me, ascending to unparalleled heights, forsaking the fragility of trust. I will bide my time, unwavering and resolute, until the day vengeance sweeps over the world of humans and engulfs my enemies like an unrelenting storm."