
We Lost

Age 1991

"Reaper. Your end has come!" Dawson announced charging forward.

The Red Demon and Skeleton clashed in massive boom as the room shook. 

Dawson instantly broke through the man slamming him through the wall with a single push. His tendrils wrapped around the skeleton as he slammed it down again and again.

Dawson swung the man smashing him straight through a wall.

Reaper rolled into the room and began to laugh. All around them were piles and piles of skeletons. "I robbed a few graves a few years back. I keep them just in case I need to fix myself up. Now. Now I'll use them to power up!" He announced as almost all the bones were pulled over to him and he grew even larger. "I told you! I am God-"

Dawson reached up ripping the massive arm of the skeleton off as he began to smash the bone arm into the man over and over again literally beating him with his own arm.