
Hero's Greatest Foe! "You're Like Me!"

Age 1991

Hero gave a smirk as he popped his messed up arm back into place. It'd take a few minutes to heal. Maybe using Big-Arm-Strike was a bad idea. Oh well...

"You're so dead." Diana hissed.

"Alright, Hero!" Ken said smiling as she, and Sera got back up. "I think you really hurt her with that attack."

"All of you!" The four of them stopped turning to look over at Gunther. His body seemed to be growing as he stood up ripping the wires out of him. The machine made a loud growl before it began to smoke and exploded. "I'll kill you three brats!"

"Uh-oh..." Hero said with wide eyes.

"I'll kill you all for hurting my Diana!"

The man shot forward his hand wrapping around Hero's face as he slammed the boy into the ground throwing him back. His hand stayed on the kid's face as Hero was slammed into the ground. He ran forward carrying Hero with him and dragging him through the ground.

"Hero!" Ken yelled.