
Chapter two

" and done" Ariana said after she finished with her test. " Mr Sean, I'm done with my math test"

" Good. Just leave it on you desk and you can go" Mr Sean said impressed.

" I'm also done Sean" Raymond said as he walked out of the class.

" And just where do you think you're going?" Mr Sean asked

" I'm going to get soda. " Raymond said arrogantly.

" And did I say you could leave?" Me Sean asked trying to show the class he was in control.

" Listen. You're only here to teach me not boss me around. I'm done with my test so I'm leaving" Raymond said and left.

" What does he think of himself? Fool" Mr Sean said disgusted by Raymond.

" Wait!!! I could get Mr Sean to help me get revenge on that jerk" Ariana thought. " Maybe I should consult Beatrice first" she finally decided before leaving for the restroom.

          On her way to the restroom, she saw that many were done with their classes so she hurried to the bathroom because she was about to see her period and she didn't want to delay. She was in such a hurry that she bumped into Raymond.

" Are you blind? Raymond asked removing his head phones and students gathered.

" You're the one who is blind. What do you even think of yourself? Just because you re rich and cute doesn't mean you can be rude to anyone" Ariana said angrily.

Some students had already brought out their phones to start recording but the comment of one of the students offended Ariana.

" Hey look, it's dumbo. She's standing up to Ray" she said.

" Dumbo?" She asked turning to her. " You should be ashamed of yourself. It's because of students like you that he has the guts to be rude. Instead of you to caution him, you all encourage him. Shame on you all!! You mock people right, who knows if you might get mocked tomorrow. If you're smart you'll think of it" as Ariana spoke they all dropped their phones. The girl who'd called her dumbo earlier apologized to her an dshe was inwardly happy although she didn't show it.

" She was being a cool girl!"

" Ariana, I'm sorry" many apologies were being tendered to Ariana. " As for you" she turned to Raymond. " You better watch out. You don't know what'll come your way soon." She said before heading to the bathroom.

  Immediately, Raymond just sighed before going to get some coffee at the cafeteria.


In the girl's bathroom, Ariana could not help but feel proud of herself. This was not how she'd intended to get back at him but since she already got apologized to by students, she felt there was no need as this was way better than payback.

" Wow Ariana Wilson. Good job" she complimented herself.

" Ari, Ari, are you there? Are you in the bathroom?" Ariana heard Beatrice ask from the outside.

" Yeah. I'm in here" she said as she came out of one of the 10 bathrooms and went to look at herself in the mirror.

" I heard what happened" Beatrice said as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

" Hmmm. What did you think" Ariana asked as she sanitized her hands after washing them.

" What do you mean by that?" Beatrice asked as if upset.

" Are you upset with me for standing up for myself" Ariana was confused.

" Listen I'm not mad that you stood up for yourself, however you now how I feel about Raymond. If he's to find out you're my best friend, then we might never be together, don't you get it" Beatrice said carelessly.

" Listen, I don't mean to be rude, hurt your feelings or anything but don't you think you're overreacting? More than 80 percent of girls in this school and neighborhood are dying for that jerk but how many has he dated" she paused. " Zero. So I don't think it's fair the way you're treating me over a jerk like Raymond." Ariana said

" Ariana" Beatrice yelled almost hitting Ariana.

" Seriously? You wanna raise your hand to me. I expected more" Ariana said hurt before packing her bags and leaving.

" Ari" Beatrice called as she went after her.