
Chapter three

Beatrice was in such a hurry that she bumped into Raymond.

" Oh. Are you also here to give me a lecture like your friend just did?" Raymond asked nonchalantly.

" Oh no. I'm not like that. We're completely different. I'd never insult you." Beatrice said looking at Raymond in a very shy way.

" Hmmm. I sure hope so." Raymond said before making to walk away.

" Hold on" Beatrice said before giving him a light peck on the cheek and leaving.

" Is this girl sick?" Raymond thought. " How dare she peck me. Fool. Should have known she's like the other girls" Raymond said before leaving.


" I'm sorry" Beatrice said" I was just upset. Yiu know I could never hit you. Do you forgive me?" Beatrice asked remorsefully.

" I do" Ariana said and they embraced each other.

" Guess what?" Beatrice asked

" What"

" I pecked him"

" Who did you peck?" Ariana asked

" Raymond. I pecked is Raymond and he didn't say anything against it." Beatrice bragged as she played with her hair.

" Hmm" Ariana said uninterested.

" Why do you sound uninterested?" 

" You know how I feel about Raymond. I hate that guy so literally, anything related to him will annoy me and........." She was interrupted by Raymond.

" Do you think I like you?" Raymond asked " even if you were the last girl on earth, I could never like you"

" Ha ha, so funny. You're such a fool. Listen to this, it might be useful. Almost every girl in this school likes you but think about it because not everyone of them like you for who you really are. They just like you for what you are" she said

" Strange" Raymond thought. Why would someone who hated him give him advice.

" Keep your advice to yourself. By the way, I wasn't here for you. Yo be.....Bea..." He was trying to remember her name

" Beatrice" Beatrice chipped in.

" Beatrice, wanna hang? You could join me at my table. I have ordered for my food to be brought to me" he said trying to annoy Ariana.

" But we always eat together" Ariana said

" I'll eat with you tomorrow Ari. I'll eat with Ray today" Beatrice said picking up her bags.

" But...."

" Bye" Beatrice said as she walked with Ray towards his table.

" I hate this guy" Ariana said as she kicked her table.

Some minutes later,

" Where's my food" a guy asked.

" Yeah. I ordered rice like twenty minutes ago but I've got nothing." Another girl chipped in.

" Hey madam Hathaway, I ordered some food a while ago and I've still not gotten anything. Same goes for the rest" Ariana complained to the woman in charge of the school cafeteria.

" Yes I know. The lunch had been prepared and few minutes for us to get them here, we found out that they're all gone. The lunch has been stolen." Mrs Hathaway told her.

" Who'll do such a thing?" Ariana asked

" We don't know"

" So why didn't you just tell the students" 

" Listen Ariana, the principal has ordered us to keep shut. He said he'll fix it. By the way, he's ordered for food for all the students. I only told you coz I know you're a good girl." She said

" Hmmm. I'll go seat but can I get some juice?" Ariana asked.

" Sure. I'll have it sent to you" Mrs Hathaway told her.

" Thank you" Ariana said before going to her table.

" Here you go" the waiter said as he delivered the juice.

" Thanks" Ariana said as he left.

" Yeah. I brought my lunch over from home and when I went to check on it. It was gone" Ariana heard a boy say.

" Same happened to me and that's why I'm here to order food but they're not serving."

" Um, excuse me did you say the food you brought from home was stolen?" Ariana asked.

" Yeah. I wonder who could've done it" he said as he diverted his attention back to his friends.

" Strange!! Who could be the lunch thief?" Ariana thought to herself as she retreated to her table.