
Chapter 44

" gather around" Ariana said trying to organize the members of the acting club.

" Okay" Nicolas said and sat at the front row.

" Hey, stand up. You aren't here to sit. " Ariana said as she struggled to get him off the chair.

" Try harder, maybe then you'll be able to move my arm" Nicolas said and smirked.

" Ugh. " She let go of his hand. " Fine. Now please can you get up?"

" Good girl" he said and stood up.

" Okay. So I believe everyone has gotten their scripts, practiced and know what role they are going to be playing"

" Yes Ariana" they chorused.

" Good. Now as you all know, myself and Nicolas Maduro will be playing the lead role so are you all ready?" She asked.

" Yes" they chorused.

" Action" she said and moved out of the way.

" Hey" Nicolas called her aside.

" What? You know we have to present in front of the teacher tomorrow" Ariana said frowning.

" Hey! Don't speak to me that way" Nicolas said pointing at her.

" And don't point at me" she said and bent his fingers backwards.

" Ow!" He yelled. " Why'd you bend my finger?"

" Coz you pointed them at me. " She replied and smiled showing her perfect set of White teeth.

" I'll get you back for this" he said as he groaned in little pain.

" What you gonna do? Bend my fingers? Well, that's not gonna happen because I don't point at people" she said and smirked.

" Ugh! Don't smirk again. Smirking is for bad boys like me not good girls like you. This is how you smirk.." he said and smirked before leaving.

" Smirking is for bad boys like Raymond not for good girls like you" Ariana remembered when Beatrice had said those words to her. " Why'd you have to betray me Beatrice? Why and all because of a guy? Disgusting" she muttered under her breathe.

" Hey are we going to practice or what?" Nicolas asked.

" What a fool?" Ariana thought to herself before going to join them.


" I love you James" Ariana said, Nicolas was holding very closely in a position as if he'd just broken her fall.

" I love you too Ana" Nicolas said and they clapped.

" Let's call it a day then" Ariana said and went to pack her things.

" Xup" that was Nicolas to Ariana.

" What do you want?" Ariana asked not looking at him.

" Go on your knees and apologize to me for bending my fingers. Maybe then I won't get back at you" he said with pride.

" In your dreams. I'm so not doing that" Ariana said and carried her bag. " For your information, It doesn't matter to me what you do. I'm not apologizing" she said.

" I warned you" Nicolas said and left.

" Hi" Raymond walked in.

" Hi" Ariana smiled. " Didn't think you'd still be here at....." She checked her wrist watch. " Six thirty"

" Well, I was working on the lunch thief and I saw you were still here so I thought I'd wait" he said.

" Awwwn. That's so...... So nice of you. So, what have you gotten so far?" Ariana asked.

" So far on what?" Raymond asked.

" The lunch thief?"

" Oh that. Come with me" he said and took her to a class.


@ My first shout out goes to Onyinye Ifemegbunam. I saw your comment on the 2nd of October.

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