
Chapter 39

" I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you at the hospital" Beatrice apologized.

" It's fine" Ariana said. " Wanna join me for lunch? I have lunch for two" Ariana said.

" I sure will" Beatrice said.

" Okay then, I'll leave now" Ariana said and left.

" It seems like she doesn't know that I was the one who masterminded the whole apple thing. Good for me" Beatrice thought. " But wait, with Casey around, there's no way she wouldn't have found out by now that I masterminded the whole thing. I'll have to keep an eye on her" she thought and left.


" Ari, did I see properly back there? Did you really speak to Beatrice after all she did to you?" Cassandra asked.

" She said hi and she really looked sorry. I couldn't help it" Ariana told Cassandra.

" Mariana wasn't wrong when she called you emotional" Cassandra muttered.

" Did you say something?" Ariana asked.

" It's nothing" Casey lied.

" Hello students" the teacher walked in.


" Make sure to turn in your assignments alright?" The teacher told them after the bell went.

" Yes sir" the students chorused and the teacher left.

" How boring was that?" Ariana asked Casey.

" I wish there was something more boring than that" Casey said and both girls laughed.

" Ariana, shall we head to the cafeteria?" Beatrice asked.

" Sure" Ariana told her. " Casey, wanna join?" Ariana asked.

" Sure, let's go" Casey said and the three girls left the classroom.


" Here, have this burger and juice" Ariana said handing food over to Beatrice.

" Thanks" Beatrice said and flashed a sweet smile to Ariana.

" Ari, are you serious? Mom made those burgers for you with a lot of love" Casey said.

" I know and that's why I'm sharing it with someone I love" Ariana told her, picking up her phone and typing to someone.

" So Ariana, when are the rashes on your face going to disappear?" Beatrice asked.

" In a few days" Ariana told her.

" I don't trust Ariana with these burgers but I am so hungry I can eat anything" Beatrice thought to herself.

" Casey, why are you with your phone while we're eating" Ariana asked.

" I'm texting my boyfriend" Cassandra said.

Beatrice quickly had a bite of the chicken hamburger.

" Wow!!* Beatrice said as she chewed on the burger. " This is really good" 

" Thanks" Ariana said.

The girls had their lunch quickly and in time, they finished.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Beatrice screamed and all the students turned their gazes to her.

" Beatrice what's wrong? Why are you screaming" Ariana asked.

" My mouth, it's burning" Beatrice said using her hands to fan her mouth. How stupid!!!

" Here, have some water. It should calm you down" Casey said offering her some water.

" Thanks" Beatrice said as she gulped the entire bottle.

" It's gotten worse" she screamed.

By this time, students had already brought out their phones and recorded Beatrice as she acted worse than even a mad man.

     Beatrice quickly rushed to her bag to get her cooling pills and they were able to reduce the burns.

Before the end of the day, the video had already gone viral with the caption" girl runs mad after eating delicious burgers" when Ariana saw this, she smiled inwardly saying" this is just the beginning Beatrice. Max, you're next in line" 


" Ariana, what was the meaning of that? What did you put in those burgers" Beatrice asked angrily with a nose mask on.

" What are you talking about Beatrice? Why would I wanna add something into my best friend's food? But first why are you putting on a nose mask?" She asked trying hard to hide her laughter.

" Well, thanks to someone's burger, my mouth got burnt" she said and took of the mask making the red burn mark around her lips very obvious.

" Whoa Beatrice, I didn't know putting lipstick around your lips was now in season" Cassandra said and burst into laughter.

" See? Friends don't do this Ariana" Beatrice said and left.

" Friends don't poison their friends either" Ariana muttered. " Come on Casey, let's go" she told Ariana.

" The driver must be waiting for us right now" Cassandra said and they left.



" but seriously Ariana, how did you manage to make the burgers mum gave you burn Beatrice's lips" Cassandra asked.

" Those weren't your mum's burgers. There's no way I'd waste food made for me with a lot of love" Ariana said as she sipped some of the orange juice she held.

" Then how could the food she'd eaten burn her lips?" Mariana asked curiously.

" I went to the store" Ariana started.


" Driver, pull over" Ariana told the cab driver.

" But ma'am, you said Merother high school but this is not Merother high school" the driver asked confused.

" Why do you care? All you have to worry about is getting your payment. Here" Ariana said as she gave him the money and walked out of the car.

" Strange" the driver thought to himself.

Ariana crossed and went into the fastfood eatery across the road.

" Hi ma'am, how may we help you?" A girl in her early twenties greeted.

" Two burgers please" Ariana said placing her order.

" Yes" the lady said and dashed out before returning with two burgers nicely packed in two different take home packs.

" Do you have extra service here?" Ariana asked.

" Yes ma'am" 

" And what's that?" Ariana asked.

" We do home delivery" the lady replied.

" Not that. I...... The thing is, I like my burgers spicy. Could you help me spice them up?" Ariana asked.

" Well, I could do that but it costs extra" the lady said.

" Ok. Here's some money, fill this burgers with as much chili as possible. Don't add them at the top, add them at the bottom"

" Ok ma'am but how much chili are we talking of here? One or two teaspoons?" The lady asked.

" No. Fill it with a whole jar of chili and make sure to add some hosta alright?" 

" Yes" the lady said. " What a strange person she is" the lady thought to herself and left.

" You'll get what you deserve Beatrice. I promise" Ariana thought to herself.

" Here you go ma'am" the lady returned.

" Thanks" Ariana said as she took the burgers. She quickly paid and left.