
Chapter 32

The next morning, the Lamberts were all woken by a sweet scent coming from the kitchen.

" Wow!! That smells good" Mrs Lambert said as she approached the kitchen.

" Good morning ma" Ariana greeted. " Some tea?" Ariana asked giving her some tea.

 " I don't mean to be ungrateful but why breakfast?" Mrs Lambert asked.

Immediately she asked that question,she noticed there was an immediate change in Ariana's facial expression. The face which carried a pleasant smile not up to minute ago now bore a sad expression.

" Sweetie are you alright?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Yes. I'm fine" Ariana replied with a fake smile.

" You're lying. Tell me......." Casey walked in wearing a pair of blue pants and a pink girly t-shirt.

" Hi. What's that awesome smell?" She asked.

" Ariana's cooking" Mariana chipped in.

" Wow. But she's not supposed to. Wait, Mariana don't tell me you knew she was gonna cook and you still let her" Santiago asked in a scolding tone.

" Well, don't get all mad at me but she insisted. She refused to sit back so I had no other choice but to let her cook" Mariana said defending herself.

" Sweetie, why'd you insist on cooking? You're out guest and you're not supposed to cook." Mrs Lambert said stirring the pudding.

" Well, I always cook when I'm at the Lennox's" Ariana said.

" I get it if cooking is your hobby but you're still recovering and the doctor has advised us not to let you stress for at least two days" Mrs Lambert said.

" Cooking is not her hobby. At least I know that much" Casey said washing an apple.

" Wait a minute, I'm confused. Ariana, If cooking's not your hobby, then why are you cooking?" Mariana asked peeling off a banana.

" Because she's weird" Santiago said and laughed sarcastically.

" Santiago,....." Cassandra said and flashed him a death stare.

" Fine, I'm sorry" Santiago said.

" Hey, she's not replied. Why is she cooking when it's not her hobby?" Mariana asked again

" Because that's what Is always expected of me when I stay over at Beatrice's house" Ariana said.

" I don't get, please explain"


" Morning Mrs Lennox" Ariana greeted.

" Ugh. Beatrice, how many times do I have to remind you to tell me before you invite this girl over?" Mrs Lennox asked.

" Sweetie, take it easy" Mr Lennox said trying to calm his wife.

" Why should I take easy? Almost every month, she comes here and stays for days. It's almost like we're the ones raising her" Mrs Lennox said Crossing her hands against her breast.

" Mum, it's alright. She's gonna stay for just a week" Beatrice said.

" You call that just? Do you think money just grows on trees? I can't feed her for a whole week. Plus I have to pay the workers but does she care? All she cares about is always coming over." Mrs Lennox said.

" Have I made a mistake or something?" Ariana asked sadly.

" No you haven't but you're just too annoying. I want you to leave" Mrs Lennox said.

" Mum, you can't be serious" Beatrice said.

" I'm f**king serious and if she doesn't leave this house in the next two minutes, I'm gonna call the cops and get her arrested for trespassing" Mrs Lennox said.

" But,...... My mum's not home and I can't stay alone. Please Mrs Lennox, I'll do anything" Ariana begged. " If you want, I won't eat your food. My mom gives me money, I'll buy my own food but please don't send me away" Ariana begged.

" I think I have a better idea" Beatrice proposed.

" And what will that be?" Mr Lennox asked interested.

" I propose that whenever Ariana is here, she should be the one who does the job of the maids so that you don't have to pay the maids their full salaries and that way, she doesn't act as a parasite" Beatrice said with a devilish smile on that fresh face of hers.

" Beatrice, are you crazy? What are you saying? I can't be a maid. I'll rather stay at someone else's rather than be a maid. I'm leaving, I didn't expect this from you" Ariana said and made to leave.

" Yeah. Do you see the type of friends you keep Beatrice? Friends who are ungrateful, disobedient,..........." Mrs Lennox started saying mean things about Ariana. " Remember your secrets fool. Remember you're......."

" That's enough Mrs Lennox. I'll do it" Ariana said in tears. Now she regretted ever telling Beatrice her secret.