
Chapter 141



I stared at her shocked. How could she have slapped me?

" Ari, you..."

" I expected more professionalism from you Mr Styles. How can you hug your business partner in such a romantic manner?" She asked and I couldn't find the words to reply her.

" We're so sorry Becks. Please have a seat" I heard Arnold say and she rolled her eyes.

" I can't partner with such people. People who don't know how to act professionally don't deserve to be my partners. I'm sorry but this deal Is off" she said.

" We're so sorry Becks. Please have a sit, he just mistook you for someone else" Arnold said.

" It's fine, I get that a lot" she said and proceeded to her seat.

I stood there, shocked. I could never mistake Ariana for anyone so why was she denying who she was? Aside that, how was she even alive? I thought she died ten years ago? Something wasn't right here.

" Won't you have your seat?" She asked but the words to reply couldn't leave my lips.

I stared at Arnold and he signalled for me to go to my seat. I knew he was bothered about the deal but at this point in time, I wasn't bothered about the deal. I was bothered about getting my love.

" Mr Styles, please return to your seat" Mr Vasnani said and I proceeded to my seat.

All through the meeting, I couldn't help but stare at Ariana. I didn't pay attention to anything they said and all I could see were Ariana's lips moving in a synchronized form and it brought great joy to my heart that she was still alive but why was she acting like she didn't know me.

" What do you think Mr Styles?" A representative from Zach devices asked.

" Think about?" I asked. I couldn't say yes to what I didn't know. I didn't want to be like Justin Balor from my favorite book  " Elena" by Star Macy. He was so caught up in staring at the woman he loved that he didn't know when he said yes to her releasing her husband who constantly assaulted her.

" Haven't you been listening?" Arnold asked. " Becks has agreed to partner with us''

" And what's the catch? " I asked.

" 30 percent of the profit we'll be making in the first four months" Arnold replied.

" Is that all? Does it involve her putting it up on her social media handles? " I asked.

" Yes it does" 

" Alright then" I said.

" Get the contract" Becks ordered and her secretary brought in a contract which she signed before passing it round the table for everyone else to sign.

When it got to my turn, I carefully read through it before signing it.

" I guess that's all" Becks said and got up. " So I'll be at Rayna's love headquarters tomorrow at three for the commencement of the shoot" she said and got up 

" Thank you" we said and all exchanged handshakes. Just as I was about to shake her, she left and I ran after her.

" Raymond!!!" I heard Arnold call. I looked back and saw him coming after me but I didn't care.

After ten long years, I finally saw my Ariana. I couldn't leave her.

" Ariana" I called and she stopped just before she got into the car.

" What is it Mr styles?" She asked in a tone which was used when you were speaking to someone you didn't know.

" Mr styles? It's me Ari, Raymond" I said and cupped her face.

" What are you talking about Mr Styles? You're acting like you've known me for long" she said and it confused me. How could Ari be acting like she didn't know me? Something wasn't right.


" What are you saying Ari? How can you not recognize me?" He asked again. He couldn't bring himself to believe that the woman he'd waited ten whole years for couldn't recognize him.

" Listen, i don't fancy conversations like this. I know people like you, you claim to know celebrities when you don't. Why do you do this? The answer is simple..... Money. I expected more from you Mr Styles" Becks said and made to get into the car but Raymond held her back.

" I'm not pretending to know you. I do and I have proof" Raymond said and took out his wallet to show Becks a picture of Ariana and himself,.... Kissing.

" And what am I supposed to do with this?" She asked.

" You're Ariana. You're not Becks so stop acting like you don't remember me" Raymond yelled. He was tired of having to explain himself over and over again.

" Are you seriously yelling at me? The girl in that picture only has my face and you expect me to believe I'm her?" She ran her hair back. " My name's not Ariana. My name's Becks, Becks M. Got it!!"

" Your name's Ariana. We dated ten years ago and at the time, you were about to die so what's with the act?"

" Can you even hear yourself? At that point, your girlfriend was about to die and that was ten years ago so how can she be alive and be me?" Becks asked.

" I don't know. I should be asking you that" he pulled her by the waist to himself " you are Ariana and you can't deny it" he said with confidence.

" I'm not Ariana. I'm Becks and nothing can change that" she said and tried to move away from him but his grip on her waist was just too tight. " Let me go" she spoke with such authority.

" I'll prove to you that you're not Becks M. You're Ariana Wilson and no one else" he said and let go of her waist.

" And how will you do that huh? I know who I am. I'm Becks M, married and mother of two kids. I'm not your silly girlfriend" she said and pushed him away.

" Shall I show you one more proof then?" He asked.

" I don't have time for that" she said and hurriedly got into the car, shutting it's door

" I'll show you some day" Raymond said with a mischievous smirk.

" Can I tell you something? " She asked.

" What is that?" Raymond asked, arms folded.

" You need help" and with that, her driver drove off.

" Raymond" Arnold called. " I've being looking all over for you so what did I miss?" He asked panting

" A lot. You stay here, I'm gonna get my woman back" he said and left Arnold.

" What a weird dude he is" Arnold muttered to himself. " Wait up!!!" He called and chased after Raymond.


Raymond poured a quick glass of water for himself after getting home.

" You can't escape me Ariana. You're just faking the name Becks. You can't be Becks. You're Ariana, one half of Rayna, my better half and you can't change it" he muttered to himself.

" So, tell me what happened" Arnold said and sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

" Nothing much. What are you doing with popcorn?" 

" I'm gonna watch a movie. I saw her today and I need to celebrate it by watching her movie" Arnold said and switched on the TV.

" Becks M?" He asked and Arnold nodded " make room for two because today.... I'm gonna be watching with you" he said and sat beside a confused Arnold.

" You? Watch a Becks M movie? Tell me I'm dreaming" 

" You're not. Now scooch" he said and grabbed a handful of popcorn before shoving it into his mouth.