
Chapter 132


" Casey" Mariana called from the living room. " Does she really take this long to get prepared?" Mariana asked Ariana.

" Sometimes, it just depends" Ariana said.

 " Classic girls" Santiago muttered to himself as he continued playing his video game.

" Hey Santi, you have one more life" a boy, Santiago's age said.

" Damn you ladies, you're making me loose" Santiago said and focused more on his game.

" That's what happens when you decide to play a game in the living room instead of your room" Ariana said.

" We're here" Edward said.

" Dad" Ariana called and rushed to hug him.

" Good morning Becky" Ashley greeted.

" Morning" Ariana said with a smile on her face and it warmed Ashley's heart that her daughter had finally forgiven her.

" So, what are we waiting for?" Ashley asked.

" Cassandra. It's like she's giving birth in her room" Mrs Lambert said and they all laughed.

" Tell me about it. Ashley takes nothing less than half an hour to put makeup on" Edward said

" Are you complaining about me? " Ashley asked, feigning anger.

" Of course I won't" Edward said and she rolled her eyes at him.

" I won" the boy who was playing the game with Santiago screamed of joy as he jumped of joy.

" Damn" Santiago cursed.

" Come on, where is it? " The boy asked.

" Come on Otis, you're seriously not gonna copy my homework" Santiago pleaded 

" I wasn't the one who bet on my homework, you did" Otis said with a grin on his face.

" F**k you Otis" Santiago said as he brought his homework and gave to Otis " you ladies see what you've caused? Just get going already" he said.

" We will, just let Casey come downstairs. I wonder what's taking so long, she was almost done when I left the room" Ariana said.

" I'll go check on her" Mariana said and went up to Casey's room.

" Aaaaaaa" Mariana screamed after walking into the room.

" I'll go see what is wrong" Ariana said and rushed upstairs.

Immediately she got up, she screamed after beholding the heartbreaking sight in front of her.

Everyone rushed upstairs to see what made Ariana and Mariana scream and there they saw it, Casey laying in a pool of her own blood.


I watched as my best friend was being wheeled into the ambulance and my heart broke into a thousand piece's.

What could have happened to her? She was fine just minutes ago when I left the room so how could this have happened? I asked myself as I followed dad, mum, Mariana and Santiago into dad's car while Mrs Lambert followed the ambulance.

We buckled our seatbelts and dad zoomed off.

After some time, we arrived at the hospital and I rushed to meet Mrs Lambert who was crying.

" It's alright mum, Casey will be fine" I assured her.

" But what happened to her? Who could have done such a terrible thing to my daughter?" Mrs Lambert asked and I sobbed.

" Relax Miranda, let's wait for the doctor to say something" mum told Mrs Lambert and i got up.


We continued to wait for the doctor to give us feedback on Casey's health but he wasn't forthcoming and it increased the level of fear in us. 

After minutes of waiting, the doctor finally arrived.

" Doctor, how is she?" Mrs Lambert was the first to ask.

" Good news, she's fine. She only sustained a minor head injury but she's conscious now" the doctor said and we heaved a sigh of relief. " I've prescribed some drugs for her, she'll be free to go tomorrow" the doctor said and I smiled, at least my best friend was fine.

" Can we go see her now? '' I asked eagerly.

" Of course you.... " I didn't even wait to hear the remainder of what he had to say before I rushed into the ward the doctor had just come out from.

I walked into the ward and saw a nurse changing the bandage on Casey's head.

" Casey" I called and she turned to face me

" Ari" she called out to me after the nurse finished dressing her head and leaving.

" What happened to you? " I asked.

" I don't know, I just woke up and found myself in the hospital" she said and we both chuckled.

" You fool. Always trying to be funny even when you're on a hospital bed" I said before the rest of the family walked into the room.

" How are you doing Cassandra? " Mrs Lambert asked.

" I'm fine mum" she said and sat up.

" Tell me, what happened to you? " That was Mrs Lambert.

" I don't know mum, someone attacked me" Casey said and I raised a brow. Who would want to attack Casey? She was as sweet as ice cream, cupcake, candy floss, and many other things so why would anyone attack her?


Ariana dressed the bed as she helped Casey lie down before tucking her in.

" There's no need for all this you know" Casey protested.

" There is so lie down. I'm going to get you juice and some pasta, that should do" Ariana said and made to leave.

" Why are you so nice Ari?" Casey asked and Ariana sat on the bed.

" I'm not nice, I'm just doing what every best friend does" she sniffled " i have you and your family and I owe you all a lot for not judging me based on my past and not using it against me. Back when I was still close to Beatrice, her mum and dad used to taunt me a lot with my secret and I couldn't tell them that my name wasn't really Ariana Wilson" she said.

" Yeah, about that. I've been wanting to ask, why'd you change your name? " Casey asked.

" You know, I didn't change my name on purpose. Elizabeth forced me into it" Ariana said.

" And how? "

" After the divorce, dad didn't even fight for my custody and Elizabeth used it to turn me against my dad" Ariana said.


" I'm taking Becky with me" Elizabeth said and took Becky's bag.

" Daddy, what are you doing? She's taking Becky with her?" Micheal said as he shook Edward who stayed at one end of the room, arms folded.

" Let her go Micheal. The fact Becky's not saying anything shows that she really wants to stay with Elizabeth and it only proves one thing, women with your mother's blood have one nature, leaving their loved ones behind" Edward said without looking their way.

" Elizabeth was right, you never wanted me and as usual, you'd put the blame on mum like you've being doing for the past six years. Don't you get tired of it? Well if you don't, I am. I'm tired of you constantly reminding me that you made me come to this world through a woman who didn't care about me and a man who doesn't love me" Becky said.

" Come on Becky, don't waste your time on him. Let's go" Elizabeth said and took Becky away.

At intervals, Becky kept looking back to know if Edward would come running to stop them but sadly he didn't and that was the last she saw of Edward, the last she saw of her father.

" Where are we going Aunt Lizzy?" Becky asked as Elizabeth continued to drive.

" Somewhere far from here darling. Somewhere you won't have to see the face of the man who didn't even fight to keep you" Elizabeth said and continued driving.

" Why doesn't dad love me aunt?" Becky asked.

" I don't know but here, have this. It'll help you calm down" Elizabeth said and took out a tablet from her purse.

" Don't you think it's too much aunt Lizzy? I think I'm becoming addicted to this drug and I wanna stop. Everytime you give it to me, I start thinking about things I shouldn't and I don't like it" Becky said.

" It's alright Becky. I'm just looking out for you but if you don't want it, it's fine. Have this one instead, it seems you have a headache. This is a painkiller" Elizabeth said and gave Becky another tablet.

" Thanks" Becky said and took it. She swallowed it and began to feel dizzy. " Aunt, what's happening? " She asked.

" From now on, you'll call me mum and you're no longer Rebecca Morgan, you're now Ariana Wilson" Elizabeth said.


" And that was it, when I woke up, I found out that my name had being changed and I now addressed Elizabeth as mum." Ariana said and poured s glass of water for Casey.

" I'm sorry Ari or should I say...... Becky? " Casey asked.

" Call me what you want. It's not like it could kill" Ariana said and left.

" I'm sorry Becky" Edward muttered after meeting Ariana at the door.

" it's fine. I can't blame you for not being a good father even though you never tried to" she said and left.


Don't forget to check out;


An affair with my brother-in-law

Both by Star Macy.

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Good night lovelies