In the middle of an intergalactic war, one of the best pilots in the stellar fleet witnesses helplessly the destruction of the entire fleet and, with it, the annihilation of all mankind. When the oxygen in his destroyed ship ran out, he only reproached himself for not having been able to at least die like a hero. However, without knowing why, his soul returned in time to the day of his entrance exam at the academy. This time Eneas would save his life, his mother's life, and everyone he could save. Armed with an inhuman ability to pilot, he will make the most of his mecha, the Phoenix named Uroboros, changing history of the universe forever.
Eneas gave orders to fire from a distance against the siren ships, while the autonomous fighters began to overtake their position and engaged the ships, 103 fighters and more than twenty-five fast mechs.
The Saitans were licking their lips at seeing such a large force approaching carelessly. Before the Allied fighters were within shooting distance, the first Siren ships activated their device.
For Eneas and his group, it was just a beep; for the rest of the fighter fleet, it was absolutely nothing. The pilots within the safety of the ships following the Arcadia simply had their radios turned off until that threat was over.