
An uncomfortable conversation

Eneas was surprised, despite Admiral Odyseo's intervention at dinner the previous night, afterward he had never interacted with him again; he could even say that he acted as if he had no relationship with his father.

Seeing that the admiral had taken the trouble to follow him to the mall was strange; at least it wasn't predictable behavior. It was really a coincidence that just when Eneas was leaving the blue pavilion, Admiral Odyseo was leaving it. His stay in Troy was ending, and the next day he would leave with the Argos to pick up the rest of the cadets who would be in his charge for the next six months on the training ship.

"Admiral, I don't know if this is a chance meeting, but of course you can sit if you wish, it is an honor to share a drink with the hero of Ithaca"

"Please be familiar with me at least for this while, and allow me to do so too; deep down, I have known you since the day you were born, even though we have never seen each other since..."

After what his mother had told him the night of the celebration of the results of his entrance exam, she was already aware that the Admiral had to have some type of relationship with his parents, which is why he did not surprised. Eneas was more curious than afraid about this encounter and what could come of it.

"I see you're not surprised..."

"It was only a few days ago, after approving access, that my mother told me who my grandfather was and told me that if I ever needed a favor to come to you, she told me to give him this and tell him that it was from Venus " Eneas took out a small wooden ring.

The admiral picked up the ring and looked at it longingly. When the three of them were young students of different types of training, before beginning their military careers, they had bought some silly rings made of simple wood, a symbol of friendship and eternal loyalty.

"Venus...she hasn't heard that name in a long time...is she okay?" The admiral's gaze was lost in his memories.

"Yes, my mother is fine; she fought a lot to support us both... The orphan's and widow's pension was not enough... but now she is fine, and she is happy..."

"I don't need to know more, and it's not my place to tell you the story... Maybe one day, just let this old friend of your family give you some advice... Do everything you can to get a place in the "Argos." Only then will you be able to get away from the influence of Admiral Zeus, and only then will I be able to help you if you need it..."

Faced with a superior power with influence and ramifications throughout the navy, the admiral's suggestion was the most logical, to escape into vast space, where Odysseus was king and master over the lives of his crew.

"May I ask you a question Admiral?"

"Ask Eneas; deep down, I was the one who followed you here"

"Did you know my Father?"

"Yes, we were friends, companions and rivals for your mother's affection; he was the best pilot I have ever known, the bravest soldier, and someone who did not deserve to have ended up as a simple sergeant... Take care of Admiral Zeus; I can't tell you more"

"If you knew me as a child, why did I never see you again?"

Odysseus snorted; it was obvious that the conversation was reopening old wounds. He did not want to tell the boy anything; that truth did not belong to him, but he had come to meet the Cadet of his own free will, and now that he was beginning to stand out from the other cadets, it would not take long for the news to reach the great Admiral... The boy was about to feel a heavy shadow over him; he had to help him somehow.

"You have to know so that you can take charge of your grandfather's power and influence, that your father did not really fail the entrance exam for officer school... It was Zeus; it was that bastard who wanted to prevent his daughter from marrying your father at all costs, a lower-class boy, without military tradition, without position, without money... It was your grandfather who ordered your father's squadron to go to the battle front out of revenge... And I... Your mother wanted to disappear from the map, to be separated forever from the family to which she belonged... I was just a newly appointed officer... I couldn't do anything... if I stayed in contact I would have put both of you in danger. ... but don't ask me any more; let your mother tell you... I'm leaving today. Do your best, Eneas. I'm sure you can get your place at Argos; you've already shown that you're even more capable than you thought your father was. Earn the place on the Argos, then we will talk..."

The Admiral drained his glass of Nectar and stood up. Eneas did not hold him back; he had many things to think about. What kind of monster was his grandfather?

Squal's match was still being played without any difference from what he had already known in his other life. By the time the match ended, Eneas had multiplied his original fortune by a little more than ten; he had won all the bets placed, although it didn't seem like a big difference, it was really like comparing a hill with Mount Olympus, an abysmal difference...

With that certainty in mind, although with many questions in his head, Eneas approached one of the most exclusive stores in the shopping center... There was a possibility that he had not considered; perhaps despite the money he would not be able to guarantee the place for his mother when the auction was over; however, and just maybe he could try to become wealthy enough to buy his own interstellar cruiser...

Eneas entered Charon Starchips, the most cutting-edge company in space engineering, with an important project in mind, something that could guarantee the safety of his mother. He entered the store. After the surprise of seeing a simple aspiring officer entering the store, once he demonstrated his solvency, they treated him as if he were a king, an emperor... It was just a project, but Eneas had to know what the plan was. This is the goal to beat.