
Endless Unknown

Looks like I’ll be posting on Royal Road. Alex has known power for a long time and has been the most powerful being, with power over the countless multiverses for as long as he could remember, but all of a sudden his whole life is turned upside down when he finds out his whole life has been a lie. Royal Road

Hbk · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Old Wounds 2

Die, die, die, die, he needed to die, someone like him didn't deserve the right to live. How could such a person live for that long? With such nonsense in his head, using it as a basis to justify all the things he had done. Alex couldn't understand it, it made no sense, such a childish dream, how did his whole life get torn down for the sake of such nonsense, it was baffling. He was blind with rage as he lunged towards Marcus, who was eagerly waiting to receive the full brunt of his attack. But Marcus wasn't ready enough for what was about to happen.

Alex was suddenly upon him, holding both of his wrists with so much force that they got crushed, overpowering the hardening he had put up. Using his full weight he pushed Marcus to the floor, a savage beast tearing up its prey, that was the scene that was about to play out before Valek's eyes.

No words came from Alex, just animosity as he brutally pulled Marcus's right arm off, bone and all separated from the sockets.

"Aaargh!!" Marcus screamed at the top of his lungs, the pain, oh the pain, it hurt so bad, he could feel nothing but pain on the right, it was excruciating. The arm began to regenerate, but the wild beast on top of him had just started devouring its prey and it wasn't going to let it escape easily. His right arm came down with blinding speed and strength, impaling him in the chest, pinning him to the floor. He screamed, he writhed in pain, trying to regenerate the arm at first was taking a lot of concentration and energy but now, he had to deal with the hole in his chest too. He wasn't given much time to think as the beast upon him began to pound him with punches and tear his skin. He tried to defend against it, tried to push it away but it was futile, all he could do was raise his hands up to cover his face and try to heal himself faster than he was getting torn apart, if he didn't this was surely going to be the burial ground of Marcus, spikes, flames, ice, they were all swatted away like flies. The beast wasn't going to let go till he was done, his bones were being crushed, his skin and muscles were being torn, he was at the mercy of the beast.

He couldn't accept it, he still had a lot to do, there was no way he could let it all end here. He decided to stop trying to heal himself for a while, to endure the pain and redirect his all into attacking what was on him. His eyes began to glow and a stream white light came forth from from both eyes heading towards Alex with the intent of ending him, but Alex didn't care, his hand came crashing down, pushing back the light into Marcus's eyes, then crushing his face in the process.

For Alex to be in such a mad state and still be able to think so clearly that he was able to create a reflective surface on his hand to reflect the light back to its origin, he was ready to do anything to kill Marcus, even if he had to become a beast in the process, every bone he cracked, every piece of skin he tore, every punch, all of it, he was going to remember it and he didn't care, as long as Marcus died it was fine with him.

Valek was still sipping his tea, watching the scene before him unfold. He watched with keen interest as both men fought, trying their best to kill each other, savoring every moment like a child watching his favorite tv show. The animosity emanating from Alex as he crushed Marcus was splendid to watch, he was having a really good time with both of them, but he knew this scene wouldn't go on forever and it was already reaching its end. "Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk!!" Alex's screams rang in his ears.

Alex was still on top of Marcus, both were drenched in blood, but Marcus was unrecognizable, mashed bones, torn skin, torn limbs, half a skull, he was a mess, although his body was healing slowly but surely. Alex was no more pounding at Marcus, he had no more strength for that, all the energy he had left was used on that last rush, if he tried to use anymore he had a feeling he would meet his end. The wounds he received in the battle were just beginning to hurt, he was just noticing the gashes and burns on his body, he had been so consumed by anger that his body didn't register the pain he received, the pain came like a huge tsunami, it was jarring. He couldn't finish Marcus off with the energy left within him wasn't enough to do so, it was taking a lot of concentration and energy to just keep breathing, if he killed Marcus and died in the process, he's goal wouldn't be achieved.

"Why? Why? Time and time again I fail to kill this bastard, and now when I'm so close to what I need, I'll have to move on knowing he'll still be there trying to stop me." His voice was cracking, tears dropped from his eyes, he was broken, he screamed at the top of his lungs, beating Marcus wouldn't bring him satisfaction, he needed him dead. He stood up from the body, wiping of his tears, trying to shake off his annoyance. If he couldn't pass this obstacle yet, he'll just have to face it another time. He had to save his anger and wrath for when he had the power to achieve what they wanted.

Marcus chuckled, but it was raspy, the beat down he just received left little for him to talk with even with the help of healing, just little of his former gusto was present in his laugh, but it was still there nonetheless. "Oh my days. Alex, you are a selfish one." He slowly pulled his arm from his chest and the hole began to close up slowly. "It's funny how you hate me for just trying to achieve my goal, Sheila was just a necessary casualty and that's it." His arm was knitting itself back with the rest of its body slowly and his voice was returning back to normal.

The former rage and hatred was absent in the reply Alex gave, it was replaced with disappointment and it wasn't at himself but it was at Marcus.

"And what goal is that? Total emancipation? Emancipation from what exactly? Higher levels? Such nonsense has no place in the real world, some dreams should remain dreams in the head of the dreamer and never come to reality. Even if you achieve this dream of yours, how long will it last? How do you even plan on reaching it? Because as far as I can tell, all you have done is kill and destroy, nothing more."

"You still think that? Look around you Alex, after all you've heard you still don't know how I'll do it. Tsk. Disappointing, really disappointing man."

"Then why don't you tell me, tell me how you want to achieve this nonsense."

"It's easy, all I have to do is surpass everything and everything, then nothing would stand in my way."

Laughter filled the observatory from two sides, Alex and Valek couldn't help themselves,what the hell was this guy saying? It had to be a joke. He couldn't be serious, as he uttered those words, Alex's view of him changed a little, he still wanted to kill the bastard but to Alex he was like a small child trying to find purpose.

Sorry, for not updating you guys for so long. Got caught up in some stuff. Anyway why do you think Marcus wants what he wants.

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