
ENDLESS: The Broken Infinity

Zev wakes up in an apocalyptic world where strange creatures have taken over the planet Earth. Accompanied by his younger brother, they are rescued by La Resistencia, a group of soldiers willing to save humanity. With the help of super humans capable of controlling the four elements, they will face a common enemy, The Community of Dawn, a secret society that seeks to prove an old theory about travel between dimensions.

SheHaru · Romance
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49 Chs


Once everything was in place they launched into action, they would cause chaos in the sniper area that would serve as a distraction to enter the research center. The explosives blew up the earth creating a smoke of confusion, Ronda imprisoned the soldiers and Luna's clones ran away from there to take other soldiers away.

There were hand-to-hand confrontations, the boys were already strong so they could face them in the best way.

"Don't be afraid Zev, I'm with you," he heard the voice and felt a chill run through his body.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, some workers notified Jolene about the scandal, so she sent more of her men to fight while she waited anxiously for Ocean.

The Community of the Dawn outnumbered them and outweighed them, Ocean was able to kill most of them but her companions didn't want to leave all the work to her, they had enough that she offered to enter the base alone, however, they didn't expect what happened next.

In the sky countless numbers of armed helicopters were flying, La Resistencia had come to their aid and Kylen was the captain of that mission. Ronda, Luna and Zev were happy to see him, Ocean too but still resentful of the fact that he had encapsulated her.

"Here we split up, I'll go in for them," Ocean said very determinedly.

"You shouldn't go alone," Zev stopped her.

The wind was strong in the area, their hair danced in the air and the dust entered their noses.

"Don't go alone, it can be dangerous," he said again.

"I'll be fine," she said, smiling at him.

For the first time, Ocean had smiled only at him, everyone was just as surprised, even if she was only pretending to make him feel better. Zev felt joy, inside he also wanted to smile which caused more concern that she would go in alone.

As Ocean started to break away from them, Zev saw that a huge group of soldiers was ready to attack without mercy.

"Ocean watch out!" He yelled trying to stop her but something unexpected happened.

Everything darkened in front of his eyes and from among the shadows, a beastly sized black animal with the appearance of a wolf with three heads appeared behind her as if it were a guardian. He was not the only one who saw it, the other soldiers too, shocked by its appearance, died one by one burning with the footsteps of that creature.

"What the hell is that?" Asked Luna, who also witnessed the sighting of that animal.

"I've never seen anything like this," Ronda said.

"Can Ocean see it too?" He questioned.

Ronda didn't want any distractions so she snapped them out of their trance and made them continue fighting, Luna was shocked by the situation but remembered that Maeko loved her pet so she created a clone to follow Ocean inside, then she will deviate to rescue the rabbit.

Once inside the facilities, she made a mental map with the locations that Luna gave her and went straight to Evander without letting her guard down, being alone she was easy prey and she couldn't afford to be too trusting.

She was setting fire to the corridors near where they were locked up to avoid the passage of other people. She felt that she was close to Evander, that's when she became defensive because the creature that came out of the darkness was gone.

Fusing her body with the flames on the ground to slip away unseen, she entered the containment chamber and burned the cables connecting Evander. She sent other flames towards Barret to do the same and free him.

Evander opened his eyes, he was glad to see that it was fire that was there, Ocean had gone for him. Barret's containment chamber was destroyed due to the ground rupture that he himself could have created, he immediately went to where Evander was and broke the lead chains.

"Where's Ocean?" Evander asked.

"It must be close."

Through the door they saw Ocean enter carrying Milo, who was sleeping, she gave the body to Barret while she ran into Evander's arms for a brief reunion. In that the floor began to shake and at a certain point to be slippery.

"You're not going to ruin my plans!" Jolene snapped, appearing in the same room as them, "I'll call mother ether and you'll be in serious trouble."

"You have more to lose than us," Barrett said. "I found out that the traveler is just a myth," he wanted to play with her mind but it didn't work.

Barret began to attack Jolene so that they would not waste more time listening to that woman's tales but they didn't expect her to ace up the sleeve, using a button, the research center began to self-destruct, the soldiers and snipers evacuated the place according to your protocol.

Jolene got out immediately but Ocean used her fire and threw it towards her with the intention of stopping her, however, in doing so, the ground where she was standing cracked causing her to fall where there was a huge amount of water.

"Ocean!" Evander and Barrett exclaimed in unison.

They approached the hole to calculate the depth, they looked for some tool that they could throw to hold it up, but when they couldn't find it, Evander was determined to jump into the water. When he was about to enter they saw that something was approaching upwards, they took a few steps back and Ocean was able to get out thanks to the help of someone who was below.

The girl began to cough to get the water out of her lungs, remembering that Luna had indicated that someone was under Evander. The three reinforcements looked stunned at the one who was prostrate in front of them, the one who saved Ocean from drowning.

He looked different from how they remembered him, he had a vertical scar in his eye that reached the middle of his cheek, his torn clothes showed that he had recent injuries on his arms, the only thing similar to his image was his thin complexion and brown hair, the bushy eyebrows and a profiled nose.

"We have to get out of here," he said as he prevented the water from rising to the surface.