
ENDLESS: The Broken Infinity

Zev wakes up in an apocalyptic world where strange creatures have taken over the planet Earth. Accompanied by his younger brother, they are rescued by La Resistencia, a group of soldiers willing to save humanity. With the help of super humans capable of controlling the four elements, they will face a common enemy, The Community of Dawn, a secret society that seeks to prove an old theory about travel between dimensions.

SheHaru · Romance
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49 Chs


Days before Milo's confession.

Shun woke up with a new mission in mind, to manipulate the Ocean of that dimension to send her with the reinforcements and make them believe that she was their original.

He worked hard all day to brainwash her and when he thought she was ready, he put his plan into action and sneaked out behind her, leaving the original Ocean inside the air capsule. The place was guarded so when Ocean opened her eyes she saw a silhouette in front of the glass that she recognized immediately.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you to tell you that I know what they plan to do."

"And I always knew there was something weird about you," she crossed her arms.

"Since when did you notice?" he asked defensively.

Ocean remained silent for a moment, containing her anger, she stared at him with labored breathing and began to complain.

"Why you? Why precisely you? Wasn't there anyone else?"

"What are you saying?" Milo looked bewildered.

"Ever since Nix gave me life I had dreams where I saw myself being emotionally hurt by a boy, each dream with a different age, a different life but the same person and his shadow..." she lowered her gaze.

Ocean remembered the first face-to-face meeting with Zev and Milo, that day when La Resistencia rescued them from Maeko's song.

"And then I saw them, both of them," she frowned, "of course I recognized Zev but I played dumb."

"Did you recognize my brother?"

"I wanted to let you die but Kylen is such a good person and I didn't want to waste time explaining to everyone about you two."

"What are you talking about Ocean?"

"Travelers can see other lives, right? I as the personification of fire too, those dreams were not dreams, they were the parts of me in different lives, it was myself, in all the dimensions where I exist, Zev always hurts my heart and its shadow too..."

"But I'm not his shadow."

"You are, you are a spirit, your real body is somewhere in this dimension, I don't doubt it is within these facilities."

"How the hell did you know?" He became defensive again.

"When I touched you to attack you I felt your energy and then Zev's attitude was quite suspicious, the difference is that he didn't know anything and you did, you are like a manipulative shadow, didn't you think it was strange that you didn't like us as reinforcements?"

"I thought I disliked them because of their arrogant attitude," he said.

"It's because both you and Zev are travelers, you see other lives and know that your destiny is to hurt me, the only difference is that not in all dimensions you can do it, by accident you found the only dimension where you can't hurt me, where I am better than you, a place where you cannot defeat me."

"Of course we can beat you," he said right away.

"In any case, you are not the problem there, when I resolve my own issues I will think about what to do with you."

"I won't let you get away with this," he warned.

"Hmph, whatever you say," Ocean looked at him unreadably but Milo knew he should be worried.

Milo's spirit walked away from Ocean, leaving her in complete solitude, despite appearing confident, he had a bad feeling.

Ocean therefore freed herself from the capsule using her tough skin as a rock that breaks a glass window. When she was outside, she decided not to attract attention and snuck away to escape from those facilities. Once on the streets of River East she went to do a little private investigation.


The Community of the Dawn prepared for another live speech as Ronda and Kylen kept abreast of new information their enemies would provide to the survivors.

"It is time to return to what belongs to us, eternal life is the reward for our good actions," Jolene communicated to the people, "once you accept, we will be in a better world."

What was known as the famous community that harbored extraterrestrial life in its facilities became a demented sect that sought to carry out a collective suicide, however, people did not see it that way.

The few survivors of that dimension had formed lines, ready to give their consent and thus be able to cross the northern lights.

Kylen listened to the speech while clenching his fists. Ronda on the other hand was making a decision that she was hesitant to share with her commander leader.

"Kylen," she called him but he didn't respond, "Kylen," she tried once more.

"This is so unfair," the man complained.

"And if we just let people cross the auroras..."

Kylen stared at her, surprised by that proposal.

"I mean if they cross they would fall into Nix's loop and even if the community controlled everything it would be exactly the same and people wouldn't notice, we don't win here, we can't free those people, La Resistencia doesn't have that power, "she bit her lips.

Kylen took a deep breath that came out like a long sigh, grabbed his weapons and his best troops and gave the order to do what they did best, rescue people.

Ronda didn't know what to do so she walked back and forth inside the bunker until she ran into Maeko.

"I need you to cover me," the girl said.

"What's going on?"

"I know where Ocean is, the Community set a trap for the reinforcements and guess who is the biggest traitor of traitors?"


Maeko showed her the recording that Luna gave her. Ronda couldn't believe it, she put her hands on her head and sat on one of the benches while Maeko walked away to go find Ocean.

"Everything is getting out of control but as always, no one cares about my opinion and what I think," the redhead sighed.

On the other hand, at the community facilities, Milo approached Jolene.

"How many souls are there?"

"Half the population, they're already being placed in their chambers," she looked at him, "how's things going with Nix and your brother?"

"Well, in a few days they will be separated," he lied.

"And the Ocean thing?"

"Shun has it figured out, it won't take long for that soldier to appear here."

"As soon as he arrives, we have to get rid of Evander," Jolene was about to say something else until La Resistencia appeared and attacked the community's soldiers hand-to-hand.

Kylen and his troops tried to convince the citizens not to sign the petition by telling them that everything was a farce, however they did not believe them even knowing that the reinforcements were no longer there.

"You never give up, Kylen," Jolene appeared behind him.

"Stop this, we can solve it with a truce and help each other."

"What world do you live in?" she mocked impetuously.

They both looked at each other, Kylen's expression was worried while Jolene reflected pride in her look.

"It's a shame you didn't find the traveler even though he was near you all this time," Jolene said, crossing her arms.

"Leave that poor boy alone, it's enough for him to be possessed by mother ether."

"Excuse me? Milo is not possessed."

"Oh, so you don't know? The traveler is Zev, not Milo."

Jolene frowned. "Then double prize for me because Milo is also a traveler, both brothers possess the gift and with Zev being God's chosen one you are lost."

Jolene laughed again and attacked Kylen with a knife. The two fought for a bit until some Kylen soldiers approached to intimidate them but Jolene's troops outnumbered them.

"This is war, La Resistencia is not going to take my people," Jolene mentioned, letting her soldiers take care of them.

Finally Ocean heard a beep close to her, she knew it was Maeko and she let herself be guided by the sound.

"Ocean! What do you bring there?"

"Shh, there's no time to explain," she looked at her, "do you think you can bring back my double?"

"I don't know if a physical body can travel through sound, she would have to die."

"No way! I'll think about something else, now let's go."

"Wait," she paused, "what you've got there I don't think can withstand the trip."

"Well, better for me," Ocean smiled mischievously.

"If he survives then I can send your double back."

"Fine but let's make a stop first," she winked.

Maeko created a sound portal where they both entered, in order to return to their dimension and meet again with the rest of the reinforcements.