
ENDLESS: The Broken Infinity

Zev wakes up in an apocalyptic world where strange creatures have taken over the planet Earth. Accompanied by his younger brother, they are rescued by La Resistencia, a group of soldiers willing to save humanity. With the help of super humans capable of controlling the four elements, they will face a common enemy, The Community of Dawn, a secret society that seeks to prove an old theory about travel between dimensions.

SheHaru · Romance
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49 Chs


Commander Kylen kept calling Ronda on the radio but got no answer, it was dark and the rescue team should have reached the bunker hours ago, the terrain was easy so he didn't understand the reason for their delay.

"I hope they had better luck than us," he sighed.

In that, Ronda communicated, the radio had a signal again and explained what happened.

They sent a helicopter to the area to bring them back. During the return everyone was asleep, except Zev, who was as always, deep in thought.

"I still feel strange, for some reason I don't fit in this."

He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were getting off the helicopter to enter the bunker. The commander let them rest and only stayed with Ronda.

"How many casualties were there?"

"Three, the other three rescuers," she sighed.

"I still don't understand how they fell into an underground maze, I swear there was nothing there."

"Surely the Aurora agents set him up as a trap," Ronda said while rubbing her nose, "and you, how was your mission?"

"Wrong," he growled, "we couldn't get even close to the wall."

"And 089?" she asked intrigued.

"Nothing from him, he has not contacted us again."

Ronda and Kylen talked for a while longer. On the other hand, Ocean inserted the oxygen capsules into Evander carefully. No one said anything until they were calmer.

"I want to sleep, I'm very sleepy" Evander spoke softly.

"I know," he took out the needle and gave it to her.

The boy inserted another capsule into her, soon they both breathed better. Ocean took his hand gently and looked at him, he did the same and at the same time they let out a sigh.

"I think Zev is weird," they spoke at the same time and then let out a genuine laugh.

"I don't tolerate that guy but something in him is mysterious," Evander admitted, cracking his mouth,"I still have my doubts but..."

"I didn't," she interrupted, "I'm going to unmask him."

Evander smiled at her subtly, brought her head to his chest for her to relax and after a few minutes they both fell asleep in deep calm.

At the base of the dawn community, the agents acted as guards because the leader would arrive that night to communicate about her next plans. In the containment chamber they had put inmates who were under the influence of a drug, in addition to putting headphones with the volume turned up.

"Would you be so kind as to sing them a song, little Maeko."

"Yes, mother," she spoke in a somber voice.

The purpose she had was to carry out another experiment, the girl could control humans by singing but only if she got into their minds, she wanted to verify that the melody can affect whoever listens to it directly in their ears.

The inmates were submerged in their deepest thoughts, thanks to the drug they didn't pay attention to the external so when Maeko began to sing, their emotions changed and the ending turned out to be the same, they ended up killing each other.

"Leader Jolene, I have important information to give you, your honor," a high-ranking agent spoke, bowing.

The brown-haired woman turned to see him without any expression, she was a serious, elegant and terrifying woman, because she had a scar on her right eye.

"Tell me."

"In the first instance, a group of young people stole the oxygen capsules, at the same time some soldiers tried to cross the wall, I have no doubt that these two groups are part of La Resistencia."

"Anything else?" She looked at him, still expressionless.

"Our spy sent us this information," he handed over a recorder that began to play a message in Morse code.

Jolene changed her attitude, from being serious to surprised, this information was very valuable to her. Quicker than anything, she gave the order to increase the security of the wall, from the fence there should be even more protection.

"Nobody, listen well, nobody! must get out of here, neither go in nor go out, I have enough that Ocean and Evander are with the humans," she frowned, "find Barret and bring him to me."

The agent agreed.

"And put up a huge sign that says "No trespassing."

"Yes, Your Honor.

Jolene had the bloodbath in the containment chamber cleaned up, then she put Maeko to bed in her white bed with silk sheets and once she was asleep, she left the room to go down to the deep basement of the underground base, there in silence , accompanied by the darkness and a lit lamp, she took out from among her files one that she called "The loops".

"Ayden, Barret, Ocean, Evander, Maeko," she pronounced their names, "there must be many more out of my reach, fortunately the rest of the humans will never know the truth, no one will cross the line and I will maintain the perfect balance."

She continued to flip through the files in that folder and reread all the information about them to refresh her memory.

"My children, soon I will have you all together so that together we can find the missing element."