
ENDLESS: The Broken Infinity

Zev wakes up in an apocalyptic world where strange creatures have taken over the planet Earth. Accompanied by his younger brother, they are rescued by La Resistencia, a group of soldiers willing to save humanity. With the help of super humans capable of controlling the four elements, they will face a common enemy, The Community of Dawn, a secret society that seeks to prove an old theory about travel between dimensions.

SheHaru · Romance
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49 Chs


Arriving at the new facilities, the paramedics checked everyone, including Maeko's rabbit, everything seemed to be in order and very few had serious injuries. After officially introducing himself, Ayden recounted the situation he was in, they had locked him in a well below the Community laboratory, tied with rusty chains and contaminating the water daily with waste, that way they would keep him under control so that he could not escape.

"What bothers me the most is that," he paused, gesturing with his hands, "is that my beautiful physique was ruined, these wounds will leave me horrible scars and my face is perfect, needless to say."

That boy was quite vain and narcissistic, his personality was not as arrogant or explosive as the other reinforcements but his egocentrism made up for it.

When they finished settling in, they ate in silence, dinner had been perfect and they were ready to go to bed, they would have time to think about what they would do next.

When the others were fast asleep, Milo and Zev were in their rooms putting some things in backpacks they had been given. Luna was passing by after brushing her teeth, she couldn't help noticing how suspicious they looked so she interrupted without fear or fear.

"What are you doing?" She firmly placed the palm of her hand on the door.

"We're getting out of here," Zev said without meeting her eyes.

"Why?" She was surprised.

"It's very risky for Milo and me, I don't want to be separated from my brother, I don't want to die riddled by Kylen's weapons or worse, by reinforcements," he paused closing the zipper of the backpack, "also, I'm thinking of going back to my dimension, you should too."

Luna was trying to process the information, Zev had already confessed to his brother about the traveler and about Luna, Milo didn't say anything, he kept silent and would support his older brother despite everything, even if he didn't make it across. to another dimension.

"You two can't leave, there has to be another way," she ran to hug him regardless of the consequences.

"I'll go, no one can avoid it," he said seriously.

"Don't do it" Luna yelled but Zev covered her mouth because it had sounded too loud and could wake up the others.

Milo wanted to speak but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.

"Stay tonight, tomorrow you'll decide better," she murmured.

"I said no, I have never belonged here, I will not risk my life for anyone."

"You are not like that! It must be the voice that controls you, Zev!"

"You don't know anything about me, you don't know me, you can't decide how I am."

He squeezed her wrist to get her away from him, he didn't care that she was crying or feeling bad, he didn't do anything about it either. He walked towards the door along with Milo, and Luna in her last attempt ran to stop him. She stood in front of him, throwing herself into his arms once more, as if the word dignity wasn't part of her vocabulary, which made Zev furious.

She was about to kiss him but he dodged her without even looking at her.

"Why can't you reciprocate me?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Because you don't have black hair, you don't have a fit body, you don't have character or control fire, that's why!" He said with a despotic attitude, "I'm bad, I'm bad for you and for anyone."

Milo was about to interrupt when he saw how jerk Zev was behaving with the poor girl. She looked so harmless and hurt that they only wanted to comfort her, however, someone was listening to the conversation from outside the room.

"Then stay for her!" Luna exclaimed with her heart breaking.

Zev got Luna off of him being a bit abrupt, he was totally crazy and seemed to be someone else, luckily there was someone who defended the girl.

"Touch her like that again and I'll incinerate you…"

Zev's heart began to beat at an unimaginable speed, he sweated cold and froze, the last thing he wanted was for Ocean to find out about his plan.

"Now I see why the Ocean of your dimension was separated by fate from you, you don't deserve it, nor Luna, much less me," she took him by the shoulder, squeezing very hard.

"Stop thinking you're superior!" He yelled at her.

The black-haired woman gave him a slap that made him come to. Luna left the room and ran to lock herself in hers to cry during that cold night. Milo continued without saying anything or moving a single finger while a staring duel ensued between Zev and Ocean.

"Can we talk outside?" He asked with a cracked voice.

Ocean said nothing, just looked at him, he led the way and the three of them left the new bunker. Outside the weather was too cold, they could barely stand it even with warm clothes on.

"Ocean, my brother and I will leave. That plan came to me when we went to rescue you. I'm not strong like you, I don't have powers, I'm nobody even in my dimension, except here," he lowered his head.

Ocean's blood boiled, she couldn't believe his words, still she didn't say anything and kept listening to him before making a decision.

"I will forget that this place exists, I will forget about you, about what happened, sorry for not being able to help you but I'm not going to sacrifice my life for a world that is not even mine and I never want to see you, neither here nor in another dimension, what good is it if you already have that pretty boy with you?, don't follow me, don't beg me…"

Ocean's anger quickly turned into mockery upon hearing that last, she let out a big laugh that made Zev annoyed.

"Do you think you're doing me a favor?" She laughed loudly, "I've been able to witness the times you've dreamed of your Ocean so don't come to me with your macho words, you say that no one knows you but with the little that you show that I can notice that you are always selfish, you only think of yourself, as long as you are well, let the others go to hell, you are double-faced with the people who supposedly matter to you and you don't tolerate that they tell you your truths, say what you want about me but at least I think I'm superior because I am, a pathetic hypocritical human like you will never get anywhere if you only focus on looking for defects in others instead of seeing yours," her hands began to heat up and from them to sprout sparks of fire. "If you are going to run away, as always, do it but don't think that I will leave you the easy path, I am sure that in the end you will regret it and if you don't do it then you are the worst shit of all, that you are a traveler doesn't make you indispensable and I wish that the Ocean of your dimension finds an Evander like mine because clearly you will not be."

Zev's heart became hard as rock at the bible that Ocean had thrown, never before had someone hurt his ego and this woman was doing it. The boy adjusted his backpack quite sure of his decision and indicated to Milo the path they should follow.

Without saying anything about it, he turned his back on Ocean, pretending that her words did not hurt him and ignored her with each step he took, after advancing a few meters he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, she was on fire, something he hadn't seen before, her body was a fire with eyes, arms and legs so he had to fear the worst.

He saw her move slowly bringing her two main fingers to her forehead. When he noticed it, he yelled at Milo to start running as fast as possible and if they got separated, he should wait for him hidden, he wouldn't risk getting caught in what was to come.

Behind Ocean he saw the monster of darkness, the three-headed black wolf with burning eyes that looked like her shadow.

"You say you're a bad person, right? Well then I'll bring out the worst in you…"

Her voice was heard far away with her background laughter that was distorting. He noticed that Milo was far enough away from him when he heard Ocean speak again.

"Infinite fire loop…"

Without realizing it, the dizziness he felt made him fall to the ground, suffocated, he tried to stand up until he fell and closed his eyes. When he woke up, the dizziness was still present, the cold weather disappeared, an unbearable heat ate away at his entire skin, he was in the same deserted place, the only difference was that his feet and hands burned from the chains of fire that tied him to the ground.

He wanted to speak but when he opened his mouth the most atrocious and unspeakable screams he had ever heard in his entire life came out.

The heartbreaking voice that he emitted seemed to come from inside him but he felt stuck in his throat, he never experienced a burning sensation like that, once again he tried to speak but when he articulated, the sound of suffering increased its volume.

Frowning, he thought to silence his voice, he was a traveler, he knew how to get out of a loop but the infinite fire he was facing didn't compare to the ground loop or the sound loop, in short Ocean kept her word, no leave him the easy path, his selfishness condemned him to live eternal punishment so he had to find the solution and he knew that a simple forgiveness was not enough to get him out of there.

"Do I really deserve this?" He told himself in his thoughts.

The air wasn't reaching his lungs well and as if that were not enough, a sea of lava was coming in his direction, he looked around looking for something that would help him cut the chains but there was nothing nearby, he wondered if that was how he felt loneliness, if that was how abandonment felt, if he was the only one who felt it that way.

"I'm going to die," he began to cry, feeling burning in his eyes and without being able to carve them the suffering was worse.

The clear faces of the people he met in that dimension passed through his mind, his brother, the powerful reinforcements that controlled the four elements and finally Luna, the girl he rejected a few hours ago in an unpleasant way.

"Ahhh!" He yelled with all his might.

The acoustics of his vocal cords burned not only his interior but also the exterior causing the lava to run faster towards him, he struggled with all his might for the chains but it was so difficult to get them out of the ground that he preferred to give up.


The lava reached him, his skin would be eaten away by its viscosity, he saw his muscle being devoured until it was left to the bone, the image was atrocious and very difficult to digest, he closed his eyes proclaiming his last cry when he heard the voice.

"I'm burning! I'm burning! We can't die like this!"

What little skin he had left began to glow with a deep, blinding golden light that made him close his eyes. For a few seconds he felt peace and tranquility, he was even able to let out a sigh without hearing the piercing screams, soon a happy image was shown in front of him.

Outside the loop, Ocean's body turned a charcoal color, ashes fell from her extremities, her annoyance was so great that she created the worst scenario for Zev but it would bring consequences because she was reaching her limit of power. When she couldn't take it anymore, the flames went out and she fell to his knees on the cold sand and then vanished completely.