
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

a slave

Aurora kingdom

on the streets of Oakenburn city

"Have you heard about the rumoured recently?"

"What rumour are you referring to?"

"That which claims that the city lord brought with him a new fighter king , replacing the one who previously died."

"What's new about that, he always does the same thing, what's different this time to make all this noise"

"There is, this time, otherwise why would there be all this noise, that difference is that the man he brought with him is a black hair man."

"a black hair man, is he from some barbaric race or from the mountains,I've never seen a man with black hair in my entire life."

"I'm not sure, but what's even stranger is that he only had one arm, and they said he had lost it in a fight."

"that impossible that lord, although his good for nothing noble, but he never brought a weak one to fight, does that mean even with that fighter losing an arm he is still very strong"

"that I don't know, but we could only go and see it today in the afternoon."

Several conversations like these happened on the streets of Oakenburn City, be it from youngesters to elderly, men and women.

When the afternoon arrives, a large number of people from all across the city start move and gather in the centre of city .

where there was a building that was distinct from all the other buildings in the city even from a far you can see it

a colosseum

The oakenburn city colosseum is 70 metres high and 200 metres wide.

Its interior contains a circular stage surrounded by water, with two walkways leading to the stage. There are six levels of seats for spectators throughout the colosseum, allowing it to accommodate a vast number of people.

in the corner of the arena there is a stall and small restroom that either selling souvenirs for those tourists from outside the city or food to entertain the audiences when they watch the fights

Many people are waiting in a huge queue outside the colosseum's gate for their turn to buy a ticket to enter to see if the rumours they had heard were true or not.

"There are more people than usual today," a colosseum employee said as he handed a ticket to a customer.

"that's right, and based on this number, there could even be enough to fill the fourth level of seats"

"hey, you two over there stay quiet and do your work, we're busy here"

"""right now, sir""

As those employees returned to their jobs, the huge line of individuals who came to participate in the colosseum began to thin down.

as they enter the gate and the seats are gradually getting filled up ,until half of the fifth level is occupied.

at that point the colosseum gate is getting closed.

The colosseum official did not seen to want to keep the crowd waiting any longer as He urged the team to begin their work as soon as the audiences took their seats.

"hello dear audiences today, I'd like to thank you for coming here as usual to watch some new exciting fights, but I know that most of you today came after hearing the rumours that started to spread this morning, so be for we start our action today," the announcer said as he continued.

"I'd like to say that, as you may have heard, a strong one has arrived today, but whether he is the colosseum king of this season or not, you should see that with your own eyes, so without further ado, I announced that today's colosseum event of the king candidate choosing would begin with our traditional act,the trial of the strong in other words the great wolf's trial."

As he said this, one of the doors encircling the stage's floor began to open.

dozen strong-looking guys walked throught it,then they began to drag a massive metal box to the stage through a chain.

On the inside of the metal box was a gigantic black wolf-like creature around 3 metres tall with massive teeth that he was using at the moment trying to cut the metal bars around the box to get out but he could only create a small dent on its surface.

After placing the box to the south of the stage.

one of them took the rope used to ensure that the box was closed then went behind it so he could pull it whenever he wanted to set the beast free ,while waiting for the participant to arrive first to opening it.

As he stood alone on the stage with the monster, the northern door suddenly opened, revealing a man with cuffs on his legs, his body riddled with wounds and blood still flowing from them, but as if he wasn't the one injured, his steps were steady and strong, and his eyes, too, showed a strong light when he arrived.

as he had reached the stage ,A staff member showed up and helped him in removing the cuffs from his leg.

Then got down from the stage after gaving him an ordinary looking spear.

When the audience saw him, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"a slave???"

"What the hell is the city lord thinking?"

" Normally, he would brings some strong warriors , so why now all of sudden he brought a slave?"

"Is that what you should be concerned about now?"

"Look at his body riddled with wounds and blood; he might not be able to fight a weak person, let alone beasts, gladiators, and criminals later on."

"But look something is weird about him, even though he is like that, when he walks, his steps don't waver at all, and he also doesn't seem to be in pain despite all those wounds."

"now that you said that it seems you are right"

"Anyway, as long as he can entertain us thats good, or eles I'll never come back to this colosseum " one of the nobels that were siting in a luxury looking room said as he was playing with some slaves beside him

another nobel beside him that was being massaged said "it was a waste of time coming here,this may be the first time i am disappointed with something keith has done"

As the audience complained about the black haired one-armed slave on stage.

the staff member who was always holding the rope to the door of the metal box ,suddenly pulled the rope strongly and fled from the stage, as if his life was on the line.

The beast inside the box then headbutt tge door as it opened instantly.

after getting out out of his cage and testing the freedom he lost for a long time , he roaring to the sky as if venting his anger at it.

The commentator then said, "As you can see right now, dear audience, our cast has arrived, and the play will begin in a few moments.

On the south is the grand wolf from the forest of the dead caught by the city lord's father, the count. while on the north is the slave brought by the city lord himself from his last trip with the merchant fleet leo."

When Leo heard the commontator, he couldn't help but laugh wryly and sigh, "such misfortune!"

before the commentator even finishes his words The giant wolf in front of Leo wake up from his berserk state as his howl stops and he begins running in leo's direction while baring his fang at him.

When Leo saw that, he closed his eye and sighed again, but those in the audience who saw him close his eye assumed he had given up.

but a surprise was waiting for them as only a few moment later,When the wolf's huge paw appeared close to Leo's face, he naturally took a step back and stabbed the spear in his hand at the wolf's neck. When the wolf realised he was in danger, he tried to retrate but his front leg was stuck by Leo's leg as he stepped on it to prevent him from running away.

Although he couldn't stop the wolf for long with his current strength due to blood loss and hunger, that moment was enough for the spearhead to stab the wolf neck and kill it in one hit.

All of his movements were so smooth and natural that not only the audience but also Leo himself was taken aback by this.

He was thinking at this time, 'did my skill grow in some way, or was that wolf only weaker than I thought, no there is no way that I grew stronger when I didn't even train myself, let's just say that the wolf was weaker than expected, that's what I want to say, but why do I feel there is something strange about this...'

with the wolf's strength ,he would have lost in an even more miserable way if Leo had been at his peak, but what confused Leo was that at thid time when he is fighting the wolf he was in his weakest form, bleeding, hungry, with little to no energy to use, he didn't think his skills and spear technique were strong enough to defeat the wolf without the use of physical strength.


"Did you see what just happened here a few moments ago?"

"ah, I saw it, but even now I can't believe it"

"was that his skill, or was it just a coincidence, I don't know"

"I believe that was his skill."

"Look at his face, he didn't seem to care about killing that wolf at all."

"let's wait until his next match and see at that time if it's skill or just luck"

" ya, I only came here to check the rumours but I didn't think I'd find something so interesting, lucky me "

While the audiences were conversing, they noticed Leo walking to the north door and asking the still surprised staff member.

"Could you please hurry up and cuffe my legs? I'm hungry, and if I don't eat, your so-called slave will die of hunger soon."

After being dumbfounded for a moment by his manner of speech, the staff restrained himself from saying a lot, both because he was speaking the truth that he might die of hunger which will anger the master, and also because he also didn't want to die like the wolf if he enraged Leo, so he said, "ah, sorry, please wait a moment, I will put on them for you now."

"then please hurry up"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rhongomyniadcreators' thoughts