
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Chapter 18: Gill Cowel

(Author: Panda has no idea on what he is doing.)

After half an hour, The taxi arrived in the hotel that he recommended. Seiya paid the taxi and went inside the hotel that looks very fancy. He paid for a single room that he will be staying for one night before thinking where to go the next day. He already checked the schedule of the baseball game that will happen this afternoon, after checking in the hotel.

Seiya walks toward the location and it took him 15 minutes to arrive where the reception of the game is, he still has to buy a ticket in which he is lucky because there is no line so he can easily buy a ticket. He wondered why was his previous classmate like watching the games, he tried watching them in the black old T.V but fell asleep as he got bored of it. So this time he wanted to try to watch the game live.

He bought two tickets which was on the edge so that he can have something to learn on when he fell asleep while his other side is empty so that he can place his foods and drinks. He was about to go to where the food were sold, but he saw a blond teenager with his pant's knee a little broken, he seems lost while walking down the street. Seiya couldn't help ask in English as he remembers that this teenager's face looks similar to the future dead guy, so he wanted to make sure.

"Hey, this brother are you lost?"

"C'est à moi que tu parles? (You're talking to me?) "

The blond hair teenager titled his head as he spoke in French, he could understand a little English but can't speak the language fluently, he only knows a few words. Seiya understood his language because he mastered a lot of language when he was young such as English, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Filipino, Russian, Hindi, Arabic and etc. Seiya began to speak in the Language of French .

"Oui, parce que tu as l'air d'être un peu perdu. (Yes, because you seem to be a little lost) "

"Oui je suis perdu, je ne sais pas comment rentrer à l'hôtel. (Yes I am lost, I don't know how to get back to the hotel.)"

"Vous souvenez-vous du nom de l'hôtel? (Do you remember the name of the hotel?)"

"Non, je me souviens juste que ma mère prévoyait de m'emmener voir le match de baseball cet après-midi. (No, I just remember my mom planning to take me to see the baseball game this afternoon.)"

The blond teenager spoke happily but then remembered that he doesn't have a ticket, Seiya couldn't help but ask his name.

"Quel est votre nom? (What is your name?)

"Umm...Gill Cowel.."

He seemed hesitant in saying his name, in which was understandable since Seiya is a stranger but he is still stupid since he spoke to a stranger that he doesn't know. Seiya's expression didn't change but his thoughts were surprise to see princess Mira's brother, Seiya felt that it doesn't feel bad to meet future characters. so he wanted to invite him. Seiya said while waiving his tickets

"Je m'appelle Seiya, si tu veux. Vous pouvez vous joindre à moi et regarder le match ensemble. J'ai un ticket supplémentaire. (My name is Seiya, if you will. You can join me and watch the game together. I have an additional ticket.)"

"Puis-je vraiment vous rejoindre? (Can I really join you?)"

"Bien sûr, j'avais juste besoin d'un ami pour regarder le match ensemble. (Of course I just needed a friend to watch the game together.) "

"Géniale. (Awesome.)"

"Mais d'abord, achetons des aliments et des boissons. (But first, let's buy food and drink.)"

"Très bien, je vais vous aider à le tenir. (Alright, I'll help you hold it.)"

Although Gill was vigilant, he couldn't help but expect a little on how fun it is to watch a baseball game with a soon to be friend so Seiya together with Gill went to the Food Stands that were selling burgers, hotdogs, popcorn including drinks. Seiya bought four burgers, hotdogs and two extra large coke. Gill hesitantly spoke as he held numerous food items.

"Je ne pense pas pouvoir finir le mien. (I don't think I can finish mine.)"

"Ne vous inquiétez pas, je vous aide à les terminer. (Don't worry, I'll help you finish them.)"

While they were busy finding more foods to eat while watching the game, in the fancy hotel that Seiya check into. There were numerous black suit securities running everywhere as a Brown hair man wearing a blue suit kneeled upon a pink hair woman who has a worried expression while sitting in a sofa. The young Duke Keith spoke in English.

"Your Majesty, Do not worry as there might be a news soon."

"How can I not worry! My dear son is missing. What do I do if he was kidnap?!"

"Fear not, I shall call the embassy to help us find Prince Gill."

"Oh gill, I hope you are safe.."

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas maman? Où est frère aîné? (What is wrong mom? Where is elder brother?)"

"Ce n'est rien, Mira. Ton frère aîné vient de sortir jouer avec ses nouveaux amis. (It's nothing, Mira. Your older brother just went out to play with his new friends.)"

The little 11 year old loli Mira runs using her little legs towards Queen Sakura's leg as she ask what was wrong. When she heard that her elder brother was playing with a new friend, she pouted as she muttered.

"Le frère aîné est un méchant, ne m'invitant pas à jouer avec son ami, Hmph! (The older brother is a bad guy, not inviting me to play with his friend, Hmph!)"

Queen Sakura couldn't help but rub little Mira's hair as she tried to remember her conversation with Gill which reminded her about taking him to the baseball games. She said to Duke Keith who was calling the embassy with a Vintage Motorola Phone.

"Lets go to the baseball game, maybe we can find Gill there!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Duke Keith ordered his guard to drive the car as they were about to go to the baseball game where Seiya and Gill has already sat down in the top corner of the seating area, Seiya began to tear the condiment's wrapper and asked Gill.

"Ketchup, moutarde et mayonnaise?"

"Moutarde s'il vous plaît~ (Mustard please~)"

As Gill put mustard in his Hotdog, Seiya began to eat his burger while they waited for the baseball game to begin. The baseball players were beginning to warm up as the Major League Baseball Stadium's spectators increases, it might take a while before Queen Sakura and her bodyguard to find her beloved son who is currently enjoying a hotdog with his new friend.

(Author: If Panda remembers correctly Vespania is a European kingdom which in reality the European has 24 official and working language. Panda used French because Panda liked the language but didn't learn it very well. Panda doesn't know if Panda's French language is correct since it was learned from Panda's master called old Google Translate and other books a long long time ago...anyway enjoy reading, Panda just felt like doing it this way for this one chapter even if there are too many wrong. Anyway its back to full English next chapter. KAKAKAKA)

This is the last connection that Panda will be making before the time skip of when Mouri Ran and Shinichi visits America and enjoy the film in a theater... *Cough* KAKAKA

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