
Endangered Love: Will Love Conquer All

Dr. Mikayla Stone a Cardiovascular Surgeon that knows everything about hearts but the question still stand if her heart will stay hers and if she can protect it from her patient Luke Walters? Join me in the ups and downs of their relationship and see if love will win at the end?

Mrssmithwriter · Fantaisie
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91 Chs


I watch him as he toys with my feelings by showing me how much he wants me. He does not know what it does to me when he smiles like that and when he plays with my senses by licking his lips. He broke through every defense that I have and I can not help the smile that appears on my face. I want to turn around and run like a madwoman to my room and close the door but I am not a little girl anymore. I should stand my ground.

So, I smile and then slowly look down while I step away from the window. But to my utter shock, I ran into my brother and father still standing in the room just staring at me.

"Okay, you going to have to spill some beans?!"

Now, this is the last thing that I want to do. I do not feel like sharing this feeling or moment that I just had with Luke. I, myself, do not even know what kind of feelings I am feeling and now they want me to share it with them. No, I know my dad and brother very well as they will not leave me alone until I say something.

"There is nothing to tell…"

My brother and dad burst out laughing as if I just told them a very funny joke.

"I am serious nothing is going on"

"I am sorry, were you in the room just now?"

My brother and his wisecracks. Trying to get to the bottom of things.

"Okay, so I might enjoy the company of this man..."

Again they start to laugh.

"...but I do not know what is going on yet and because I do not know what is going on I can not tell you anything"

My brother walks closer to me and put his arm around my waist while looking me in the eyes.

"Little sister. Let your wise old brother tell you something. You have fallen for this guy, head over heels"

I watch my dad just nodding his head in agreement with my brother. I wiggle myself out of my brother's grip and then just dismiss them with my hand in the air while walking to my room. I know that everything my brother just told me is the truth. I might be falling much harder for this man than any other man before.


I watch and she disappears behind the curtain and I hope that she realized what my intentions are with her. I start to drive back to my grandpa's house and I am ready for a confrontation with him. I enter into the driveway and then make my way into the house.

My grandpa is sitting on his favorite chair in the lounge. This is the perfect moment.

"Grandpa? So, when were you going to tell me?"

He looks up at me with a frown on his face as if he has no idea what I am talking about.

"What are you blabbering on about?"

"The older women? Penny's grandmother?"

I have never seen an old man's face turning pale white so, this will be my first time. He tries to get up to walk to his room as he wants to avoid all my questions but this time I am ready for him. I put my hands on the armrests of the chair and make him keep on sitting.

"No, no, no you are not gonna get away this time. Why didn't you just tell me about her? Why did I have to go and find out about her from someone else?"

I can see that he wants to know who that someone else is but I am definitely not going to give up my source. He looks down while shaking his head, moaning.

"Urgh... It is none of your business, boy"

"But that's where you are wrong, grandpa. I want to know that you are happy and that you have someone in your life. If this woman makes you happy I just want to know, please"

He takes a deep breath and then I see that I have broken through his walls. So, I sit back in my chair.

"We do not know each other so well yet and that is why I will appreciate you going to the reunion, as a favor to me"

This time it is my turn to frown and look at my grandpa with a question in my eyes.

"Why will it be a benefit for you? If I go to the reunion?"

I can see that he struggles to answer my questions but this is important to him so he makes the effort. This woman must be very important.

"The thing is, Penny is her world and her grandma asked me if you were going to the reunion because it is important to Penny. So, I kind of already promised her that you will go"

I stand up abruptly in response to his statement and then look at him with a face of disgust.

"Grandpa, you can not promise her things like that! You know that I do not want to go and that Penny is the last person I want to see, ever"

I watch as my stubborn and tough grandpa suddenly turns into a soft and squishy man. His face fills with redness and he blushes as he mumbles these words. Almost whispering it.

"Son, please…"

He is not a man that likes to say please and thank you. I know that this is very important to him. I want my grandpa to be happy and not alone. I guess sacrificing one night of my life will probably be pale in comparison with my grandpa, being alone forever. I take a deep breath and then stare my grandpa straight in the eyes.

"Okay, grandpa but you owe me big time"

I watch as this old man's eyes start to lit up like Christmas lights. It is as if life returns to him. He stands up like a young man and then hugs me tight.

"Okay, okay, I can not breathe"

As he releases me I see his face is filled with joy. I am glad that I could make my grandpa feel better and maybe even just gave him a lifetime with that woman. I start to pack my things as my flight is almost ready to leave and then a sudden sadness fills my heart.

I am thinking of the beautiful Mikayla and how she has consumed me, mind, body, and soul. I hope that I will be able to see her again in the city as I know this was a completely random coincidence that we saw each other in a small town like this. I hope that fate will be kind to me once again and I get to see her again.