
End of Protectors

There Miya stood, face to face with a protector. She shouts as she puts her hand on her sword, "I demand to know who I am!" The protector would shake his head in disbelief. His next words will be forever imprinted in her mind. - -- - Photo cover is from google

0_shinigami_0 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Forced into Battle

The young maiden takes her water carrier off of her shoulder. The leather strap, holding onto the carrier with metal clips, was rubbing against her bare neck. She curses under her breath while rubbing her neck then takes a sip of her water. She looks over herself as she pats down her outfit and places the water carrier back. It consists of her water carrier, hip and leg bags, leather shorts, and a baggy button up. Her short, blonde highlighted, brown hair rests just above her shoulders. The maiden looks behind her and takes a deep breath before opening a large steel door.

The room has a high, stained glass ceiling and at the far end are these tall and heavy wooden doors with silver details. The floor is black and gray checkered tiles, tables with food line the walls, and there are a few different halls and rooms branching off of this one. The other rooms are a lot like this main room but less crowded and aren't as large. Different types and sizes of elves cover the room. The room itself is filled with chatter, food, and important people. Out of all the noise, the maiden makes out her name.

"Miya! Over here!" A short elf with a warm, tan skin tone is waving her arms and jumping. Miya walks over and the elf sighs with relief. "I've been trying to get your attention for a while and you didn't notice. Either way, I'm princess Quinn of the Sun Elves. I've heard a bit about you; I'm the one who invited you after all." She flips her crimson red, braided hair off of her shoulder with a soft smile.

The elf royalty commonly have more than one kid and the royal line follows the sons. Sun Elves have the power of controlling sun orbs, like their name implies. Sun orbs can be bent into other shapes, summoned, and used in fights. The orbs themselves are bright and give off a red and orange glow. Moon Elves have roughly the same power but instead of bright sun orbs, their moon orbs are dark and cloudy. Both orb types can be thrown around by other elves unless used in a battle manner. If an elf were to throw one at a different race, it would explode and cause damage to the other person.

Miya scans over the princess with curious eyes. Her white dress looks very royale with red embroidered details at the collar, down her sleeves, and at the sleeve cuffs. Her skirt touches the ground and has a red fade. "And why me? I mean I'm not an elf." Miya speaks softly and picks her words carefully. She wasn't wrong, her ears were rounded like a human's while the elf's are long and pointed.

Princess Quinn takes a moment to think before putting her hands on her hips and speaking, "Well because you're abnormal! Well, in a good way. My family has looked everywhere and you're not like anyone else. You haven't figured out your powers and you don't look like any race. So I wanted to see you for myself." After a moment of Miya not replying, she continues. "I'd like to see you fight, maybe I can help define your race."

"No thank you. It's a nice offer but-." Miya's voice stops abruptly as she backs into something. She turns her head and it's a royal guard. The guard uniform is a plate of silver over their chest, tight black shirt and pants, and their helmet is silver with a ribbon coming from the top. She curses under her breath as the guard picks her up by her arms and takes her to a battle ring. The ring is a large oval shape with rows upon rows of seating. On the edges of the ring are indents with bars over the entryways.

As elves fill in the rows, Miya is tossed into one of the indented rooms and the bars slam shut behind her. Within the room are different types of weaponry. They had pretty much every type of weapon you can think of. She picks up a light weight sword and looks at the handle. Engraved is the name 'Kaal Wisehorn'. Miya then looks at one of the staff and it also reads 'Kaal Wisehorn'. She places the staff back down as it's useless to her and keeps the sword. Picking up a similar secondary sword, she heads to the entry gate.

Looking out of the gate, the ring is empty and the seats are completely filled. An elf is speaking from speakers in elvish. "Welcome fellow Quessir! Today sar have Al new quess put lor Tel' test. Sal nu si won't disappoint. First, Tel' newbie!" After the elf is done speaking, the gate in front of Miya starts to slowly open. Once the gate was to her shoulders, she ducked her head and slowly walked out of the room.

As she walks closer into the middle, her gate slams shut as if it was dropped close. "Kyed Adoe nesh Tel' training dummy." Again, after the elf finished speaking, a gate started opening. But instead of it being her own, it was a room across from where she was. Once the gate was fully up, out walks this huge beast. The beast is at least 12 feet tall and 9 feet wide. It has stitches around it's left elbow, right upper arm, stomach, both legs, and one around its neck which travels up its face. Its skin has different tones, ranging from dark blue to a tan. The beast lets out a loud roar as it comes marching towards Miya.

"Let Tel' Dala commence!" The elf speaks one last time over the speakers and the crowd starts to cheer.

Miya takes a deep breath and crouches down, not leaving much room . She places her swords near her, closes her eyes, and rests her bare hand on the ground. Tuning out the chatter, she feels the ground and listens to the beast's walking. Making out how far away each step is and the time between each step. She stands up and grabs up her swords again. Miya spins her sword in her left hand as she glances around the ring.

The maiden just rolls her eyes as Miya stops spinning her sword and starts running towards the beast. She sticks her one sword into his arm and swings her body up and onto his arm. She drags her sword as she continues up his arm. He lets out a scream and waves around his arm. Miya stabs her other sword into him for support. Yet her swords slip out and she goes flying through the air. She hits the wall with a huge crash, causing her to make a small indent in the wall, and gasps for breath.

As she slips from the wall indent, small rocks fall on her. She hits the ground with a grunt. Miya tries to get up on wobbly feet, holding her side. The beast walks up to her and grabs her in one hand and lets out a derpy laugh. The crowd of elves chants what she could only guess meant 'throw'. The beast tilts its head and then puts her down. The crowd starts booing.

Miya takes this chance to walk up to its one leg and slashes it. She drags her sword up his leg a little before ripping it out. The beast tries to kick her but just stumbles. She grins a little before running behind it and doing a series of jumps to get to its shoulder. She stabs one sword into its shoulder for support and uses the other to slice its face. "Sorry big guy, gotta do what I gotta do." The beast tries to swipe her off. Miya gets hit but holds onto the sword she stuck into him. She swings her body back onto him. She takes her free sword and brings her arm up, preparing to swing. Her sword lets off a small gold glow before she slices his neck.

The beast starts to wobble and tips over. Miya rips out her swords and jumps off of him in the opposite direction. She lands with a roll then stands up, wiping a bit of blue blood off her cheek, although there was already a lot on her clothing. "There is no way this is coming out," she mutters to herself as the crowd bursts out in a mix of boos and cheering. One of the gates opens and she curses under her breath as she takes another battle stance.

Princess Quinn speaks common over the speakers, "Miya, go through this gate. I'll meet you on the other side!"