
chapter 4

having stayed in hospital for 5 months without any visitation and being crippled was the worse part of my life experience,I could admire others been visited by their loved ones and at this moment I missed my wife and kids Soo much, that I stressed out and was with full regrets, my blood pressure shot up unconditionally and I could see the darkness covering me and voices of people near me reducing in sound,I felt my soul departing from my body proceeding to the strange place I have never been before.i was in the darkest place I have ever come across in my entire life,to my surprise I was walking again, for a moment, I wanted to rejoice but the darkness freaked me out.then I saw a bright light approaching me, something Soo shiny like that of a sun but not as hot as a sun.the whole place became day because of the presence of that light, and I could clearly see exactly were I was,it was at this moment when I realized I was not on Earth anymore,I was dead! now I was in the world of the beyond,this brought a heavier heart to me.cloudy and white with nothing around but moving smoke all around was exactly the place I was standing,then I heard a pure golden voice calling me,I was Soo scared that my knees could not hold my body weight anymore, I bowed to the ground quivering with fear, and I heard,"my son at this moment I'm sure you have figured exactly were you are,your race on Earth is done, now it's time to see and inherit what you earned during the time I gave you on Earth."I saw the light pointing to the right side of the place I was, and the picture come Soo clear looking at it closely I discovered that I was inside the picture.i was in a beautiful place I have ever seen in my entire life,cool breeze, gentle sounds of birds singing in the air,blue rivers flowing gently,wild animals both predators and preys hanging together in peace,green trees each very fruitful, beautiful flowers all over.then I heard the voice,"my son this is a place I designed for you and everyone doing good out there,a place of endless peace, love,joy, life, good and enjoyment.this is what I want those doing good to others out there,those who are brothers and sisters keepers out there, those who are not self centered but priotise others as well, those that have me, the most high in their hearts and follow my will. This is their land. Because I designed Earth to be mortal and this place immortal."I looked around and saw beautiful sparkling happy people feasting and playing happily, singing beautiful songs of the the free and among them I noticed my late grandmother and grandfather with my little son who died some years ago,they Seem soo happy and I couldn't help it but shout out to them as I missed them so much,they all looked at me strangely and could not even notice me at all I tried to explain my self to them but seemed like I was mute to them and they looked away and their feast continued.i asked the light why they can't recognize me and I request him to let me join them.then he said to me,"my son in as much as you wish to be here me I desired Soo much for you to be part of this place.i have let you see this place because I want you to know what I have prepared for my people who don't fall for the traps of earth."as he finished those words I was out of the picture and back to the cloudy white place.then he said to me,"I gave you chance on Earth to make me proud but you chose earthly wealth, look at the innocent kids and kind wife you abondoned just for your selfish desires, what wrong did they do for you to neglect them.i placed them in your capable hands and all you did was to break my heart along with theirs. I'm soo disappointed with you."I falled down to my knees cried feeling Soo sorry and bagged solemnly for his Mercy and forgiveness asking him for second chance.And he said to me,"there is no sorry after death,all you have to do is rip what you sowed."and then he said while pointing to the left side,"with your fruits on Earth it's time to inherit your fate."I could see the creepy picture and I was faster sliding inside it,I tried resisting it but it is of no use because I was in already.