
ENCHANTMENT: Love is not Real, Power is.

Sophia’s life wasn’t perfect but it was at least going her way until fate decided otherwise. Stuck in a loveless marriage but still devoting herself to her husband, who treats her like trash, and sons, who adore her, she however, finds herself betrayed by the monster of a husband she has. He was certain she couldn’t live without him as she had built her life around him, and he was more than ready to put her through a new type of hell she didn’t know existed. Except this time, she was no longer the woman he met and lived with for five years. Would he wait for her to become the groveling ex just for him to prove his superiority or would she turn him into that ex? *************************************************** “It’s you I love!!” “But you are going to be his wife for a fucking year, Soph!!!” “It’s just 365 days, my love and after which, I’ll be out and back into your arms again. We’d get married just like we’ve always planned.” “Married? When I know another man is going to be sleeping with you for a whole year.” “Never! It’s an arranged marriage and I don’t have a choice but one thing I can assure you about is the fact that there would be no sexing or even sharing of a room.” “Are you sure?” “Absolutely.” **************************************************** “I don’t know if the terms of this contract was properly explained to you but…” “Being your wife for a year and going our separate ways afterwards.” “After you’ve given birth to my baby, of course?” “What?” “That’s the whole essence of this waste of my time. My parents want a grandchild and that’s what you’re here for… WIFE!”

Blessing_Ikume · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
86 Chs



After a long fruitless day at the bank with still no money for the settlement, I found myself getting dressed and ready to meet with Damien.

What exactly was I actually hoping to achieve? Was this situation as complicated as I have convinced myself to believe? I guess we'd never know for sure but one thing is certain, I had to save Marcus by any means necessary.

The seeds of betrayal that I had unconsciously planted in my own head had started to bear fruits which nudged recklessly at my own conscience. Suddenly, I could no longer go ahead with a plan I had hatched and plotted myself, and as though on cue, the door to my room flung open allowing my mother assess to the room.

Stepping in, she took long disgusted glances around, probably building, in her mind, the magnificent building her able son in law was soon going to provide money for. Once her inspection was done, she looked over at me with pouted lips, her eyes probably catching glimpse of the picture frame on my vanity table which had a picture of both Marcus and I, taken during our first year anniversary date on the beach.

"I heard he was arrested for assault." She did nothing to hide the lack of enthusiasm that piece of information had on her as she made herself comfortable on my bed.

"Who?" unconsciously fell off my lips, but I was quick to figure out exactly who she meant, "Oh! Yeah, he is."

"And he just might spend a few years behind bars right?"

"C'mon mum, why would you say something so terrible about him?"

"Something terrible?" She scoffed, "Just like him, I'm pretty convinced you are also unable to pay the settlement money demanded."


"I already called Mr Smith and explained the foolishness of my daughter to him and he generously offered you the last chance to accept the proposal." She cut in, not sparing a minute for me to explain whatever it was I thought would serve as a justification.


"It is for a really short year and after which you can do whatever it is you want; divorced or still married." Her tone was firm though her voice remained soft and low.

"A year?" As much as I tried to understand the surprise in my voice, I couldn't quite figure out whether or not it was due to the fact that it was a contracted marriage and not an arranged marriage.

Yes, there's a difference and a stupid part of me had hoped it was the later which would have led to my being married till whenever.

"Yes and imagine what a year can do for you." Her voice broke into my thoughts, as I turned both my eyes and ears back to her, "You would have saved more than enough to continue living the lavish lifestyle." I remained quiet, not sure how I should take this latest development or what was appropriate enough to be said.

"The contract has already been sent to Damien. All you have to do is just to sign it and all your problems, ours and even including his, would automatically fade into thin air."


Probably sending the reason for my hesitation, "If he loves you as much as he claims, he could definitely live without you for a year, especially when it means you both would have a more secured financial future."

I don't know why my mum words were suddenly sounding convincing, or maybe I was just excited to have another undoubtedly, foolish excuse to add to my list of reasons "why". The list seemed to have gotten so stronger after the silly mistake of a dinner I had with him.


When the only reason mum had to come into my room was fulfilled, she left without any extra bit of concern over Marcus' welfare. I said nothing as my mind kept on replaying the conversation that ended just a few seconds ago.

Was I considering this at long last? I genuinely had no idea and so I continued getting ready to leave the house.

Stepping out of the house already dressed and with a well secured container filled with food in my grip, I got into a taxi and went back to the police station to meet with Marcus.

Maybe it was the desire to completely rid myself of any form of lingering feelings of betrayal, or it was just an innocent desire to prove to my boyfriend that I still was his loyal, faithful girlfriend.

Whatever it truly was still remained unclear but as I stood in front of the building, I felt suddenly relieved and convinced that I had, indeed, made the right decision.

A visit to Damien's house was not something that could be kept a secret, if even it would happen, and it was better if he knew about it beforehand, not like I was actually asking for his permission.

"Sophia Richardson!!" A voice, laced with unbelief, half yelled in my ears, pulling me out of my semi conscious state and into reality.

Reluctantly dragging my feet into the building, I met with the detective from earlier who was kind enough to give us an empty room for him (Marcus) to eat, as well as talk freely.

"I wasn't expecting you to even come back here tonight." He said softly, keeping his head down like a cute lost puppy.

"Someone has got to get you something healthy to eat." I smiled reassuring at him as I set the food before him.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"What about earlier?" Feigning ignorance was something I shouldn't be doing but it felt really nice when I'm pampered by him.

"About me being rude and inconsiderate of the fact that I was making you worried by being here. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay my love. Seriously it is. I never took it to heart and neither was I upset even in the slightest bit." I gave him a wide grin and a light laugh.

"But still I need to apologize for talking so roughly with you."

"Well, if you're really apologetic, then you should show it to me." Immediately, he went down on both knees in front of me as I reached for his arm and tried pulling him back up.

"No, not by kneeling down but by eating your food… all of it." I couldn't help the giggles that fell from my lips.

"Thank you for being so amazing, babe." He whispered as he cupped my face in his hands, caressing my lips with his. A kiss that lasted for almost a minute finally ended and we found ourselves, smiling like high school teenagers who just made up after their first argument.

Now comfortably seated, he buried a spoonful of food in his mouth, chewing hungrily and noisily. As happy as I was, watching him eat happily, I suddenly felt the spike of betrayal that I was about to lodge into him.

"And about this issue, I've decided to sell all of my properties," his voice broke into my thoughts, "and also, I need you to inform my parents and see if they can raise something and-"

"I've decided to say yes to the marriage proposal." I heard myself say as I held my head down, afraid to look up into his eyes; the very same eyes I've lived to gaze upon.

"What? What did you just say you agreed to?" He said with an awkward chuckle, dropping the spoon noisily on the plate.

"I'll get married to Damien, Marcus." I said after summoning all of the courage in my veins.

"What in the actual f*ck are you talking about?" The chuckle was no longer there and that only meant he was no longer taking this as a joke; not like it was, in the first place.

"Marcus I-"

"And heaven help us both if you f*cking use the 'I'm doing this shit for you b*llshit' cuz I ain't taking that sh*t from you."

"You're right, I'm not just doing this for you but for the both of us, and the family we are hoping to have in the future." I tried to sound as convincing as I could, making extra sure to maintain my low tone.

"Are you drunk, Sophia? No, like seriously, did you start drinking or you started taking drugs?" He barked, staring holes at me and waiting for the response I should have had but I remained motionless.

"So what exactly are you f*cking saying, woman."

"I love you Marcus." Was all I could think to say, and I desperately prayed that it was enough to quell everything going on.

"Don't you even fucking say that. How…" For the first time in a long while, his voice was breaking in between sentences, stabbing at my conscience for hurting such a man, "…how can you sit your ass right opposite of me, look me in the eyes and tell me you are giving me back my ring only so you'd be able to wear the ring of another man." I know I should have said something to at least make him- well, I didn't. I just stared helplessly at him.

"Did I truly mean nothing to you? Or were you just looking for an escape route all this while?"

"Don't talk like that, Marcus. Please allow me to explain."

"Okay then, it's not like I even have the choice of not hearing the explanation." He had already pushed the food aside and was now focused on what I had to say with his hands folded across his chest.

"I honestly don't even have the appropriate explanation to give but I just need you to trust me. I desperately need you to trust me. Please Marcus."

"You need me to trust something I don't understand?"

"You know me and you understand me. Trust me, please." A very hypocritical thing to say, I must add, but I did say it, knowing fully well I would have never accepted it if the tables were turned.

"So what does agreeing to marry him entail for me... for us?"

"It's going to be just for a year and after which I'm back... we are back, stronger than before." The words kept falling from my lips so carelessly and recklessly, that even I couldn't help but hate myself for how easy they were to say.

"One year? Do you love this guy? Or did you suddenly fall in love with him?" He asked the billion dollar question.

"No, never. I don't love him." I said, extremely convinced that I truly love just Marcus, and no one else.

"Really?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, followed by a deep long sigh. "It's not like anything I say would change your mind and surprisingly enough, I don't blame you either."

"It's you I love!!" I half yelled, not too sure why though, "I mean it Marcus, I love just one guy in this universe and that guy is you."

"But you are going to be his wife for a fucking year, Soph!!!" His tone was loud but his voice remained low, and that was when it happened; the tear sliding down his cheeks.

"It's just 365 days, my love and after which, I'll be out and back into your arms again. We'd get married just like we've always planned." I said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

"Married?" He suddenly scoffed.

"Are you kidding me?" To his own question, he let out a loud laugh that echoed with clear mockery.

"We'd get married when I know another man is going to be sleeping with you for a whole year?"

"Never! It's an arranged marriage and I don't have a choice…" His face, although still maintaining a stoic expression, was radiating the intense hurt he was feeling, "… I have to get you out of here somehow…" I sighed in an attempt to find comfort in my excuse, "…but one thing I can assure you about is the fact that there would be no sexing or even sharing of a room."

"Are you sure?" He asked in a clear voice.


"I don't know about this? What if he doesn't approve."

"He hates me just as much, or even slightly more than I do, so be rest assured everything is going to be fine. It's just for the camera and you'd be surprised how quickly 365 days run by."