
Enchanting The Devil

Daphne Seraph thought she was unlucky enough when she woke up in a strange place filled with mystical creatures after a plane crash. But that is, until she meets. . . Her new goal: Find a way out of this place. Lucifer Black, the devilish young master of the powerful Black family, was quite dissatisfied with his boring life until he meets. . . His new goal: Find a way into her heart. --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/e72ZjJAhS5 Author’s Instagram: helemon_author

helemon_ · Fantaisie
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106 Chs

Dinner With the Blacks (1)

But what was the young master doing with a girl from the Brothel?

The mansion was very large and after making several turns and walking for about two minutes, they finally stopped in front of a large door.

Lucifer placed his finger onto the golden door handle and there was a click. He walked in, opening the door for Daphne to walk in as well. The room was completely dark until Lucifer turned the lights on.

The walls of this room were not red anymore, but they were instead black. To the right, there was a gigantic bed enough to fit probably five adults.

This room had less shiny decorations in it, but the table also had golden legs and the chair to one corner of the room was also made of golden edges.

To the front, there was a balcony but the door was closed. The white curtains were pulled open from the inside and she saw what appeared to be a mountain to the right. But, because it was nighttime already, it was too difficult to see anything else.

Lucifer walked towards the bed, taking off his suit jacket as he did so and placing it onto the bed. Inside, he was wearing a black shirt that pressed tightly against his well-built body.

He stretched his neck as he closed his eyes, saying, "You will be staying here now."

Daphne looked around Lucifer's room and couldn't help but think that this place was quite nice, even better than her old room and much better than the Brothel.

It would be a good place to stay before she figured out a way to get out of this hell of a place.

Hearing no response, Lucifer assumed that she had no objections so he unbuttoned the button on his wrist as he walked out the door again, "Dinner."

Daphne was starving so she quickly followed after his footsteps as they made their way through the gigantic mansion again, stopping in front of an open door.

There were two men standing outside the room, and they bowed when they saw Lucifer, who did not bother to acknowledge them.

Daphne kept close to Lucifer as they entered the room, and at once, Daphne froze at the sight.

Dinner? Was this some party? There were about ten people sitting at a long white marble dining table, with one middle-aged man sitting at the very end.

Everyone looked up when they heard footsteps, and seeing Lucifer was already a bit of a surprise, but when they noticed the girl behind him, everyone was shocked.

Lucifer walked down the table, not looking at anyone as he pulled out the first chair on the right, which was empty, and sat down. Daphne was still standing at the entrance, and when she realized that Lucifer had long gone, she was slightly embarrassed as she quickly went and stood behind Lucifer's chair, her eyes scanning the room curiously.

The first person to speak was the woman sitting at the second chair on the left side of the table. Daphne noticed that to her left, in the first chair, was Lucifer's mom.

The woman had her eyebrows tightly snapped together, but that could not hide her seductive beauty. She was obviously a fairy with her sparkling blue eyes that seemed slightly annoyed at the moment.

Her arms that rested on the dining table were so thin that it seemed like one could snap them in half like a twig, and the same goes for her upper body. However, she had curves at the perfect places, making her entire figure dainty yet seductive.

"Who is this, Lucifer?!" She asked, a hint of distaste in her voice. Of course everyone here also recognized the dress from the Brothel.

Lucifer slowly folded his white napkin, grabbing his utensils before calmly replying, "My per -"

And then, he suddenly decided to change his wording, "My girl."

Daphne felt her teeth shiver from the word, and she felt goosebumps crawl up her arm from the cheesy word. Of course, the other people in the room also frowned or expressed their surprise.

"What does that mean?" The woman spoke again.

Finally, Lucifer looked up and met eyes with the woman, smiling as he spoke, "And what does that matter to you?"

The woman's lips twitched as she felt embarrassed in front of this unknown girl, "Lucifer, you - Even if I'm not your biological mother, I am still your father's wi -"

Lucifer's eyes narrowed and the woman noticed that she almost said something wrong so she quickly cleared her throat, saying, "your father's mistress! I have the right to question the people you bring into the Black Manor."

Daphne did not want to get involved in this drama, and she was only here because she was seriously starving, and the food on the table looked incredibly appetizing right now.

Her eyes traveled from the food to the other people sitting at the table, and they all seemed to be younger, about her age. There were four boys and two girls, and they were all looking her way at the moment.

The stares coming from these dangerous creatures made Daphne nervous as she instinctively stepped a little closer to Lucifer, the only person she knew here.

Lucifer was going to respond, but this time, his mother, Aurora, spoke first, "Cerelia, the Black Manor has room for another girl. I don't see any problem with Lucifer bringing a girl home."

Her voice was very soft as she spoke, and she looked down at her food, slicing it. However, if Lucifer's mother had spoken, then there was no place for a mistress to speak anymore, even if she was the first mistress.

"I -" The woman, named Cerelia, tightly clenched her fists together on the table, but her eyes met with the eyes of the man sitting at the front of the table, and she closed her mouth.

"Aurora, you know this girl?" The man asked, his voice deep and hollow.

Hearing his voice, Daphne looked over and saw the man, who had golden eyes that always seemed to have a hint of menace in them which made Daphne very uncomfortable and on the tip of her toes.

When she looked at him, he also looked her way, and his eyes traveled down her body before he smiled slightly. Lucifer, who had begun eating, caught this with his sharp eyes, and he frowned.

"Father, she's a girl I picked from the Brothel." He looked up, scanning his brothers and sisters. All of them had their eyes on his girl, but the way the four other devils looked at his woman made his heart tickle with the type of anger that made him want to chuck a knife straight through their stupid brains.

As he had predicted, the five other devils in this family had also set their eyes on his woman. If he had known, he should have just brought her somewhere else.

However, Lucifer was not at all worried about his idiot brothers. He looked towards his father and smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes as he said, "And I'm sure everyone here knows that I like to keep my things to myself. And this includes my woman."

His voice seemed to change as he spoke, and the eyes of everyone in the room shifted from Daphne to him. Zagon Black, Lucifer's father, looked at his eldest son, and frowned, his lips pressing into a thin line.

After a long pause, he finally grinned, "Of course, my son. Your mother, Aurora, is right. If you like this girl, I'm sure we have room in the Black Manor for another. . . fairy?"

He looked at Daphne, awaiting a response, but Daphne was not looking his way.

"She will be staying in my room," Lucifer stated bluntly while chewing on a large piece of lamb chops, casually wiping away the bit of red blood still left from the half-cooked lamb.

Everyone in the room frowned, including his two sisters, Calanthe and Calindra Black.

"Your room?" This time, Aurora was the one to ask.


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