
Enchanter's survival in the apocalypse

Having lived in a turbulent world where men, magical creatures and beast coexists, Will, a previous store owner is reborn in the modern world where science and technology thrive. However, suddenly, "the end" is coming? As the only person who has knowledge about zombies and the magical phenomenon that spreads all over the globe, he is challenged to save his friends and family and strives to eliminate the dangers that sprung up on the way to find shelter.

Zyme_Camasin · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

ESITA Chapter 2: They are here dead or alive

"The end" really is coming. Although it has started rather mildly. Humans never imagined that the disasters happening around the world are simply a small fraction of what "the end" could really look like. An unprecedented disaster so catastrophic that it could wipe out the civilization as we know it from the face of the earth.

"Marcus!" Shouts a woman who sees her supposedly deceased son dash towards her husband right after the door swung open. Her son, contrary to what the doctor said, is alive and moving. However, she couldn't even feel relieved for the series of events that transpires next is out of a terrible nightmare.

Wearing the same outfit as before and the hospital's wristband with his name on it, it definitely is her son, who pounces on her husband, starts biting his shoulder, and rips a chunk of flesh from his body. The violence never stops, pinning his father down on the floor with all four limbs, the supposed dead man is taunted by the smell of fresh flesh and blood and couldn't stop chewing on his father's wound.

The father that's being eaten alive couldn't process what is happening immediately. A deep scream finally reverberates from the deepest of his lungs once the waves of pain finally reach his brain a moment after a brief shock. He keeps screaming and calling his son's name, but his son wouldn't listen and all he could think about next is the agonizing pain of his wound being nibbled again by his son's even teeth digging with all his might into his shoulder.

His arms were paralyzed and couldn't seem to muster the strength to push his son away from pinning him down. Maybe it's due to pain, or maybe due to confusion when he was told that his son died and only to be eaten by him the next moment he got to put him in his arms again. His mind is split between the relief of seeing his son alive and moving and whether should he be alarmed by what is currently happening.

Everybody around shook to their core once they saw the thick crimson blood oozing on the floor. The few nurses and the doctor tried to break the two on the floor from each other and restrain Marcus, however, they turn flabbergasted once they touch the cold skin of the dead man on him.

Baring his teeth and clawing at the nurses and the doctor who were trying to restrain him, Marcus' ferocious red eyes shots toward them with bloodlust. The next second, he grabbed the closest nurse by her ankle and starts devouring her fleshy calf. Eardrum-shattering sharp cry escaped her throat due to the sudden pain.

Marcus' mother couldn't believe it. Everything must just be a dream, a nightmare. The woman wobbles like jelly and her consciousness slowly fades as she couldn't handle what is happening right before her eyes, her blood pressure drops in an instant triggered by a complex mix of worry, fright, and shock, and faints right then and there. She falls to the floor while all the others moved away, scared for their lives. Her niece tries to save her however she was too heavy and Marcus could target them shortly too. Scared for her life, the hand that is holding the woman slowly turns numb and she inevitably falls from her grasp.

Screams and chewing noises fill the hallway. Most people who heard the uproar ran farther away, while some brave and nosey ones gather one after another to see what was going on.

Then, the sound of a dull thump of metal bashing into flesh and a crispy crack reverberates. Someone gasps while looking at the doctor holding a foldable chair while gasping for air. His forehead and neck moistened from cold sweat and his trembling hand's touch sensation grew dull from the traumatizing sensation it felt just now.

The doctor moved mostly on instinct seeing Marcus' terrifying face filled with popping veins and couldn't be reasoned with anymore, seemingly turned into something like an unstoppable violent beast. Reason finally returns to him moments later and finally realizes that he smashed someone's neck and stole human life. Contradicting his principles as a person with a profession that corresponds to saving lives.

As if the time stopped, the chewing and growling noise finally ceased, and the victims stops screaming and turned to grunts and wheezing to somehow ease the pain, while the onlookers calms down. Whispers behind ask what happened to those who saw the whole thing.

The doctor release the breath that he was unconsciously holding in. Taking another glance at the chaotic scene left on the floor, the doctor's eyes examine the man who caused all this. Marcus flattened horribly on the floor with a crooked neck.

"C-call someone, t-the" The doctor is about to beckon an uninjured nurse to call the higher-ups but he freezes mid-sentence. Just now, is it just his eyes playing tricks on him or did Marcus just bend his elbow to try and push his body up. The other's attention seems preoccupied with another nurse trying to help the father who fell first when he suddenly starts convulsing violently. Dark blue and green veins started appearing all over his face and body while his irises rolls behind his head showing eerie white and red orbs.

With a very bad premonition, the doctor could only mutter, "oh no..."

After a long while.

The next moment the mother who initially fainted opens her eyes, it no longer looks like of those who are alive. Her irises are unfocused while they shift so uncoordinated they looked like that of a chameleon. Blood oozed out the missing piece of flesh from her neck.

She's no longer alive, however, she could still move around, only driven by the primary instinct of violence and consumption of flesh.

Few such cases are happening afterward. Due to the lack of awareness, the doctors try helping those who were bitten, only to be bitten afterward. The hospital is filled with screams and blood splattered on the floor and walls.

"What is going on? Why's everyone running?" a male doctor asks as he sees a female colleague ahead, running with panic on her face. He can also hear screams and shouts for help ahead. He tries to peer in the direction where his female colleague came from, however, he was dragged away instead.

"stop dwindling, run!" the woman grabs the man by the sleeve of his white coat and sprints towards the monitoring room.

"Claire, what exactly is going on!?" While running, the man takes a glance outside the window and could see many people running outside. Whether they're patients, visitors, or even staff are moving away from the hospital as far as possible.

"Cannibalism! No, I don't exactly know what's going on but some people downstairs started acting violent and biting others off!" Claire explains without phasing down her speed.

"Everyone run! Hide somewhere safe and don't let any violent people catch you when you encounter them! Even if they are someone you know! They will tear and eat your flesh!" Claire instructs some curious and confused people peering down the hallway. With that, they hesitantly start running for their lives.

"The whole floor below is filled with all those things! Why isn't there an announcement about the dangers we're in yet? Where's the man in the control room?!" Claire complains while thinking for herself how much she regrets not listening to her son's plea not to go to work today.

She should have known, Will is usually very composed for his age, there must have been a good reason why he insisted on staying home for today. Now she knows better that she should have been attentive to her son's unusual behavior and listened.

When they finally arrived at the monitoring room, they could see exactly on the screens the dreadful situation on the first floor. Claire grabs the mic and informs everyone in the building what is going on through the announcement system all over the hospital.

"...Don't get close to them and get bitten or you will die and probably turn into something like them. I can't believe I'm about to say this but they're probably z-zombies!" after that, she takes in deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

"What? I watch those movies too..." Says Clair after seeing her colleague's skeptical look.

"No, it's not that... However, based on the situation, it's pretty much a fact that we are trapped in this building. Those things even reached the premise outside of the hospital and onto the streets. But some survivors found somewhere to hide shown on the monitors. Should... should we save them?" Claire's colleague looks at the monitors with a worried expression. Due to his profession, he would do anything he can to save the life in front of him when they were in jeopardy. But although a part of him wants to save them, he is clearly terrified based on his pale lips and trembling knees. He's not even sure if he could survive and see the day tomorrow.

"I think it is wiser to prioritize ourselves first. We might not even be able to save a single one of them and even put them in danger instead. Since they are locked in the rooms, they should be safe for now. We should wait for the government to take action. I'm sure someone already called the authorities or posted what is happening here on the social media" Claire reasons while scanning the footage from various CCTVs around the building. As expected, it is even more dangerous outside.

Thinking that it was right, Joseph wholeheartedly agrees. Although he wants to save those terrified patients and staff who managed to hide themselves, Joseph knows his own strength and weaknesses. Joseph grabs his phone from his coat and starts a live stream on a popular social media platform asking for rescue. Taking advantage that they're in the monitoring room, Joseph could provide a detailed reports about the current situation inside and outside of the hospital. Surely the authorities could make proper countermeasures thanks to this intel and increase the chance of a successful rescue.

Then, others start arriving in the monitoring room too trying to see the situation downstairs, and if they could escape the building.

"I think it's safer for us to stay or go up to the higher floor. Those zombies might be fast at running but it seems like they struggle climbing the stairs. We should find a way to block the stairway too while we're at it" One clear-headed visitor says while grasping the hand of his eighth years old daughter wearing a hospital gown.

"Oh no! We should watch out for the elevators too! Should we seal it?" Another one suddenly realizes.

Hearing that, Claire hurries to check the CCTVs on the two elevators and then realizes it too late that they're already in imminent danger as they speak "I think we should with that... right now!" with Claire's trembling voice everyone glance at the monitor.

In one of the elevators, a little boy crouches in the corner. The boy's head shakes up and down along with the camera glitch repeatedly. On the floor are three adults. It seems like they're injured. They're screaming and trying to get as far away from the boy, one of them starts clicking all the buttons in a panic. Under the boy is a man throbbing.

"They stopped at the sixth floor..." Claire's male colleague utters in a trembling voice.

The boy must surely be a zombie and everyone else in the elevator was bitten already. Soon, five zombies will be unleased above their heads. There's no way to escape now. The lower floor and outside are both dead ends while it's most likely guaranteed that the zombies from the sixth floor could descend or roll the stairs to invade all the floors below them and finally arrive at where they are.

"All we could do now is to seal the stairs leading upstairs or downstairs. We should go on with the plan to seal the elevators too... Everyone, this is a matter of our own survival. We need to help each other since we don't know when the rescue arrives" Everybody's faces turn grim hearing this, feeling the weight of the situation they're in. Someone even starts weeping.

"What about those on the fifth floor and below?" says another visitor about her concerns.

"My brother is on the third floor! We have to go save him!" screams a teenage girl while trembling. She is very worried about her brother's safety however seeing it happening on the first floor, she's too scared to even go out that door. She needs someone, anyone to help her dear brother.

The man with a small daughter in a hospital gown disagrees. He flaunts a disciplined and composed bearing and can calmly think about the situation and provide a plan. He must be in the military or perhaps a cop. Everyone naturally gravitates to him.

"We still don't clearly know the cause of those people turning into zombies. What if it's also airborne or could have other creatures as its carrier. I know you might think that I'm being paranoid but we should be careful about even getting bitten by insects right now. We have the vantage point since we have access to all the CCTVs in the building so we could instead help everyone by providing information without going out there and risking ourselves. I think this is a safer way"

"But my brother is in coma! How can he protect himself?!" The teenage girl starts wailing, and large beads of tears start bursting from her eyes.

The man considered his next words carefully to prevent inciting the girl even more. "Healthy and able men ran towards higher floors when they found out about the situation during the broadcast earlier. They could help your brother even better. You should prioritize your safety first. We could provide a plan and countermeasures for everyone in the building using the broadcasting system and monitor their situations right here where it's relatively safe. We can't afford to clash with those zombies right now. We have no weapons or morale to fight back..." with that, the teenager is now convinced and gets to think things clearly for herself.

Everyone promptly moves on to working on their plan.

"Will!" Rick returns to the living room only to see Will's horrified face. "what happened?"

Will is currently watching the TV with a flash report containing live streaming footage inside a hospital. Most of the scenes are covered with mosaic due to its gore content. People running and screaming, smashing things, and killing each other. But it doesn't seem like a normal riot, some people are actually eating the flesh off of a living person while they're screaming for help. Then the anchor starts mentioning about zombies and cautions the people in the town to close the doors, seal the windows and avoid getting bitten by them.

"Mom... that's" It was just in a split second, but Will is certain that he saw a flash of a familiar figure on the TV. Seeing the location of the incident clearly plastered on the screen, Will's brain stopped functioning. His heart increasingly hastens its beats, deafening him. Rick came into his view however Will couldn't see him. Will's world warps in red color and he feels like he wants to throw up. It's like all his fears are materializing.

"That's my mom! That's where she's working at!" and then, as if fate is confirming his fears. The live streaming footage moves out from the CCTV monitors and flash the face of the anchor as he starts explaining in the urgency of their situation and their next course of action. Besides the anchor is exactly the face of Claire, Will's mother.

Will just ignore Rick and directly head to his brother that is drawing illustrations on the table. Tom who heard his brother suddenly shout about their mother looks at the TV too. He could see exactly his mother with a haggard countenance on the side of the screen.

"Mom..." Tom's small voice leaks as Will blocks the TV from his view.

"Tommy, remember when I told you to strictly never use magic in front of others even to mom and dad?" Will ask in a really small voice only the two of them could hear.

Tom nods and displays a proud expression showing he was obedient to his brother's words.

"Good. I know you're a good boy. I still don't want you to use magic since it will be dangerous when bad guys find out about it. But we are going to go and rescue mommy together. Now, I will be reassured to bring you along when you promise me to only use magic when I tell you so okay?" Will says in a rather gentle voice and expression. Tom reassures him with a certain nod.

When overthinking, panic struck Will while imagining the worst-case scenario, however, when the real situation is finally occurring, Will turns as still as the water on the lake. He was provided with a lot of information during the broadcast and know the exact location of his mother. He could still save her only when he thinks calmly and initiate the right actions.

Although for normal kids, what Will said at the end of his sentence just now would be just a kind of play or sound absurd. It would be very dangerous for them and too early to go on and attempt a rescue mission. However, Will and Tom are no normal kids. Will is the most knowledgeable existence regarding monsters such as zombies in the world right now.

Based on the movements of the zombies it seems like they are probably primary undead. They are not even that troublesome to deal with compared to undead skeletons since they only need to crush its brain, whereas the undead skeletons need to be pulverized or bathed by holy water or magic. In Will's previous life, these zombies are easy to deal with since they existed since the beginning of time, and humans already have countless countermeasures for them. Will knows all those countermeasures.

"So I and brother are going to save mommy like superheroes?" Tom's eyes are sparkling with excitement. He's about to do just like what his favorite superheroes do in the films!

Will pat and rubs the soft hair on Tom's head. He feels less laden from worries seeing Tom's positive bearing.

Will is only confident to bring his brother and go to rescue his mom in that zombie-infested place due to something that they both acquired to survive and defeat the zombies on the way some time ago.

About a month ago, right before disasters started popping everywhere in the world, Will detected something that shattered his impression and initial belief in this world. In all of the years that Will lived here, he never detected even a single morsel of magiculus or mana, the power source of magic that is abundant in his previous world. He was naturally surprised about the sudden influx of mana all around him but it seems like nobody else could detect it. He was happy at the same time since he spent a lot of time studying magic, especially enchantments in his previous life. That knowledge finally won't be left to waste.

But then, he realized that such a big change is bound to have a catch. In his previous life, mana was a part of every existence's corporality. A very natural energy for that world, but not the same for this one. His current world's "laws of physics" is different altogether due to its absence. So Will thought that some big change is bound to happen.

Then, it is as what Will fears. The mana, the new energy that was absent all this time is forcing the animals to mutate so that they could adapt to it, or perhaps utilize it. Also causing big changes to the geography, weather... and the whole world itself.

Humans are no exception. Will, for one, has his sensitivity to mana enhanced, better than he could ever have in his previous life. Examining it thoroughly with that ability, Will figured out that although the mana is similar, it isn't exactly identical to the one he remembers.

Even now, Will still doesn't have any idea of the full extent of this new energy. Well, Will wasn't a sorcerer nor a wizard who was well versed in this study to begin with. He was merely a store owner who buys, enchants his product, and sells it for a higher price for the better quality. He was a normal person in his previous life so this is as far as he could go when it comes to the matter of magic arts.

Will then slowly thought Tom how to use magic for some very good reasons. To begin, Will needed to test whether the people of this world could utilize the energy and to what extent. What are the effects on their body and their environment. Although he felt bad for using his own brother as the lab rat but the energy is already existing anywhere, and it is bound to affect humans too sooner or later. It would be bad if it is left unchecked and cause unpredictable physical effects. Moreover, Will believes that the best way to protect his brother is to make him able to protect himself. Because it is not certain they could always be together forever, life is uncertain and the future is like the pitch black darkness where no one is certain which way is where they want to go. Having the power to protect himself is the best way for Tom to survive. Since something bigger is definitely going to happen to the world.

Will found out the effects of the energy to be vastly different from the ones he recognizes. Instead of "magic", it seems more appropriate to call it something different.

Tom has distinctive "abilities" as a result of his mutation. Two to be exact. That confirms that this energy is quite different from the one in Will's previous life. However, some knowledge and methods proved to still be applicable to it. An example is the capacity of human's ability to use them. At first, they could only use a small fragment of it, but over time, they might be able to use it for long periods of time and for a significant scale of effects. Of course it should depend on various factors on the user's side, for example talent, constitution, compatibility, practice, and even genetics. That's how it should be here too seeing the results of Tom's improvements in utilizing his "abilities" with the time of practice and grasp for its extent.

The magic that Will used to know is based on primary elements found in nature: Fire, wind, earth, water, or rarer ones like lightning, light, and darkness. While, the ability to warp space and time, telepathy, and enchantments are highly dependent on chants, spell, or magical medium.

The significant difference is, when used, the mana in this world itself causes physical transformation or manifestation, both inside and outside the body. Will decided that it is much more appropriate to call them "abilities" rather than magic. There's a subtle difference between the two.

Will and Tom's abilities completely neglect those restrictive principles from the previous world and can be used as long as they still have the energy. Tom can move things using his mind, and see far away even through any objects or obstacles.

As for Will, he could detect energy wave from a person or thing who have it, thus allowing him to predict their possible "abilities". That, however, is only a fraction of his detection, or perhaps perception ability. And so it happens that Will also has another ability, and that is to manipulate the external energy around him and imbue it on inanimate objects. Incorporating the knowledge of programming, Will could "enchant" objects with other functions. Similar to his profession back in the day. Or perhaps that is the factor that made him able to utilize the energy this way. Will tried teaching Tom how to do it too however, without the "perception" ability, Tom couldn't even begin to manipulate the energy around except for the one inside him exclusively for his ability.

As for magic or other abilities they could think of, Will or Tom can't use it except for those specifically theirs. Will can't move objects with his mind or see through stuff or far away just like Tom can. Spells and chants don't even work at all. But it seems that these "abilities" have a far more potent effects and room for growth.

With that and Will's prepared "weapons" and knowledge, he's confident that they could survive a horde of zombies.

Will grab his phone and calls his father. "Dad, where are you right now? Are you alright?" Ask Will to his father at other the line.

"Yes, I'm alright. Are you and your brother safe? but your mother... I-I need to save her! Are you at home?! You must be at home now, seal the doors and windows, don't come out, and wait for us to come back. If the authorities get to you first, you must come with them so you could stay protected. I need to go get your mom..." Will could hear the squeaking sound of the brake and honking of his father's car at the other line, he must be hurrying his way to the hospital right now.

"Dad, we're fine. We're at home now, we are far from the hospital... What about you?! What can you do to protect yourself?! Who's going to save you?! " Will's chest feels constricted, feeling that he won't be able to stop his father from his reckless action. Will's choked voice full of concern and worries rings out, sincerely hoping his sentiments would reach his father and make him prioritize his own safety first.

"I love you son. You and Tommy. I love you so much I could die for you. And I love your mother as much too. You take care of each other okay? Always protect your brother like you usually do..." With a beep, the line cut off.

"No..." Will's father probably saw the danger his wife is in from the news and went there without properly thinking. He's probably acting out of panic and has no way to save her or himself and could die before reaching the doorstep of the hospital.

Now the rescue target increased to one more person. There's no sign of the authorities taking action yet, they must be taking more precautions and improvising their plans. After all, no one saw the zombie infestation to occur. They focus most probably on countering natural disasters and their preparations won't be appropriate for dealing with the zombies without the right preparation.

"We need to hurry up before it's too late..." will run towards his room and grab all the weapons he could bring.

"Will... are you going outside? Don't tell me you're going to the hospital and save your mother!? What's wrong with you? Don't act so recklessly! What are those?!" Rick tries stopping Will but then he sees some dangerous-looking equipment among Will's possessions.

"Don't worry, we will be safe. These are weapons which are probably better against those zombies than normal guns. I have no time to explain everything so you have to decide now whether you will come with us or not. But you have to know that there's no stopping us to go. Including you..." Will says as he put on a backpack and secures the lock on his chest and tummy. He also has a belt with weapons resembling a gun and a big army knife.

"Are you kidding me?! You're a kid! And by we and us, are you planning to bring along your brother? Where did you get those?!" With a wide gape on his face, Rick is just utterly nervous for Will and can't believe in his words of reassurance even with that usual composed pretense. How can a pair of kids face the zombies? It's the zombies they're talking about! Why would Will's weapon be better than normal guns?

Ignoring Rick, Will proceeds to the living room and into the kitchen while the other is sticking behind him like a tail, trying to convince him otherwise with various reasoning.

Will grab a knife of the biggest size and starts putting enchantments on it. The surface of the knife suddenly starts glowing out of nowhere while streaks of lines slowly wrap the knife with a complicated glowing matrix reminiscent of advanced technology or a computer part.

With that, Rick chokes on his words and could only watch Will with eyes as if he no longer recognizes this person before him.

"You could stay if you want... I don't even plan to bring you along, however, even you could be a necessary help"

Looking at Rick, Will could detect he also has energy hidden within him. Albeit small compared to Will and Tom who have been practicing for almost a month now. Rick has been his friend for a long time now, therefore he could trust him to some extent. If Will's goal is to save his parents in the zombie-infested hospital, it is better to have more helping hands.

Rick's perception of the world just shattered to pieces. First zombies started appearing, and now his close friend has hidden powers?!

End of chapter