
Enchanted to Meet You

Qadira Aliyah is a young adult who's been struggling to meet and carry the burden of her family's expectation after her brother and father passed away. When the life she had been struggling to keep together for so long started to crumble, she found herself in front of a mysterious forest and entered another world far from the reality she knew of. Without much knowledge of the world she entered into, she struggles to find ways to return home. However, fate once again proved to her that things don't always go according to plan. She learned that before things will fall into place, she will have to first learn how to dance in the rain, wipe away the bloodstain, and stand up regardless of the pain.

Daicily_Marr · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Forest’s Entrance

Qadira stared at the numbers reflected on the screen of her computer. She couldn't help but feel disappointed although she already saw it coming ever since she stopped attending her online classes and started to miss her school requirements.

Aside from disappointment, the fear, anxiety, and hopelessness seem to have overtaken her and ironically made her feel numb. The numbers she saw on her computer clearly shows how her grades deteriorated over time. If it was before, she would probably cry over it and blame herself for not doing enough, for being stupid, and other things she knew she shouldn't say to herself but couldn't help and say it.


Qadira heard the door open and saw her mother coming into the room looking upset about something. She looked at her computer where her grade was reflected and immediately turned off the screen, afraid that her mother might see.

"What's the matter?" she asked. Her mother looked at her and said "Hurry up and finish your studies so we can get the hell out of this house" although her mother said it nonchalantly with a hint of comedy, Qadira couldn't help but stare at her. It was almost like an everyday scenario for Qadira to hear her mother's complaint about her aunt who she currently works for and is the one sponsoring Qadira's studies ever since she was a senior high school student. She understands her mother's frustration having lived in the house with them for many years. Still, she couldn't help but feel frustrated at her knowing that she's been complaining about it for God knows how long but isn't exactly doing anything to help the situation and instead just fueling it.

"I've been telling you that you have the choice to leave and do whatever it is that will make you happy," Qadira said to her mother. Her mother looked at her and she realized it was already too late to take back her words. She felt stupid to even bother to convince her mother when she is clearly aware of the reason why her mother can't seem to leave the house and stop working for her aunt.

It was because of her.

"I am waiting for you to finish your studies before I will," her mother replied. Qadira couldn't help but laugh at the back of her mind. Right, of course, my studies, my future.

Before Qadira could respond, her mother was already preoccupied with whatever it is she's doing on her phone. She stood up and went to the bathroom. She immediately splashes some water on her face hoping to block whatever unpleasant feeling it was that started to rise from her.

Qadira remained quiet and just silently stared at her reflection while water was dripping on her face. She couldn't help but recall what just happened with her mother. I really am the worst, she thought to herself and sighs. Qadira splash water on her face for the last time before she decided to go back to the room.

Her mother was no longer in the room by the time she went back. She must have gone out while she was in the bathroom. She went to her computer and turned-on the screen. Her grades were still reflected on it, reminding her of how disappointed her mother would have been if she found out the truth. Just thinking about it both pained and terrified her.

Qadira understands where her mother is coming from. She also understands that her mother just wants what's best for her and her future. Despite this, she can't help but feel resentful.

She was not sure whom her resentment was exactly directed to. Maybe it was resentment to her mother for putting too much pressure on her shoulders, or to her aunt and uncle for making her mother feel less and frustrated, or maybe to her father who passed away unexpectedly and forced her to be in the situation that she is in right now. Or perhaps, it was resentment directed at no one but herself.

Qadira rubbed her temple trying to ease the stress that is starting to accumulate from all the overthinking and self-loathing. What useless thoughts, Qadira commented to herself.

After Qadira turned off the computer, she grabbed her phone and started to read a new manhwa hoping to distract herself from the negative thoughts that she does not want to feel nor confront. Even though she's fully aware that her procrastination won't help her at all and will just lead her even close to the cliff, she just shrugged it off.

After a few minutes of reading, a notification suddenly popped up at the top of her screen. Looking at the preview, it seems like an email from the company she applied to for her internship. Her heart started to beat rapidly and her anxiety started to resurface.

She had a bad feeling about it yet she still hopes she's wrong. After hesitating for some time, she decided to open the message and lo and behold, it was a message of rejection from the company. She felt her heart sink yet she couldn't help but laugh at it, and laugh at herself. Fuck

"And there's my chance of trying to get my shit together," Qadira uttered to herself while mockingly pointing at the email on her phone. Although she was laughing at herself and trying to ease the situation, she was already on the verge of crying and breaking down.

Before she could react any further, her mother entered the room and out of reflex, she immediately acted like nothing was going on. She picked up her phone and decided to go outside and get some fresh air. She was afraid she would break down in front of her mother. The least she wants at that moment is to show vulnerability only for her mother to mishandle or worse, invalidates her feelings by either shrugging it off or making unnecessary remarks and not really listening to her.

Her mother watched her going out but didn't really bother to ask where she was going. It was a good thing for her because she didn't really have a place in mind. All she knew was that she didn't want to be in the house and in the room with her at that moment.

Qadira just kept on walking wherever her feet would lead her and found herself in a desolate place. There were massive trees in front of her as if they were making a gate to keep people from entering inside. Looking at it from the outside, it looks strangely eerie yet enchanting at the same time.

Qadira stared at the entrance of the forest with confusion and curiosity clearly evident on her face. Sure, they lived in the mountain part of the city so it wasn't unusual for her to see so many trees in the area. However, she didn't know there was such a place in the 5 years she had been living in the area. Strange, she thought to herself.

Having read many books, watched many movies, and heard many stories. It was almost an instinct for her to stay out of the place. Although she found the place enchanting and it fueled her curiosity, she couldn't risk it.

Nah, forget it, Qadira uttered to herself. Although she wasn't young enough nor superstitious at all to believe in ghost stories, nor myths and legends, the thought of encountering one from the stories, although fascinates her, is something she isn't sure she could handle at all in real life.

Cold air was suddenly felt by Qadira as she was standing in front of the entrance. The air sends her shivers although there wasn't a breeze at all. The familiar scenario she's seen and read many times suddenly hit her and gave her a massive goosebumps.

Motherfucker, I'm out of here, Qadira thought to herself and immediately turned around to go home. She was about to run as fast as she could, not caring how cowardly she's acting, when she suddenly felt dizzy. No. No. No. Not here. Not here, you dumb bitch. Qadira tried to convince herself but her body seems to not be listening to her.

As she continued to fight her hardest to not succumb to the dizziness, she felt her body starting to get heavy and her mind losing consciousness. Before she could even take another step away from the entrance of the forest, her body collapsed and everything went black.

When Qadira regains a bit of consciousness, she hears a bustling sound and murmurs everywhere. What's happening? Qadira asked herself. Her body felt heavy and she felt her head ringing. She tried to open her eyes to see what's going on but it was no use.

"The Princess is here!"

"Make a way! Make a way!"

"She's bleeding! Call the healer right away!"

There were different voices around her but there wasn't anyone whose voice she recognized at all. She had a hard time understanding what they were talking about as her mind was in total confusion and everything is making her feel nauseous. She felt scared and sick. She wanted to ask for help, but even breathing was taking up a lot of her energy. Am I dying? She asked herself. But before she could do nor process anything, darkness once again envelops her.

3 days later, Qadira opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar guy sitting on the seat beside her bed, asleep. The man looks ethereal with his pale skin, golden hair, long eyelashes, and a well-defined features and body. It was as if she was looking at a drawing of a man from a fantasy world coming into life. It was astonishing. However, the man appears to be way younger than her, perhaps around 15 or 16 years old.

Qadira tried to move her body, careful as to not make unnecessary noise that could wake the man. It was a good thing the man was in deep sleep so he didn't notice her removing the blanket and getting up. She scanned her surroundings and immediately noticed how big, extravagant and elegant the room was.

Where am I? she asked herself. She is in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person, yet oddly enough, she feels calm, at least at that moment. She tried to recall the last memory she had and she slowly remembered the forest and the voices.

She looked at the man and then the room., the man, and then the room again until it occurred to her. No way, there's no fucking way. Did I just transmigrate to another world or something? She asked herself. No, that's impossible. This isn't some manhwa or any fictional stories. I must have been rescued by some rich man? Qadira tried to convince herself and tried to make sense of the situation, but even she doesn't know what exactly is happening.

Looking at the interior design of the room, this was no ordinary place. Although the neighborhood where she lived were all fairly well-off, nobody had a house big enough to fit an entire house in one room.

Thinking about whether she really entered another world or not, she didn't know if she should feel excited, or feel terrified at the thought of being in an unfamiliar world with unfamiliar people. However, as someone who has massive social anxiety, it seems as though the latter will end up the one overwhelming her.

She tried to compose herself and remained calm. She knows that panicking would not help her at all.

Qadira noticed that there was a balcony in the room so she decided to check it out and try to assess the situation as much as she can. She tried to stand up but before she could take a step, she immediately landed on the floor, good thing it was carpeted so it didn't hurt as much as it should.



Rather than focusing on the pain she felt, she was more bewildered at the fact that there was no strength in her legs and it felt all wobbly.

The loud thud woke the man up and Qadira couldn't help but panicked. What should I do? What should I do? What shou---

Qadira's thoughts were suddenly cut off when the man immediately rushed to her with a very worried face.

"Sister, what are you doing? You still aren't well" she holds Qadira's arm and waist as he tries to assist her back to her bed. Qadira panicked and froze up. Think Qadira, Think, Think, Ah!

"Who are you?" she asked while pretending to look confused and frightened. She didn't have to try hard as she was genuinely feeling terrified at that moment.

The young man froze up and a hint of terrified and pained expression was clearly visible on his face. "You don't remember me, sister?" he tried to confirm hoping he heard her wrong. Sorry, young man. I have to do what I can to survive. Right now, this is my best bet as I still have no idea where I am and who I am in this place. I don't know anything at all. Qadira thought to herself.

Qadira looked at the man and instead of answering his question, she asked "Who am I?" adding fuel to the fire and confirming his doubts. The man's expression started to dim and although he was trying to hide it, he couldn't hide the anger and despair in his eyes.

"Rest for now, I'll call the high priest and inform father that you're awake" he said, and left the room without looking back.

When Qadira heard the door closed, she immediately laid her back on the bed. What now? What should I do? Mother of mercy, why me? It would have been nicer if I was transmigrated into a story I know, at least I am not completely oblivious. Wait, what if this isn't some simple transmigration story and I was just enchanted by some nymphs or demons who wanted to trap me in their world? The thought made Qadira shivers.

If it is the latter, then she might be in a more dangerous situation than she thought. The problem, however, is that she has no way of knowing which one is which. The latter is a story more common than the former. It is also something many people have claimed to experience unlike the former.

Qadira's head started to hurt with all the thinking so she decided to just observe the situation.

"Let's just do whatever we can," Qadira comforted herself. She also took a mental note to not take any food given to her by the people of this place. She's heard many times before to never take the food when one finds herself in an unfamiliar place because it was their way of trapping a lost soul into their world forever. With that in mind, it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.

Few minutes later, she heard the door open and there entered the man she saw earlier with two other middle-aged men. The one on the right side wears luxurious clothing with golds and jewels shining on his clothes. He looks so elegant and dignified at the same time.

The other person on the left side wears an all-white garments, from his gown up to his pointed triangular cap. Qadira assumes he was the high priest based on his clothing.

Qadira decided to not get up and pretend to be extremely weak. "Who?" She weakly stated while looking at the two middle aged men. She looked at the man earlier as if asking him to tell her who they were. The man hesitated for a second but he eventually stepped forward and introduced them.

"Sister, the man on the right is Emperor Boreal Novae III of the Kingdom of Sesbania, our father. The man next to him is High Priest Gallardi from the Holy Temple. He's here to examine you" The man said,

Qadira simply nodded when it occurred to her that she still doesn't know the name of the man who appears to be her brother. "You?" she added.

The man was confused at her question but it later dawned on him that he didn't introduce himself yet. Although feeling embarrassed and silly, he remained composed and looked at her. "I'm the crown prince, Odaxis Novae, your younger brother. And you are the first princess, Princess Erythrina Novae" Instead of answering him, Qadira simply smiled and nodded at him. So I am Princess Erythrina Novae in this world huh, a princess, how laughable. She thought.

The crown prince was startled by her action but was able to immediately regain his composure as if nothing happened. Was I not supposed to do that? Qadira thought to herself.

She wasn't able to fuss about it further when the high priest leaned closely to her. "Excuse me for a moment, princess" at that moment she can't do anything but just let the high priest examine her. He was chanting a few words, must be a spell, it sounds Latin or German, she wasn't sure, maybe it was neither.

A pattern appeared and it was floating at the top of Qadira's head. After the high priest finished his chant, a white light started to envelope Qadira's body. She thought the light would heal her but after a few seconds, she started to feel an excruciating pain as if an acid were poured all over her body and her bones were being distorted. She couldn't help but scream and her tears were falling.

She looked at the people in the room, especially to her supposedly brother and father to ask for help as the pain was becoming unbearable. However, both of them were just standing still and were looking at her in complete horror and despair. What? What's going on? Help me! Qadira begs for them, but before she could even utter a single word, she felt herself slowly losing consciousness. Fuck! Not Again!