
41. Babi Ngepet "Beast Mode"

Near the gate where the last battle was taking place, the Babi Ngepet had entered Beast Mode and turned into a giant pig after its HP went below 10 percent.

The magicians of the Gentayangan alliance seemed overwhelmed against the giant pig monster who constantly ran around the skeleton soldiers to attack the magicians instead of the skeletons.

While on the roof of a resident's house, Shiro watched their battle from a distance and thought, "Okay... Now what should I do?"

Shiro ran over the rooftops of the residents' houses and stopped on the roof of a factory building near the battle area and got close enough to examine the Babi Ngepet in Beast Mode.


Name : Boar King

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 48

Power : 148,000 CP

ATK : 18,000

DEF: 60,000

HP : 70,000

Speed : 50 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Ramming Beast

-The King's Call

-Physical Resistance : 40%

-Magic Resistance : 40%

Note : Big and strong, making the Boar King deserves to be called the king of pigs. Boar King is the beast form of a Babi Ngepet that has activated Beast mode. Boar King will return to normal when his HP drops below 10% or after 12 hours.

"Ramming Beast" can inflict 100% Attack damage with Cooldown of 30 seconds.


Boar King has a body almost twice the size of an adult elephant and has 6 sharp tusks jutting from its jaw, 2 of which are about 2 meters long. After changing to Beast Mode, Babi Ngepet's HP bar will return to full and its defense points will increase by 3 times.

"Damn! That defense is too high! Can I even hurt this Monster?" Shiro said to himself after looking over the stats of the Boar King.

Shiro took a few steps back and prepared himself to run and then jump on to the back of the giant pig, but a crack in the roof of the factory building caught his attention.

"Hmm, what is this?"

Through the gap in the roof, Shiro saw a pile of monster carcasses swarming with flies. On the other side of the carcass were several barrels containing a red liquid which looked like it was most likely blood to Shiro.

Several times Shiro had seen the residents collecting Monster carcasses and bringing them into this building before, but he thought that they would process the carcasses into food. After seeing so many barrels full of blood stored in this building, Shiro became even more curious about what the citizens were doing with the monster carcasses and the blood they had collected.

Shiro felt the whole building shake when the Boar King crashed in to it, bringing him back to the current problem at hand.

Shiro dashed towards the edge of the roof and jumped on the back of the Boar King that was now directly below him. He drove his short sword into the back of the giant pig's head, but the short sword broke when it was unable to pierce the hard skin of the Boar King.

"Ooh..key." said Shiro as he watched the fragments of his sword fall to the ground.

The Boar King felt Shiro on its back so it stood up and bucked Shiro off of its back, exposing its belly for a brief second.

Members of the Gentayangan alliance did not miss the opportunity and hurriedly launched a magical barrage at the Boar King's slightly softer belly.

The Boar King roared in pain and then fell on its side next to Shiro.

The magicians felt relieved to see that they took about 30 percent of the Boar King's HP.

"Hoy!! Do you intend to kill me you bastards!" Shiro shouted in annoyance, still lying beside the Monster.

"Get away fool! We will launch a second attack!" shouted one of the magicians. Without giving Shiro time to go away, they began to launch another attack.

"Tch! You damn witch!" Shiro complained while running away.

Seeing the Senshi return to attack him, the Boar King did not stay silent. The giant pig stood back up and growled in a very menacing tone that hurt Shiro's ears from the volume of it.

A few seconds later, the rumbling of hooves could be heard from the forest and were approaching fast.

The Senshi turned towards the sound and saw hundreds of Wild Boar entering the village through the gate running towards the Senshi.

PenggaliKubur hurriedly made a barrier from the ground to block the hordes of pigs that were approaching them, but the Boar King broke through the wall and let his subordinates go after the Senshi.

The Summoners hurried to summon Skeleton troops, but there was one young Summoner who looked nervous and failed to perform the summoning ritual. Because his defense was wide open, he became an easy target for the Wild Boar herd.

"Argh!! Help me!!" shouted the young Summoner who was being attacked by the Wild Boar hordes.

Several other Senshi tried to help him, but the distance between them was quite far and they were constantly attacked by the Wild Boar who were surrounding them.

"Hey! Give me MP potions!" Shiro shouted as he ran toward TukangSantet.

Seeing a very precarious situation, without a second thought TukangSantet threw a bottle of MP grade B potions at Shiro.

Shiro rushed to drink the MP potion and immediately stood up in style. He activates his special skills by imitating the Mage class's innate style every time they activate the skill.

"Darkness come, surround me, envelope all living creatures with your embrace-" Shiro became frustrated due to the long cast and finally shouted in annoyance "Too damn long to cast! Suppression!"

Shiro's dark aura spread and suppressed every living creatures within a 100 meter radius from him. 219 wild boars that surrounded them fell and died on the ground from the damage the 3 seconds Shiro could maintain the skill caused. The members of Gentayangan looked stunned to see hundreds of dead Wild Boars scattered around them and couldn't figure out what had actually happened.

Even though the damage that the members of Gentayangan received was not much, they still felt the impact of the Suppression skill.

"Hey! What the hell was that?!!" PenggaliKubur jerked his head at Shiro with an annoyed expression on his face.

Shiro pretended not to hear PenggaliKubur's words and dug at his left ear with a lazy expression upon his face.

"Are you all right?" said Shiro while walking over to the young Summoner.


Name : DarkWitch

Sex : Male

Age : 16

Class : Summoner

Level : 33

Title : Spirit Mage

Guild : Gentayangan, Member


"Whoops... I think I almost killed him!" Shiro said to himself when he saw DarkWitch's HP bar only had 2 percent left.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you..."

"D! Hurry up and refill your HP so you can help us!" TukangSantet shouted, who was still fighting the Boar King along with the other members of Gentayangan.

"Al-Alright!" shouted DarkWitch as he hurriedly retrieved a health potion.

It didn't take much longer for them to defeat the Boar King. Shiro and several Skeleton Knights became their tanks, so they were easily able to damage the Monster enough to force it to return to its weaker Undead form and then eventually defeat it.

Many of the magician's of the alliance looked exhausted lying near the ruins of residents' homes. Fortunately they could rest now that the battle finally ended.

"I don't remember the Babi Ngepet monster being so tough!" one of them complained.

Another nodded solemnly and said, "You're right, we will have to be even more careful if we still want to survive in this world."

Next Chapter: 42. Don't Judge Poop By Its Smell

Nusantara is the official name of the country where Shiro lives. while Indo and Indonesia are other names they usually use and are only known by the citizens of the Nusantara themselves. (The real world where Shiro lives is a fantasy world where the next setting for my novel ,New World)

received editing help from "Lord Sputnik". read his novel entitled "The Alterra Project" and "Lust, Power and Desire" . Any good people want to help me with anything please add my LINE : qyo25

Shiro_MSFAcreators' thoughts