
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantaisie
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702 Chs


Devrim was up early planning and preparing to leave. He had stopped by the Empress's room and found the doctor attending his wife's bedside. "I sent the princess to bed," the physician said.

Devrim nodded. He realized that he had been selfish to go to bed and leave his daughter shouldering the responsibility. "Thank you for taking care of her…of all of us."

"It is my duty and my privilege. I can think of no higher honor." Because the doctor had been present right after Zephyra gave birth, the news of the twins' parentage came as no shock to him. He knew of Aurora's love and sacrifice. Nothing could sway the doctor from his noble mission to help all of them.

"Please make sure that you, Spymaster Brinn, Anna, Mairwen or Cheif Zan is by her side at all times until she is fully recovered. I do not ever want her to feel alone." Devrim stroked his wife's cheek and she leaned toward it, but her eyes did not open. "I will come by again before I leave."

Now the grey-eyed man was outside the stable trying to make sure that his horse was properly packed. Junayd and Gandr were likewise making last minute changes. Zan, Brinn and Captain Caleb stood by as they listened to the Emperor's final instructions.

"Take care of the Empress. She will try to take on too much too quickly. Aurora cannot be allowed to mope, but she also should not throw herself into work in order to prove that she is fine." Devrim was speaking quickly. He was leaving his heart behind in Valiant, but he also believed that going was the right decision.

Brinn stroked her chin, "So you want us to tell the Empress what to do and how to feel? Should we also tell her what to wear and how much to eat?" The sarcasm in her voice was not lost on Devrim.

"I know it is a lot that I am asking. Perhaps I should not go." Devrim wavered.

Zan shook his head sternly. "If you do not go, the generals will send their troops to battle. Already a detail of navy ships is scrubbing the coast in search of Xander. Nurlan has the power to give the military permission to attack, and you know how fiercely loyal he is to Her Majesty."

"Not that General Nurlan would wish that any harm would come to Prince Alaron," Captain Caleb could not help but add, "but we cannot let Cafer's attempt stand without some sort of answer."

"Yes, well, then I will answer it myself. Once I have retrieved the prince, we can take a more decisive move against Cafer. Now I shall say goodbye to my wife and daughter."

Brinn cleared her throat, "Mairwen asked me to give you this. She said she is not good with goodbyes." The elf handed over a letter. The elf had not wanted to be the messenger because she had heard a human saying about them always being killed. However, Mairwen had begged her to hand over the letter, and she could not refuse.

Devrim scanned the page and grew pensive. "Thank you," he responded, much to Brinn's relief. He tucked the paper inside his shirt. "I must at least go and see Aurora."

"I think both the women in your life have thwarted your efforts, Your Majesty," Zan chuckled as he pointed back towards the palace. Unable to get a wheeled chair down the stairs without tremendous effort, the Empress had opted to be carried to the courtyard on a raised pallet. Despite the pallid look of her skin, there was a distinct smirk on her face. "You should be in bed!" Devrim ran to her as they lowered the bed.

Unfazed, Aurora motioned for her ladies-in-waiting, who were following cautiously behind the servants, to help her sit up. "The doctor told Her Majesty that he could not stop her from going down but that she should be careful. When she promised, then the doctor said that he would not forbid her from seeing you off, Your Majesty," Anna explained with a curtsy. It seemed like a very heated discussion had occurred in the Empress's suite. "Empress Aurora would like you to know that she anxiously awaits your return and bids you to be careful." Aurora smiled shyly as Anna spoke.

The dark-haired woman reached for a pen and wrote two words on page that a servant held. She turned the page so that Devrim could see. 'Don't die.' As Devrim took the paper from her, the Empress took two fingers, pointed to her eyes and then the man's eyes in turn with a serious expression.

Devrim laughed. "The same goes for you," he warned. "There will be no dying while I am gone." The Emperor tucked the page beneath his shirt to go with Mairwen's note. Delicately, Devrim took Aurora in his arms to hug her goodbye. She stood unsteadily to meet him.

"I love you," the woman whispered in his ear. It was the first time he had heard her speak in days. His heart leapt at her words, and he could not resist the urge to kiss her soundly on the mouth. She melted into his embrace before he realized the exertion from standing was probably too much for her. He gently swept her up in his arms and laid her back on the pallet.

"I love you too," he told her, "in case you couldn't guess." He allowed the servants to take the Empress back toward the palace, but she stopped them short. Anna called to Gandr and Junayd. With a bow, both men approached their ruler.

Devrim, Brinn, Zan and Caleb watched with curiosity. Anna was relaying information from the Empress to the men. "What do you suppose she is saying to them?" The Emperor wondered aloud.

Brinn pretended to interpret, or perhaps she could actually hear them. "Do not hurt Alaron if you can help it. Complete your mission. And whatever you do, protect the Emperor at all cost…"

"The last part sounds very similar to the instructions I gave all of you and Nurlan. Speaking of Nurlan, where is he?" Devrim asked. They did not need to muse long to find the answer. From the palace a loud yelling came that made even Aurora flinch.

Nanny, followed closely by Nurlan, came rushing out of the doors in her rarest form. The short woman's eyes were ablaze as she spotted the Empress. "Who gave you permission to be out of bed, young lady?! I ought to tan your hide for such foolishness. Get back to your room, now!"

Like startled rabbits, Junayd and Gandr scurried back to the safety of the Emperor. "Looks like Nurlan ratted out the Empress to Nanny," Junayd observed. Indeed, the gruff soldier would not meet anyone's eye. He had done what he thought best, but he did not like the glare that the Empress was currently giving him. Five of those looking-on at the scene all said a silent prayer for Nurlan for when the Empress regained her voice.

Only Caleb did not understand. "Shouldn't the Empress be glad that Nanny is back to take care of her?"

Zan stared at him blankly. "If there is one person who can control the Empress, it is Nanny. And if there is one thing that Her Majesty hates, it is being controlled."

"I am proud of him," Brinn mused. "It takes guts to make a career-ending move like that."

Devrim had not wanted to impose on Nanny to take care of Aurora. The Emperor was afraid that the woman would think of it as a demotion right after being named part of the Council. He was secretly very glad that Nurlan had made the move because his wife would be in trusted, loving hands. "Nanny is the finest nursemaid around. Aurora will forgive Nurlan eventually…. I hope." Either way, the grey-eyed man knew he owed the soldier a special bonus for taking a hit for the team.

If Nurlan had known the Emperor's thoughts, he would have said, "It was all in the line of duty…and it better be a pretty big bonus!"