
chapter 0: world of... something...

as was a good guy, hell I even had good grades, but I wasn't good in any other subjects though... well there's these subjects I'm really really interested in, it's history and mathematics and engineering and... well after this event that recently happen there's a new subject... and it's called-

"welcome to the new class, this class is going to study the new event... well it doesn't have an official name it's called the spiritual power, magic, ancient techniques, divine abilities, but we're temporarily going to be calling it psychic for the time being." as our new psychic said to use, his name is Kelt shiky, his psychic belongs in the pyro region, more specifically. "Conner stop quietly bickering back there!" as Kelt raised his arm and put his palm out, and came out a black flame that went to conners head. then Conner fallen off his seat after the flame hit him.

"damn!... wait why doesn't it hurt?" as Conner said after he realized that the black flame was radiating a Lukewarm heat and not the hot fire he was expecting.

"Conner? did you forgotten what you learned in physics about fire? if you'd forgotten, black flames is one of the coldest flames to produce heat." as Kelt said to Conner to answer his question. then Conner gotten back to his seat after that, and also he was blushing from embarrassment. oh, heat control is his ability. "now back to my thing... right, welcome to psychic class, now don't get psychic for physics mixed up... oh right you guys are suppose to be checked up for the amount of psychic you have and other stuff..." as silence met Kelt. then he pulled out a orb that's pure white from the cleaning it been through, the god damn thing was shining from who ever cleaned it. i gotten to forcibly look at other students from how shiny it was, and my classmates did the same as I did. after a minute our eyes gotten used to it I looked at the orb...

"sir where's the thing that's supposed to measure our psychic?" as Liz said to Kelt, Liz is the average school girl that's smart and... oddly an extrovert.

"it's there? what do yo-" as he was about to say the rest of the sentence he looked at the non-seen orb. "heh... Kaley did her self out again... but it's there, i need one person to come up here." as kelt said out loud to the class. then Leo went up there to the orb, Leo just moved back up here from the southern states and guessing from the climate from where he was before the psychic probably put him in the pyro region or hydro region, because Leo was at his beach home at summer break when that happened. as Leo went to the orb and put his hand on the orb, the orb glowed a bright orange then red, then shortly after, turned off the glow.

"Great Leo, you have pyro; explosion generation, type C impressive Leo." as Kelt said to Leo with a smile, oh right the type there basically the ability potential, attack/damage power, ect ect.

"now the next one, that's 1 out of 15 of the only ones of this classroom!" as Kelt said to the others and then beth came up from her chair and started to walk to the orb, you see beth... she was in a carnival when it happened and apparently there was a concert happening in the carnival... so I'm not sure on what she'll get. but as beth put her hand on the orb it glowed a bright silver.

"heh, it's a new, but it's some where in the Metallo region. and also an C/D, impressive another one... oh right you have metal manipulation." as Kelt said, then he said to the others.

"next!" as then kira went to the orb, you see that kira, Kira's a classic quite girl that likes to draw and listens to music, and also I see her painting in the small art room. but as kira put her hand onto the orb it glowed a bright black. "...okay this is the third time in a row that someone gotten a C in their ranking type, but you're in the hydro region, and have ink and paint manipulation." as Kelt said to kira. then Conner went up there to the orb.

"yeah yeah, your going to say next." as Conner put his hand on the and it glowed a bright red? but you see Conner, Conner is just a little bit over in the head because he's been in the soccer team and been more good at it then others, but he's been at the hospital for recovery of his shin being cut open, the flesh I'm taking about not the bone, it only teared the skin up just a little that it showed a bone. "what does that mean?" as Conner said to Kelt.

"well you're in the bio region and not, but you're in the bio region; explosive ligaments, it just makes your ligaments more powerful in a short about of time span when you use it, and also you're a C type..." as Kelt said to Conner, and then Conner walked back to his seat like the others did. "next!" as he said that Carl went up there and started to put his hand on the orb, you see Carl is the quiet kid in the class, and for some reason the one to give off tired vibes from he goes somewhere but the tiredness is like an on and off switch with him. but when the orb starts to show... lines?

"hmm... you're in the sono region and have volume manipulation? type... B/C?!?" as Kelt yelled in confusion at his type... I mean who wouldn't, Carl is just a quiet guy in the classroom and his psychic his him about being loud! I call this BULLSHI-!!!

"hehe..." as Carl giggled a little bit from embarrassment from all of the people didn't expect his psychic to be in the sono region. "that's uninspected..." as Carl quickly went to his seat and covering his head in his arms that are on his deck. then a couple of silence went by, then Aric went up there by walking to break the silence, you see Aric, Aric recently came from Norway, and he's a great friend to have. as Aric put his hand on the orb it glowed a bright blue and white.

"well, you're in the Cryo region and you have snow manipulation and generation, type C... okay is there a normal kid in this class?" as Kelt said to us as Aric gotten back to his seat as the others before him. as I went up there out of boredom and curiosity of what will I get, and as I placed my hand on the orb it glowed white. okay when I said normal kids in this class I didn't meant below average, hay at least your in the unique region, you're a D/F, imbue, -..." as Kelt looked at his clipboard. "-kai..." as he looked back at me but I was already at my seat looking at him with an bored expression. then Sam walked up there.

you see Sam is a good guy that's into story games and likes to roleplay as some of the characters he plays in the story games, and as he put his hand on the orb it glowed a white color. then Kelt looked at his clipboard for some reason. "well Sam, you have bone generation, type D, and in the bio region..." as Kelt said to Sam. then Sam went to his seat after Kelt said that to him.

then Eoduun went up there, you see Eoduun, Eoduun is a Korean kid that moved here recently from Korea, but as Eoduun put his hand on the orb it glowed a blueish black. "what does that mean sir?" as Eoduun said to Kelt.

"well you're in the umbra region, type D/F, dark manipulation, that what it means, Eoduun." as Kelt said to Eoduun. then Eoduun went to his seat. then Kagemi went up there to the orb, you see Kagemi is another transfer student, but Kagemi is from Japan, and he recently moved here from Japan, and he put his hand on the orb, it glowed a purplish black.

"what does that mean, sir?" as Kagemi said to Kelt.

"well you're also in the umbra region, type D/F, shade manipulation..." as Kelt said to Kagemi, then Kagemi went to his seat after kelt said that to him.

then Luna went up there by walking, you see Luna, Luna just came here from Italy, yes i know, another student that came from a another country. but as Luna put her hand on the orb it glowed a purple. "heh, You're in the aero region, type D/F, air wall... well it's definitely unique." as kelt said to Luna.

"yeah sir, it's very unique." as Luna said to kelt. then Luna went to her seat after she said that to kelt. then kelt said.

"next!" as he said that Dorothy went up from her seat and started to walk to the front on where the orb was, you see Dorothy is a girl that day dreams a lot, and she just gotten back from her family trip from New Zealand. as Dorothy put her hand on the orb it glowed a bright blue. "hmmm... well you're in the hydro region, type C, mist manipulation..."

"really sir? i have mist manipulation, awesome!" as then Dorothy went back to her seat, then as she sat in her seat she was swinging her legs in happiness? excitement? I Donno... but then Naia walked to the front, you see Naia is the girl that you see in the gym running around the gym and doing exercises more than everyone. but as Naia put her hand on the orb it glowed a bright white.

"...well you're in the bio region and you have survival, type D." as kelt said to Naia, then Naia walked to her seat and started to read her book about muscles. then Oliver went up from his desk and walked up to the orb that was Infront of the classroom. Oliver is just a guy that guy that's quiet and read books, he's a good guy when you become friends with him. as Oliver put his hand on the orb it glowed white. "heh, well Oliver, you're in the tele region, type D/F, portal." as kelt said to Oliver.

"heh, well that's awesome I guess..." as Oliver said while walking to his seat. then he picked up his book to read it. then Liz went up there, you see Liz, like I told you she's a she's smart and oddly an extrovert, but she's a great student that likes to go in a... well we like to call it a 'smatter' because she likes to go in a rant about science and other astronomy things. as Liz put her hand on the orb it glowed a pinkish type of color. "heh, well Liz, your in the aero region, type D, wind gush... well that's all 15 of you guys..." as he said that to Liz, then to the rest of us Liz walked to her seat then sat on it.

"...if any of you guys forgot the name of this classroom, it's psychic class, and you guys are going to be training and learning and be doing regular stuff that classes do, except we learn about psychic that happened a little while ago, so get your hopes up to train your skills up!" as he yelled at us with a smile plastered across his face. then he grabbed the orb then put it back in the box from where he gotten the orb. "oh right, do you guys know why your ranks F's D's C's B's?" as kelt said to us after he put the box under his desk.

"yeah/yes!" as all of us yelled at him.

"well, there's F rank they hold 1-100, D rank they hold 101-200, C rank they hold 201-800, B

rank they hold 801-1000, A rank they hold 2001-4000, S rank they hold 4001-8000, SS rank they hold 8001-10000, SSS rank they hold 10001-20000." as kelt said to us explaining the ranking system for the power. "oh the orb only show your overall rank." as kelt added that part after the explanation.

"wait!... so I'm the strongest in this classroom?!" as Carl yelled in wonder and fright.

"wait so I'm the weakest then?" as I mutter to my self exited, because I can play as a background character and no attention can be placed on me.

"yes that does make you the strongest, Carl." as kelt replied to Carl. "I didn't expect someone to get a B rank naturally, but you did it Carl" as he praised Carl a little, then he gotten back to his binder that was on his desk.

"right, you guys are going to be in a group, a group of 5-20, but this is a small school and small class you guys are going to be together." as kelt said to us while sitting down on his chair.

"wait, what do you mean small class? I mean we're below average and all, but why small class?" as Liz said to kelt. then kelt laid back into his seat and putting his arms behind his head.

"because the 'average' size classroom of psychic is 100 students, some times reaching 200 in some countries." as kelt said to answer Liz question.

"wait what?!" as all of us said together.

"what's this? a collage or something?!" as the Korean and Japanese kid said in unison.

"yeah what they said!" as the rest of us said that.

"... well it has to do with the new psychic classes, you see, the college psychic classes they reach 200 on a average." as kelt said to our answer... DAMN we're dwarfed in the students section...

"... well damn." as Kira, Naia, Sam, Leo, and liz said together in accidental unison.

"language you five..." as kelt sighed. "why don't we go and do something?" as kelt suggested to us.

"what do you mean?" as Aric said to kelt after a little silence.

"what do you guys want to do since it's the first day of the school year." as kelt said to us.

"how about we just do some of our psychic to test it out?" as I said out in a board tone because it looked like no one was about to say anything.

"great Idea, who wants to go first?" as he said that everyone raised their hands.

after the school day passed I started to walk to my locker, then Sam started to walk besides me along with Aric. "hay there, where's the smartasses?" as I said to them when I noticed the two.

"oh them, they're coming, you know them." as Aric replied, then I felt a gush of wind then I saw the Eoduun and Kagemi by us.

"what did you do?" as Sam asked them while we gotten to our lockers.

"we'd managed to pissed off Liz..." as they said while getting there stuff out as quick as possible and they kept on fumbling to grab their stuff.

"well you guys are going to be dead... what did you stole from her? her necklace?" as I said while grabbing my back and putting it over my shoulder. and as I looked at them they frozen in place.

"yeah that what they exactly stolen from me..." as Liz said to me.

"wait really? how? no actually how, you always have it on you." as I said to her in confusion.

"I don't know but they stolen it..." as she started to walk to Eoduun and Kagemi. then I gotten in-between them. "get out of my way unless you want to be with them..." as she started to size me up, but then she realized her hight from mine. "just hand me my necklace and I'll forgive them..."

"really? ok then." as I put my hand to them both behind me and one of them put it on my palm and I put my hand Infront of me. "there, they'd gave it to me, now here." as I put in her palm by dropping it on top of her hand and she closed her palm once she gotten her necklace back.

"thanks....Kai." as she said while putting on her necklace back on as she was walking away. as she turned a corner to go to her locker.

"...you guys are very lucky..." as Aric started to laugh a little while putting on his duffle bag. "what's next, you guys angered viki?" as he said while chuckling.

"no we didn't." as they said while putting on their backpacks.

"well where we're going next guys?" as Sam said to us.

"the den maybe?" as Aric said to Sam then the rest of us agree with him. then we started to wash out of the school and to a specific bush. then we gotten out our bikes/skateboard/rollerblade out from the bush and started to ride our way to the den.

"I'll never know why you always use inline skates, Aric." as Eoduun said to Aric.

"yeah, and why are you always riding a bike?" as Aric said to Eoduun. "and what about Sam he uses inline skates also."

"what did I do?" as sam said while slowing down.

"...fair point." as Eoduun said to Aric ignoring Sam.

"what I do?!" as sam said impatiently and started to skate backwards to face them. "what happened? all I heard was my name!" as Sam said to them.

"oh that, it was about me and you why we're riding inline skates!" as Aric replied to Sam.

"what about Kai?!" as Sam randomly put me into it.

"oh really?! is it because I roll on a skateboard?!" as I said to Sam.

"exactly!" as Sam said with a smile. then I gave him the finger. "awe, some one's defensive!" as Sam lured me.

"fuck off!" as I started to go faster. then I gotten hit by a snowball. "really Aric?!" as I looked at him with irritation, then I taken a deep breath. then looked back to Infront of me as i slowed down.

"so what are you going to do once we gotten to the den?" as Kagemi said to us.

"don't know, train?" as the rest of us said together.

as we gotten to our neighborhood from all of our talking. then we started to get to the end of the neighborhood and we see our Houses. then we gotten to the loop of the end of it.

"HAHAHAHA!" as Eoduun and Sam are still laughing from the joke that Kagemi made.

"damn, it's not that funny." as I said to them as we slowly stopped before the trail.

"HAHAHA, W-WE'RE SORRY BUT IT J-JUST IS!!!" as they continue to laugh. even when they're getting off their bikes. then they started to calm down when we were walking in the forest by a trail that me and the others made because we've been through the path a lot of times.

"...I miss nature..." as Eoduun and Kagemi said, then I slapped them in the back of the heads.

"we just gotten back from school and your acting like we just gotten a holiday at a boarding school!" as I said to them and then we gotten to the den.

"...can you guys explain on how you guys found a abandon mall here, like how, we're just a small town named Walker and we just have this thing of a mall..." as Eoduun said to us and scratching the top of his forehead, then Kagemi agreeing with Eoduun. "see even the jap agrees!"

"who the hell are you calling a jap? k-pop bitch! what about the Nordic vike?!" as Kagemi brought Aric into this.

"what about me?! what about the British-"

"It's France not British, vike!" as Sam cut Aric sentence off before Aric can finish it.

"oh thanks, the surrender-flag bonjor of a oui oui fuck?!" as Aric said that I snorted in interest of the sentence. "whatcha laughing about you Hispanic?!"

"... I'm native American, not the Aztec or Spanish." as I replied to Aric's incorrect answer. plus he gotten it wrong PFFT-!

"... really? excuse me but we've been friends for how long and I thought you were Hispanic not native American?!" as Aric said that we all bursted out of laughter. and after a good solid minute of laughing we started to calm down.

"now since we gotten our race got exchanged what else is in the ground bucket list?!" as Sam said that we started to walk in the abandoned, we saw the recognisable floor and ceiling and the middle of the mall that's covered in vegetation. and then we started to go from the first floor to the third.

"no like seriously, how did you find a mall that have five floors in it?!" as Aric asked the question.

"we donno, we just found that this thing existed from following our parents that one time." as I pointed to Sam and me.

"yeah it was a long time ago" as Sam added. "what? never saw a mall this big? hah! just check the mall of America, now that's huge, pun intended." as Sam waved his eyebrows in suggestion. then their faces contorted to disgust.

"oh FINALLY you get the joke, jeez you guys are more slow than a... I'm not going to finish that disable joke." as I started to walk to the left and entered a big room that's empty. "okay this room might have your thoughts in it, example, nothing is in here-!" as I gotten hit in the back from them. then I looked at them with a smile. "ok ok ok okay I'm going to stop joking about it..."

"alright, do you know what we're going to do in there?" as all of them said in unison of confusion. then I started to drag Eoduun and Kagemi in the room.

"you guys are going to train in the dark since it's in the umbra region and umbra means the dark." as i thrown them in there.

"wait I'm scared of the dark!" as Eoduun said to not do it.

"don't worry, the rest of us are going to be on the same floor so don't get to worried, and really? the scared of the dark? really?" as I said to Eoduun. and he chuckled nervously.

"...yeah sorry." as I closed the door and only letting a sliver of light in there.

"now you two, snow generation and manipulation... I think I know something." as I started to drag Aric to somewhere near the umbra duo.

"jeez can you not drag some one?" as Aric said while started to walk besides me.

"no." as I replied to him quick. "...hay Aric, after you memorize the layout of this mall you can be the boss... oh hay we're here, go in there." as I pointed to a room that has an abandoned skate ring in it.

"a bit random, but alright then temporary boss-man." as Aric went into the room and then I turned to Sam.

"bone generation... don't know about you make a bone for me..." as I said to Sam while crossing my arms to see how me makes it again because the first it was brown and black and blonde because people were blocking my vision on how he makes it.

"uh, sure?" as he put his arm to the side of him and it's piercing through his skin but no blood leaking out of the assumingly skin tight seal it has around it's departing bone from his bone I'm guessing from were it's protruding from.

"so you have a pain resistant thingy?" as I asked to Sam. and touching it. "are you able to detach it?"

"yeah it kinda is, and no I haven't tried it, it's to scary to do it!" as he moved his arm back down and retracted the bone with ease....

"...try doing it on your finger tips, scythe style not finger tip style." as i asked Sam.

"odd request but sure?" as Sam closed his eyes and I saw little bones coming out from his finger prints and finger tips 2cm or 3cm I guess? "oh hay I did it..." as Sam said mundanely.

"now try climbing the walls... now see you later I'm going to be doing my training!" as I waved to Sam as I started to walk off to a room.

as I started to get to the room i grabbed a deck of cards... "...heh, why not." as I started to use 'imbue' to imbue the cards

*"DING DING DING!!! you've used imbue over the necessary times, you have used it 9,999,999,999,999/100,000,000 times, do you want to used your chi and ki to use them? yes or no"*

"what?" as I backed away and looking around for the source. "who's there?!" as I started to throw the cards to hit some one then I heard,

*"YOU PICKED YES, wait until the things you passively imbue will be yours!"*

"...what?!" as I looked around frantically to see who was that, then I gaven up and laid back in defeat... "wait..." as I laid back I saw a screen that was on top of me, but now Infront of me as I laid down and looked to the ceiling,and it had a 35.6% on it when i looked at it...

(a little while ago, Eoduun pov)

as Kai left us in the dark room. "...so how do I train?" as I said out loud.

"I don't know, mister afraid of the dark~ hahaha!" as Kagemi laughed lightly at me. "how about try and make a ball of dark or something, I don't know bro do something at least." as Kagemi said while practicing with his shade from the sliver of light that kai gave us....

"this is why I didn't want to train because i don't know shit about it..."

"don't you have manwha or something like that Eoduun?" as Kagemi said to me. as he made me trip by my own shade.

"why?" as I said while getting away from the light and used a tendril of the dark and whipped him... "...you good bro?" as I gotten slapped from his shade. "yeah I deserve that... hay at least I made this thing, right?" as I pointed to the tendril.

"yeah I guess..." as he said while trying to make a difficult shape some how. "try making stairs out of those if you're going to keep stare on me!" as he said while stretching his arms...

"...sure." as I started to imagine a stair from my only tendril... "damn this I more difficult then, DAMN!" as i said in my mind as I slipped.

"you good? that wasn't even me this time." as Kagemi said while helping me up.

"yeah I am! a little death scare, a good way to pump my blood!" as I started to hop up and down and around the place. "...jokes aside I'm good... hay try surfing with your shade, Kagemi?" as i suggested to him.

"sure, why not." as he gave a shrug and he stepped on his shade and he started to levitated. then I gotten an idea and started to think about more tendrils from the darkness.

*DING DING DING! you both can't do that yet wait until your spirit and mana is higher!*

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" as we both said in unison and looking around for the voice.

"...oh it's right there." as I looked at what Kagemi was pointed at.

"what do you mean? what the hell are you pointed at?!" as i saw nothing and it seemed like he's hallucinating. "omg why..." as I thought It while stretching my neck. "oh so that what you meant... why does it have a percentage, Kagemi?" as I asked him.

"I don't know, you think I know?!"

(awhile ago... again but Aric's POV)

as I walked into the room that Kai pointed me to I saw a ice rink... "fitting for my psychic..." as then I started to generate snow by breathing out and snow came out from my mouth and I started to manipulate the snow to make a snow sword. "god damnit I hate this..." as my mouth grow cooler a little. then I started to manipulate the snow I made into compact snow and it worked... to a degree.

"...damn." as I started to walk to the ice rink and started to use the snow to stable me on the ice... "why did Kai said that to me when I memorize the den layout..." as I thought about it while I'm going around the ice rink.

"OH SHIT!" as I blowed out so much air to soften my landing on the ice with the snow and I made the snow all powdery and a little wet to safely cushion my fall. "holy hell..." as I started to cover my cheeks because it's cold. "damnit I hate this side affect of my psychic..." as I tried to make ice by adding more density to the snow.

*DING DING DING! you can't do that, your spirit and mana aren't high enough along with your mouth cold resistance!*

(a little bit ago sam's POV)

as Kai said that I tried to make the 'tips' go in and not the 'prints' and a little bit of struggling I managed to do that and walked to the wall and put my hand on it. "... this better work..." as I thought it out loud unknowingly and put my other hand on it. and as I put my full weight on them my tips came back out reflexively and fallen to my butt because that scared me because it pushed me out from the non-existent grip I had on the wall.

"damnit..." I decide to do it again. and as I kept on focusing on keeping the prints out and not the tips I felt my feet lift off the ground. "hahaha- Woah... almost lost my focus there..." as I started to climb on the wall.


as then I fallen because from the sudden noise. "who did that..." as I as I grown while looking who did that while I'm on the ground..

*you aren't able to do that yet, wait until your chi and mana gets higher!*

as I looked at the noise... and I'm hallucinating from the screen that's magically floating up in the air. "haha... why I does it have a percentage thingy?" as I said cluelessly while lying down...

(back to kai's POV)

as I hold me head in discomfort... "woah..." as I was stunned by the things I passively imbue, and some of them are in this mall and some are moving, I think they're my family... "but how? they're far away?" as I said questionably, I mean they're flickering on and off, and the lighting is staying consistent so I guess they're getting closer?

*100% is reached*

"wha?..." as I looked at the screen thingy Infront of me. then I saw my lichen, and it's chi and ki. "what does chi and ki mean?" as I said that while thinking about it out loud.

*"tap on them to see their description, double tap them you can see their description more detailed, triple tap them to see their description in visual context!"* as the screen said to me... it almost sounded human but robotic at the same time. then I did tap on chi. *"chi, chi is the physical form that you can make more durable bone, muscle, skin, organs structure more secure and better!"* as the robotic human voice said to me. then I gotten up and started to walk out, and as I did I saw Eoduun, Kagemi, Sam, and Aric was about to hit my head by knocking it but as they saw me exiting they stopped before they're about to hit my face.

"...what?" as I said to them very surprised because I didn't expect them to be there, but the other part of me expected to them being there.

"we're going back home now..." as they said simultaneously to me. "it's a secret..." as the looked away in different angles.

"sure then!" as I gave them a smile and can feel their... aura? feeling relieved? "come on let's go back home!" as I said while continuing to smile while I was walking in-between them then I can feel? them walking along with me.. but I didn't hear their footsteps and I know they're behind me.

after awhile we finally gotten to the exit. "where again?- never I see them." as I said while picking up my skateboard and started to walk down the path while I heard them picking up their skates and bikes, then I turned around to see them. "so how's everyone doing?!" as i asked them curiously and tilting my head to the side slightly, all though I can... feel how they're doing but I decided to asked them instead.

"good!" as they said with a smile... ok then then we started to walk down the path until we're at the entrance to the path and at the end of the neighborhood.

"see you guys tomorrow!" as I said to them while walking to my house, it's a two building and has a basement.

"see you tomorrow Kai!" as they said while getting to their houses, and as I entered my house I felt a relaxing feeling in here.

"home sweat home..." then I exhaled out of relief, then I went to my room... the basement. and as I entered my room which is in the basement I opened my door to my actual room, and as I entered it I saw my bed, my drawer, my clothes which are on a hanger, my books that has my drawings, my other drawer that I can sit at, my chair, then put my skateboard underneath my bed, then I went to my bed and laid on it. ".... open?... screeny thing open.... lichen?... ki?... status?-!" as I said that it opened up my status.

*"what does kaiser what?"* as the screen said to me questionably and I tapped on ki after it said that. *"ki, ki is the energy that helps you get around easily, ki is the energy that every living being has but some use it and some don't!"* as the screen said to me.

"really?..." as I said it to myself in question and in awe. "what's 'sight of imbued' means?" as I said barley over a whisper, then I double tapped it.

*"sight of imbued, sight of imbued is the ability that you can see the things that you imbued in a ten kilometers around you, and in 50 meters around you, you can see what they're seeing through their eyes!"* as the voice thingy said to me.

"okay..." as I said while triple tapping the skill, and I saw everything I imbued passively, then I looked around myself and I saw my family walking in from the sidewalk, then I stammered up to greet them... you see this world ain't a nice place to some people... this world is unfair, especially with my family... why do I get blamed for everything that they do, why do I get punished for being born?... you see, my kin was almost wiped out like the Europeans did when they gotten here... but it's worse than what happened to your world, in my world we gotten to the point of extinction for our kine... but I want to blame them so bad... but they made this, my people's land ... more advanced than what my people would've done... but this world is also more polluted than yours, hell our years for advancements are off, we're like entering the age of colonizing our solar system... but off topic, as I gotten my daily beating i finally gotten back to my room. "...they were softer than normal... is someone coming?" as I think it while entering my room and my screen thingy said *"for healing you have to actively imbue your wound/injury!"* after it said that I tried it but I failed Because I don't know on how to control or manipulate it with my will to do that action

"it's no use..." as I flopped onto my bed in frustration because I couldn't do it easily... "wait a minute...nnnn...." as I said while trying to imbue my chi and ki with them both from the screen thingy... *"you have activated a new skill, micro regeneration. it repairs your body better than the average human being!"* as the screen thingy said to me. "...soka....shit I meant, ok..." as I said while getting ready to make my bed.


as after a little while of making my bed I gotten into my now slightly but wrinkly bed sheets and blanket and pillow and I started to swift to sleep... then I finally woken up with a sweat.

*"you've woken up kaiser nova, you are now in the cave that you were thrown in by the divine, the abyss"*

"...what?..." as I said while getting my memories back with flashes... "....all I remember when I entered the classroom!... and then I gotten flashed by a bright light and I..."

(sometime ago)

...as I gotten up from the ground I saw that I wasn't in the classroom I was going in, all I saw was white marble, chiseled beams of marble, and the ceiling was high up, and I noticed that I saw my classmates and friends, then I seemingly teleported to them. "what?!" as all of us said in unison, and as we all looked at each other then I saw a, *"you've caught the interest of [free weather], [binding snake], [aqua], [demonic golden band], and five small time divine beings"* as I'm pretty confused at what the screen thingy said.

"don't be afraid my children." as a female voice said out of nowhere, and all of us looked for the voice, then a green haired, olive skin, and brown eye women apparently materialize Infront of us, then kelt went Infront of us protectively and another teacher?

"haha, it's been a long time since I've seen you, kelt, let me guess, your students?" as the other teacher said to our class.

"right on the atomic particle, Valley..." as kelt said to the teacher, now know to us as Valley, and it seems like them two have a type of rivalry friendship I'm guessing from they're tone.

"never changed huh?" as Valley said to kelt, and then the women that naturalized Infront of us suddenly spoken, I mean we did forget that she was there for a second there when our teachers meeting again.

"I brought you people here to defeat the new demon king" and as she said that our screen thingys gotten showed up but a different one from my screen thingy.

"is this a magical world of magic and sword type of stuff?" as a student said from Valleys class. then the green haired gave a nod. then I dazed out and I kept on comparing my screen thingy to the new one I gotten from this green haired lady, *(mana:10 strength:15 speed:17 agility:8 dexterity:19 stamina:14 | skills: smokey generation;0lv | unique skills: imagination;??? | level: 5)* and as I compare mine to everyone else I was lacking... severely... then as I started to hear after I gotten out of my daze of it, and I could hear everyone asking questions, then I yelled out. "COULD WE GO BACK?!" as then dead quiet arose after I said that, then I looked at the green haired woman and she said.

"...well it's going to be a little harder without you, but if you want to go back to your world, than you can..." as she said that she'd looked at me with a glint of something in her eyes but I must've imagined it, and a couple of minutes went by a portal, a blue warping oval shaped portal opened up and as I was about to enter it, I gotten a lot of request when I go back. "ok ok, I will do that for you guys!" as I said with a light chuckle while going in and as I looked at the green haired lady and I gave her a wave she gave me a smile... *"WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! IF YO-"* as I did get to hear nor read the rest before I sucked it seemingly to them.


"....what did she do to..." as I said to myself and my words reverberate around the walls of the cave...