"You are merely manipulating poor people and down ridden individuals to be a part of your campaign. A campaign of Lunaseekers invading Solstice." Leon shook his head in disappointment as he said that before clobbering up the Lunaseeker.
He slowly walked towards the child who was trembling in his feet. But Leon's tone was not the same when he talked to the kid as he had shown to the Lunaseekers from Kraetor earlier whom he had just killed a couple of minutes ago.
"Relax, kid. I am not going to go as far as harming someone as clueless as you are. Just answer my question, why are you helping Lunaseekers from Kraetor? They are invading and are coming close to occupying Solstice, why are you doing this?" Leon asked him with a heart broken tone. To see that the citizens he fought so hard to protect would instead rally behind a shady Empire which was now confirmed to be made up of Lunaseekers broke him slowly.