
Empire of blood

Ash was sent to a world that used to be made of hundreds of kingdoms, however, ten families conspired to make up a story about a bad demon king to scare everyone into joining forces. The coalition defeated the innocent demon king but instead of going their separate ways, they stuck together under a supreme leader, now, the world is all carved up into ten empires run by the ten families. The daughter of the deceased demon king vows revenge, to conquer the Holy Union ruled by the supreme leader. Her partner in the world domination plan is a helper she summoned from another world, Ash the Crimson Witch.

AkiraMei_ · Fantaisie
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128 Chs

Chapter 85

Pov: Bash

Location: Forest Empire

The lady I was stuck with in the cell was called Priya, the only crystal in our room was hung above her, it emitted dark green color, the black stones surrounding us absorbing much of it, leaving us in a dark yet bright room.

Her body does not seem tough, it's delicate and free of any scars. When she noticed my eyes were fixed on her body, she flickered her long green hair, bringing it to her chest and using her hand to comb through it.

"Want to know why I am stuck in this room?" she asked, her face maintaining a smile.

"I nodded," accepting her offer.

She looked away from me to the door caging us, it only had a small rectangle on the top with two metal bars across it, and from between them, a lighter green light flowed to us.

"I have something they want, a seed that awakened inside my heart".