
Emperor of the Fallen 2HGA

This is a history of a boy named Christ-Yne, broken by his loved one he decide to terminate his life. But resurrected by an ancient power. With his power, his destiny his has been changed. With his newfound power, his journey began. I will invite you to read... There is a saying: When you learn to love you must expect to be hated.

ah_yne · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Liliane

The royal family of the city of Heraclea. Their lives are separate from the others. Hidden from the eyes of the world for their protection. For, in the ancient writings, it was said that they are the descendants of God, a power of God on earth, it is normal that it is coveted everywhere.

When the last pontiff mysteriously disappeared a hundred years ago, there was never an heir in the sacred temple to govern the angelic faction.

During the last decade, the empire has been under assault, their power has been diminished.

This is why the Emperor has ordered the recruitment of new talented people, with or without blood ties, to defend their cause.

In the immense palace, two large thrones encrusted with precious stones of all colors. One is vacant and the other is occupied by a man wearing a crown that glitters with precious stones.

The person in question is Gabiel, the current emperor who rules Heraclion with a firm hand.

Despite his fifty-year-old appearance, he has already ruled for more than four hundred years.

His former smiling face is now replaced by a dark face with a troubled look on his face as he thinks about the events unfolding in the kingdom...

While he was in deep tough, someone is approaching the throne at a slow pace. When the latter is one meter away from him, she bowed. ''Long live my emperor.''

''You may rise,'' he replied.

Then she straightened up and sat down next to him. Taking his other arm, tenderly cuddling him and saying

''My love, it's already been a day, why don't you go and rest for a while''.

She said with a tender tone full of love.

The Queen of Heraclion, a middle-aged woman full of resource, sometimes help her husband to handle the affair of the Empire. when she was still young, in the past, many envied her not only for his unparalleled appearance but also for her intelligence.

He turned to her and said "What worries me most is the citizens who do not know how to defend themselves against, this enemy. I am afraid that,... I am afraid that... the same thing will happen again... Liliane interrupts him by caressing his cheek

"chuuu, don't say such a thing, you know very well that I am at your side to help you whatever happens. I have faith in your capability that you will resolve this crisis. You have your general, your children with you.'' then she leaned on his shoulder.

''Haah, Liliane call back all prince and princess who is on a mission outside and inside Heraclion. Tell them to be present here within two days. It's time for them to take their responsibility.'' He said in a firm tone.

'' But my love! Angelica left to perfect her power a few days ago and you already want her back? Do you think she won't throw a tantrum and hate you for that? Liliane argued.

"I know that better than you do, but I don't want her to be tainted, sigh ''. He replied.

''You are too protective of her, you think she will always be the child you have to take care of?'' She said with an annoyed tone.

''But she's my little gem, I need to care for her''.He went on '' However touch her will face my wrath.'' He said sternly.

Gabriel always has a soft spot for his little girl, as she is the youngest of his children. He spoiled her the most.

Annoyed by the discussion, the queen abruptly gets up and leaves the room. When she hears the voice of her husband echoed.

''Liliane, do not forget my word. Call her back with them.'' He said with a serious tone.

She turned back and bowed again, ''Yes, my emperor.

"You may rise."

Then she turns around and walked out.

Ah! women, women I will never understand them. Why get angry over a little discussion like that? Ouch, I think I need to rest a bit, My butt is a little sore. I think it's time for me to retire. Ha ha ha. ''

A few minutes passed after Liliane came out of the room. Gabiel spoke.

''You can show yourself now.''

After he finished speaking a figure came out of a shadow of a statute in the corner of the room.

"Jones, descendants of the shadow of God, pays his respects to the Emperor". Then he bows deeply.

''Speak up! Why did you come back here without the princess? Have you forgotten that I ordered you to watch over her day and night? I need an explanation and a more convincing one, otherwise... he said with a voice devoid of emotions.

"Reporting to my emperor" Jones reported everything that happened there. From the incident on the mountain to the opening of the door spacio temporal.

So that's what happened out there! You have done a great job of keeping me informed of all this Jones. That explains the uneasiness I felt that day.''

And then he went in front of a giant mirror looking at his reflection.

After finishing his report Jones expressed again.

''And now we have this Chris Cross,... What's his name again?

It's Christ-Yne, my majesty. Jones answered quickly.

''Do you know his identity?'' he asked again.

This subordinate failed to fulfill the Emperor's wish to punish me.

'' Emperor, his identity is simple and he is one of our citizens. And the princess seems... Seems...'' the voice stopped.

''Why did you stop suddenly? Speak!'' Gabiel puzzled😕

''Before I continue, you must promise me that you will not lose your temper, my Emperor'', Jones said worriedly.

''I'm calm as a river right now, my Jones, you can spit it out''. He said while returning to his throne and sitting down.

'' You may rise''

''Thank you, my Emperor''

''Tell me now...'' He said impatiently

'' It's like this, I think Angelica takes a liking to this boy named Christ-Yne.'' Jones closes his eye.

''Ah, my daughter likes that... Huh!!


He screamed so loudly that he shook the whole castle. Even the birds that were flying over the castle fell.

Instantly, he grabbed Jones by the collar of his garment and yelled at him. '' Bring her back here now, no matter how, but don't touch her. Have I made myself clear? Then he was sent flying crashing into the wall of the room like a bolt of lightning. Boom!, rumbling sound can be heard outside. After a moment, Jones emerged from the wall and kowtowed.

'' Yes my Emperor, thank you for your leniency.''

When was about to walk out of the room he interrupted him.

''Oh! Jones, you must bring that brat to me too. Dead or alive. Hmm, no, Bring all of them to me alive. Don't let them get suspicious of you. You must find something to make her go back with them. Ha! ha! ha!!. He laughed loudly.

'' Christ-Yne, I pity you''. Jones says with a sad look on his face, ''you met the wrong person at the wrong time in the wrong place. I only hope you won't die at his hands.''

When he came out. He met the Queen who ran quickly into the room. ''Long live the Queen'' she disregarded him but quickly interrogate her husband.

'' What happened here? What caused this? She asked worriedly.

'' You don't need to worry, It was just a temporary crisis that need to be released. That's why I asked Jone to come and spar here a little while ago after you went out.''

''Oww, I feel sorry for you, come with me. You need to take a break sometimes. Come with me right now. Let's go.''

She took his hand and pulled him out of the room.

A few minutes later, they found themselves in a vast rose garden that looked like another world.

''Do you still remember it, my love?

When we were still young and you promised me that we will go for a walk in this garden from time to time. But since you inherited the throne, you don't spend much time with me anymore?

She speaks quietly while playing the harp.

''I know but, it's not I don't want to, it's that I can't go out like that. Please understand.'' He replied with guilt.

I know, your citizen comes first.'' She said with a dejected tone.

Hey, I'll find a solution to it ok? Don't be sad.'' Then he embraces her. '' I promise you''

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